# Copyright 2011 by Graz University of Technology, Austria # MOCCA has been developed by the E-Government Innovation Center EGIZ, a joint # initiative of the Federal Chancellery Austria and Graz University of Technology. # # Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by # the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); # You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. # You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: # http://www.osor.eu/eupl/ # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the Licence. # # This product combines work with different licenses. See the "NOTICE" text # file for details on the various modules and licenses. # The "NOTICE" text file is part of the distribution. Any derivative works # that you distribute must include a readable copy of the "NOTICE" text file. test.noerror=This is a test error-message. No error occurred. ec1000=Unclassified error. ec2000=Unclassified error in the transport binding. ec2001=HTTP/HTTPS binding: DataURL cannot be resolved. ec2002=HTTP/HTTPS binding: StylesheetURL cannot be resolved. ec2003=HTTP/HTTPS binding: RedirectURL cannot be resolved. ec2004=HTTP/HTTPS binding: XMLRequest parameter missing. ec2005=HTTP/HTTPS binding: Unknown parameter encoding. ec2006=HTTP/HTTPS binding: Incorrect parameter encoding. ec2007=HTTP/HTTPS binding: DataURL server transmits error or unexpected response. ec2008=HTTP/HTTPS binding: Error in stylesheet obtained from the StylesheetURL. ec2009=HTTP/HTTPS binding: HTTP request to local CCE directed to unauthorised URL. ec2010=HTTPS binding: Error while establishing the TLS connection. ec3000=Unclassified error in the XML structure of the command request. ec3001=XML structure of the command request is not well formed. ec3002=XML structure of the command request does not comply with the Security Layer schema. ec3003=XML structure of the command request contains an invalid combination of optional elements or attributes. ec3004=XML structure contains an element or attribute whose syntax does not match the Security Layer specification. ec3005=Protocol version of Security Layer not supported. ec4000=Unclassified error while processing command. ec4001=Unknown key box identifier. ec4002=Unknown info box identifier. ec4003=Date to be signed cannot be resolved. ec4004=Supplementary object cannot be resolved. ec4005=Date to be encrypted cannot be resolved. ec4006=Algorithm (signature, encryption, digest, canonicalisation, transformation) not supported. ec4007=Error while executing algorithm (signature, encryption, digest, canonicalisation, transformation). ec4008=Error while parsing CMS message ec4009=No matching decryption key. ec4010=Info box command parameters do not match info box type. ec4011=Command not implemented. ec4100=XML document in which the signature is to be integrated cannot be resolved. ec4101=XML document in which the signature is to be integrated cannot be parsed. ec4102=Signature cannot be integrated in the existing XML document at the specified location. ec4103=Signature certificate not contained in the CMS signature. ec4104=Signed data not contained in the CMS signature or XML request. ec4105=XML document containing the signature to be verified cannot be resolved. ec4106=XML document containing the signature to be verified cannot be parsed. ec4107=There is no XML signature at the specified location within the XML document. ec4108=Encrypted date cannot be inserted in the existing XML document at the specified location. ec4109=Existing XML document is required but missing. ec4110=Existing XML document cannot be resolved. ec4111=Existing XML document cannot be parsed. ec4112=Encrypted data encryption keys cannot be inserted in the existing XML document at the specified location. ec4113=Data to be decrypted not contained in either the CMS message or XML request. ec4114=XML document to be decrypted cannot be resolved. ec4115=XML document to be decrypted cannot be parsed. ec4116=At least one specified encryption element cannot be found in the XML document to be decrypted. ec4117=No encryption element for binary response. ec4118=Date to be hashed cannot be resolved. ec4119=Date for which the hash value is to be verified cannot be resolved. ec4120=Selected info box identifier already allocated. ec4121=Info box with specified identifier does not exist. ec4122=Contents of the selected info box cannot be displayed as XML. ec4123=Associative array: No entry for the specified key. ec4500=The session expired. ec5000=Unclassified error in the viewer component. ec5001=Display of data of the mime type specified in the command request not supported. ec5002=Character encoding of the data to be displayed is invalid or not supported. ec5003=Data to be displayed contains unsupported characters. ec5004=Standard display format: HTML does not conform to specification. ec5005=Standard display format: CSS does not conform to specification. ec5006=Standard display format: Format of an embedded image does not conform to specification. ec5007=Standard display format: Signature for embedded images missing or does not conform to specification. ec6000=Unclassified cancelling by the citizen. ec6001=Cancelled by the citizen via the user interface. ec6002=Cancelled because of insufficient rights to execute command. # 3xxx # ec3000.unclassified=Error in the XML structure of the command request. {0} ec3002.invalid=XML structure of the command request does not comply with the Security Layer schema. {0} # 4xxx # ec4000.infobox.invalid=The infobox {0} contains invalid content. ec4000.idlink.transfomation.failed=Failed to transform CompressedIdentityLink with Stylesheet {0}. ec4002.infobox.unknown=Unknown info box identifier {0}. ec4003.not.resolved=Data to be signed cannot be resolved from URI={0}. ec4011.notimplemented=Command {0} not implemented. # Legacy error codes # lec2901.notimplemented=The version ({0}) of the security-layer protocol used in the request is not supported.