<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
  <name>MOCCA Webstart</name>

      <!-- Include the BKULocal war artifact in the BKUWebStart jar
       |   BKULauncher resolves resource and copies it to jetty's webapp dir 
       |   don't: overlay BKULocal with maven-war-plugin 
       |   don't: unpack BKULocal dependency (jetty and webstart classloaders interfere) -->


              <alias>test-applet signer</alias>


      <!-- development profile -->

          <!-- use pkcs11-patched webstart-maven-plugin-->

      <!-- TODO somehow provide javaws.jar on manifest class-path -->

      This profile is here for triggering when another scm than svn is
      used (for example git). Instead of getting the version build number
      from svn we will use the build date and the user name.
                    def gitSvnProc = ["sh", "-c", "git svn info | awk '/Revision:/ { print \$2 }'"].execute()
                    project.properties['gitSvnRev'] = gitSvnProc.in.text.trim()

    <!-- ATTENTION update of application descriptor (jnlp file) is special...
     |   The JNLP Client must use the Last-Modified header field returned by
     |   the Web Server to determine if a newer JNLP file is present on the Web
     |   server.
     |   Don't assume changes to the descriptor (changes in dependencies) to
     |   appear directly on the client descriptor (even if 'update available'
     |   was shown to user).
     |   Note: Download via browser ensures the updated jnlp file is used. -->
      <!-- make dependency not transitive -->
    <!-- Jetty 6.1.15+ required, see
     |   http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JETTY-843
    <!-- JSP support
     |   http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JETTY-827
     |   jsp-2.1-jetty-6.1.19 depends on the required jsp-2.1-glassfish jars (?)

    <!-- javax.jnlp.* not included in SUN JDK's rt.jar,
     |   don't declare here if using OpenJDK -->