package at.gv.egiz.bku.webstart; import at.gv.egiz.bku.webstart.gui.BKUControllerInterface; import at.gv.egiz.bku.webstart.gui.TrayMenuListener; import iaik.asn1.CodingException; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.jnlp.UnavailableServiceException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.Desktop; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.MenuItem; import java.awt.PopupMenu; import java.awt.SplashScreen; import java.awt.SystemTray; import java.awt.TrayIcon; import; import; import; import; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.jnlp.BasicService; import javax.jnlp.ServiceManager; import org.mortbay.util.MultiException; public class Launcher implements BKUControllerInterface { public static final String WEBAPP_RESOURCE = "BKULocal.war"; public static final String CERTIFICATES_RESOURCE = "BKUCertificates.jar"; public static final String WEBAPP_FILE = "BKULocal.war"; public static final String MESSAGES_RESOURCE = "at/gv/egiz/bku/webstart/messages"; public static final String TRAYICON_RESOURCE = "at/gv/egiz/bku/webstart/logo_"; /** resource bundle messages */ public static final String CAPTION_DEFAULT = "tray.caption.default"; public static final String CAPTION_ERROR = "tray.caption.error"; public static final String MESSAGE_START = "tray.message.start"; public static final String MESSAGE_START_OFFLINE = "tray.message.start.offline"; public static final String MESSAGE_CONFIG = "tray.message.config"; public static final String MESSAGE_CERTS = "tray.message.certs"; public static final String MESSAGE_FINISHED = "tray.message.finished"; public static final String MESSAGE_SHUTDOWN = "tray.message.shutdown"; public static final String ERROR_START = "tray.error.start"; public static final String ERROR_CONFIG = "tray.error.config"; public static final String ERROR_BIND = "tray.error.bind"; public static final String LABEL_SHUTDOWN = "tray.label.shutdown"; public static final String LABEL_PIN = ""; public static final String LABEL_ABOUT = "tray.label.about"; public static final String TOOLTIP_DEFAULT = "tray.tooltip.default"; /** local bku uri */ public static final URI HTTPS_SECURITY_LAYER_URI; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Launcher.class); static { URI tmp = null; try { tmp = new URI("https://localhost:" + Integer.getInteger(Container.HTTPS_PORT_PROPERTY, 3496).intValue()); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { log.error(ex); } finally { HTTPS_SECURITY_LAYER_URI = tmp; } } public static final String version; static { String tmp = Configurator.UNKOWN_VERSION; try { String bkuWebStartJar = Launcher.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toString(); URL manifestURL = new URL("jar:" + bkuWebStartJar + "!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("read version information from " + manifestURL); } Manifest manifest = new Manifest(manifestURL.openStream()); Attributes atts = manifest.getMainAttributes(); if (atts != null) { tmp = atts.getValue("Implementation-Build"); } } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("failed to read version", ex); } finally { version = tmp;"BKU Web Start " + version); } } private Configurator config; private Container server; private BasicService basicService; private TrayIcon trayIcon; private ResourceBundle messages; public Launcher() { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager(); if (sm instanceof JavaWebStartSecurity) { System.setSecurityManager(new LogSecurityManager((JavaWebStartSecurity) sm)); } } messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle(MESSAGES_RESOURCE, Locale.getDefault()); trayIcon = initTrayIcon(); } public void launch() throws Exception { initStart(); try { initConfig(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.fatal("Failed to initialize configuration", ex); trayIcon.displayMessage(messages.getString(CAPTION_ERROR), messages.getString(ERROR_CONFIG), TrayIcon.MessageType.ERROR); throw ex; } try { startServer(); initFinished(); } catch (BindException ex) { log.fatal("Failed to launch server, " + ex.getMessage(), ex); trayIcon.displayMessage(messages.getString(CAPTION_ERROR), messages.getString(ERROR_BIND), TrayIcon.MessageType.ERROR); throw ex; } catch (MultiException ex) { log.fatal("Failed to launch server, " + ex.getMessage(), ex); if (ex.getThrowable(0) instanceof BindException) { trayIcon.displayMessage(messages.getString(CAPTION_ERROR), messages.getString(ERROR_BIND), TrayIcon.MessageType.ERROR); } else { trayIcon.displayMessage(messages.getString(CAPTION_ERROR), messages.getString(ERROR_START), TrayIcon.MessageType.ERROR); } throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { log.fatal("Failed to launch server, " + ex.getMessage(), ex); trayIcon.displayMessage(messages.getString(CAPTION_ERROR), messages.getString(ERROR_START), TrayIcon.MessageType.ERROR); throw ex; } } private TrayIcon initTrayIcon() { //ResourceBundle messages, BKUControllerInterface bkuHook) { if (SystemTray.isSupported()) { try { // get the SystemTray instance SystemTray tray = SystemTray.getSystemTray(); log.debug("TrayIcon size: " + tray.getTrayIconSize()); String iconResource = (tray.getTrayIconSize().height < 25) ? TRAYICON_RESOURCE + "24.png" : TRAYICON_RESOURCE + "32.png"; Image image =; TrayMenuListener listener = new TrayMenuListener(this, messages, version); PopupMenu popup = new PopupMenu(); MenuItem shutdownItem = new MenuItem(messages.getString(LABEL_SHUTDOWN)); shutdownItem.addActionListener(listener); shutdownItem.setActionCommand(TrayMenuListener.SHUTDOWN_COMMAND); popup.add(shutdownItem); MenuItem aboutItem = new MenuItem(messages.getString(LABEL_ABOUT)); aboutItem.setActionCommand(TrayMenuListener.ABOUT_COMMAND); aboutItem.addActionListener(listener); popup.add(aboutItem); TrayIcon ti = new TrayIcon(image, messages.getString(TOOLTIP_DEFAULT), popup); ti.addActionListener(listener); tray.add(ti); return ti; } catch (AWTException ex) { log.error("Failed to init tray icon", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("Failed to load tray icon image", ex); } } else { log.error("No system tray support"); } return null; } private void initStart() { try { trayIcon.displayMessage(messages.getString(CAPTION_DEFAULT), messages.getString(MESSAGE_START), TrayIcon.MessageType.INFO); basicService = (BasicService) ServiceManager.lookup("javax.jnlp.BasicService"); if (basicService.isOffline()) {"launching MOCCA Web Start offline"); trayIcon.displayMessage(messages.getString(CAPTION_DEFAULT), messages.getString(MESSAGE_START_OFFLINE), TrayIcon.MessageType.INFO); } else {"launching MOCCA Web Start online"); } } catch (UnavailableServiceException ex) {"Failed to obtain JNLP service: " + ex.getMessage()); } } private void initConfig() throws IOException, CodingException, GeneralSecurityException { trayIcon.displayMessage(messages.getString(CAPTION_DEFAULT), messages.getString(MESSAGE_CONFIG), TrayIcon.MessageType.INFO); config = new Configurator(); config.ensureConfiguration(); trayIcon.displayMessage(messages.getString(CAPTION_DEFAULT), messages.getString(MESSAGE_CERTS), TrayIcon.MessageType.INFO); config.ensureCertificates(); } private void startServer() throws Exception {"init servlet container and MOCCA webapp"); // trayIcon.displayMessage(messages.getString(CAPTION_DEFAULT), // messages.getString(MESSAGE_START), TrayIcon.MessageType.INFO); server = new Container(); server.init(); server.start(); } private void initFinished() { try { trayIcon.displayMessage(messages.getString(CAPTION_DEFAULT), messages.getString(MESSAGE_FINISHED), TrayIcon.MessageType.INFO); // standalone (non-webstart) version has splashscreen if (SplashScreen.getSplashScreen() != null) { try { SplashScreen.getSplashScreen().close(); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { log.warn("Failed to close splash screen: " + ex.getMessage()); } } if (config.isCertRenewed()) { // don't use basicService.showDocument(), which causes a java ssl warning dialog if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) { Desktop desktop = Desktop.getDesktop(); if (desktop.isSupported(Desktop.Action.BROWSE)) { try { desktop.browse(HTTPS_SECURITY_LAYER_URI); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("failed to open system browser, install TLS certificate manually: " + HTTPS_SECURITY_LAYER_URI, ex); } } else { log.error("failed to open system browser, install TLS certificate manually: " + HTTPS_SECURITY_LAYER_URI); } } else { log.error("failed to open system browser, install TLS certificate manually: " + HTTPS_SECURITY_LAYER_URI); } }"BKU successfully started"); server.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("failed to join server: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public void shutDown() {"Shutting down server"); trayIcon.displayMessage(messages.getString(CAPTION_DEFAULT), messages.getString(MESSAGE_SHUTDOWN), TrayIcon.MessageType.INFO); if ((server != null) && (server.isRunning())) { try { if (server.isRunning()) { server.stop(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(e.toString()); } finally { if (server.isRunning()) { server.destroy(); } } } System.exit(0); } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException { try { Launcher launcher = new Launcher(); launcher.launch(); } catch (Exception ex) {"waiting to shutdown..."); Thread.sleep(5000);"exit"); System.exit(-1000); } } }