package at.gv.egiz.stal.service; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebParam; import javax.jws.WebResult; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding; import at.gv.egiz.stal.service.types.GetHashDataInputResponseType; import at.gv.egiz.stal.service.types.GetHashDataInputType; import at.gv.egiz.stal.service.types.GetNextRequestResponseType; import at.gv.egiz.stal.service.types.GetNextRequestType; /** * This class was generated by the JAX-WS RI. * JAX-WS RI 2.1.3-b02- * Generated source version: 2.0 * */ @WebService(name = "STALPortType", targetNamespace = "") @SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.BARE) public interface STALPortType { /** * Initial connection, get the first request. * * @param sessionId * @return * returns at.gv.egiz.stal.service.types.GetNextRequestResponseType */ @WebMethod @WebResult(name = "GetNextRequestResponse", targetNamespace = "", partName = "part1") public GetNextRequestResponseType connect( @WebParam(name = "SessionId", targetNamespace = "", partName = "part1") String sessionId); /** * Fetch the next request. * * @param request * @return * returns at.gv.egiz.stal.service.types.GetNextRequestResponseType */ @WebMethod(operationName = "nextRequest") @WebResult(name = "GetNextRequestResponse", targetNamespace = "", partName = "part1") public GetNextRequestResponseType getNextRequest( @WebParam(name = "GetNextRequest", targetNamespace = "", partName = "part1") GetNextRequestType request); /** * Fetch the signed references corresponding to the previous SignatureRequest. * * @param request * @return * returns at.gv.egiz.stal.service.types.GetHashDataInputResponseType * @throws GetHashDataInputFault */ @WebMethod @WebResult(name = "GetHashDataInputResponse", targetNamespace = "", partName = "part1") public GetHashDataInputResponseType getHashDataInput( @WebParam(name = "GetHashDataInput", targetNamespace = "", partName = "part1") GetHashDataInputType request) throws GetHashDataInputFault ; }