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  <name>BKU Fonts</name>
    This module is used in validator(s) and viewer and is a direct dependency of
      - BKUViewer (attention, this is the validator!)
        TextValidator depends on the fonts. (compile scope, make available for BKULocal/Online TextValidator)
        (TextValidator should rather use a FontProvider)
      - BKUOnline:
          - direct/provided if jar inclusion in applet dir, but do not enforce inclusion as WEB-INF/lib
          - transitive from BKUViewer if unpack-fonts to applet dir
      - removed the BKUCommonGUI (runtime; propagate dependency to BKUApplet):
          no real dependency: BKUCommonGUI contains SecureFontProvider interface only
          (which does not state how fonts are loaded); implementations should depend no BKUFonts
          (ResourceFontLoader in BKULocal depends on the fonts, however URLFontLoader in BKUApplet doesn't.
          BKUOnline however depends on BKUFonts for providing the fonts as web-resource for the applet)

    at.gv.egiz.bku.text.TextValidator and xxx.LocalFontProvider load fonts from classpath,
    resource name must be known, TODO: encapsulate resource loading (FontProvider constants?)

    at.gv.egiz.bku.online.applet.URLFontLoader loads (unpacked) font files from applet codebase, 
    resource names _must_ be known since applet has no BKUFonts dependency
