/* * Copyright 2008 Federal Chancellery Austria and * Graz University of Technology * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package at.gv.egiz.bku.gui; import at.gv.egiz.stal.HashDataInput; import at.gv.egiz.smcc.PINSpec; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.net.URL; import java.util.List; public interface BKUGUIFacade { public static final String ERR_UNKNOWN = "error.unknown"; public static final String ERR_SERVICE_UNREACHABLE = "error.ws.unreachable"; public static final String ERR_NO_PCSC = "error.pcsc"; public static final String ERR_NO_CARDTERMINAL = "error.cardterminal"; public static final String ERR_NO_HASHDATA = "error.no.hashdata"; public static final String ERR_DISPLAY_HASHDATA = "error.display.hashdata"; public static final String ERR_WRITE_HASHDATA = "error.write.hashdata"; public static final String ERR_INVALID_HASH = "error.invalid.hash"; public static final String ERR_CARD_LOCKED = "error.card.locked"; public static final String ERR_CARD_NOTACTIVATED = "error.card.notactivated"; public static final String MESSAGES_BUNDLE = "at/gv/egiz/bku/gui/Messages"; public static final String DEFAULT_BACKGROUND = "/images/BackgroundChipperling.png"; public static final String HELP_IMG = "/images/help.png"; public static final String HASHDATA_FONT = "Monospaced"; public static final Color ERROR_COLOR = Color.RED; public static final Color HYPERLINK_COLOR = Color.BLUE; public static final String TITLE_WELCOME = "title.welcome"; public static final String TITLE_INSERTCARD = "title.insertcard"; public static final String TITLE_CARD_NOT_SUPPORTED = "title.cardnotsupported"; public static final String TITLE_CARDPIN = "title.cardpin"; public static final String TITLE_SIGN = "title.sign"; public static final String TITLE_ERROR = "title.error"; public static final String TITLE_RETRY = "title.retry"; public static final String TITLE_WAIT = "title.wait"; public static final String TITLE_HASHDATA = "title.hashdata"; public static final String WINDOWTITLE_SAVE = "windowtitle.save"; public static final String WINDOWTITLE_SAVEDIR = "windowtitle.savedir"; public static final String WINDOWTITLE_OVERWRITE = "windowtitle.overwrite"; public static final String MESSAGE_WAIT = "message.wait"; public static final String MESSAGE_INSERTCARD = "message.insertcard"; public static final String MESSAGE_ENTERPIN = "message.enterpin"; public static final String MESSAGE_HASHDATALINK = "message.hashdatalink"; public static final String MESSAGE_HASHDATA = "message.hashdata"; public static final String MESSAGE_HASHDATALIST = "message.hashdatalist"; public static final String MESSAGE_RETRIES = "message.retries"; public static final String MESSAGE_OVERWRITE = "message.overwrite"; public static final String LABEL_PIN = "label.pin"; public static final String LABEL_PINSIZE = "label.pinsize"; // public static final String ERROR_NO_HASHDATA = "error.no.hashdata"; public static final String HELP_WELCOME = "help.welcome"; public static final String HELP_WAIT = "help.wait"; public static final String HELP_CARDNOTSUPPORTED = "help.cardnotsupported"; public static final String HELP_INSERTCARD = "help.insertcard"; public static final String HELP_CARDPIN = "help.cardpin"; public static final String HELP_SIGNPIN = "help.signpin"; public static final String HELP_RETRY = "help.retry"; public static final String HELP_HASHDATA = "help.hashdata"; public static final String HELP_HASHDATALIST = "help.hashdatalist"; public static final String BUTTON_OK = "button.ok"; public static final String BUTTON_CANCEL = "button.cancel"; public static final String BUTTON_BACK = "button.back"; public static final String BUTTON_SIGN = "button.sign"; public static final String BUTTON_SAVE = "button.save"; public static final String SAVE_HASHDATAINPUT_PREFIX = "save.hashdatainput.prefix"; public void init(Container contentPane, String localeString, URL background, ActionListener helpListener); public void showWelcomeDialog(); /** * MOA-ID only * @param loginListener */ public void showLoginDialog(ActionListener loginListener, String actionCommand); /** optional wait message */ public void showWaitDialog(String waitMessage); public void showInsertCardDialog(ActionListener cancelListener, String actionCommand); public void showCardNotSupportedDialog(ActionListener cancelListener, String actionCommand); public void showCardPINDialog(PINSpec pinSpec, ActionListener okListener, String okCommand, ActionListener cancelListener, String cancelCommand); public void showCardPINRetryDialog(PINSpec pinSpec, int numRetries, ActionListener okListener, String okCommand, ActionListener cancelListener, String cancelCommand); public void showSignaturePINDialog(PINSpec pinSpec, ActionListener signListener, String signCommand, ActionListener cancelListener, String cancelCommand, ActionListener hashdataListener, String hashdataCommand); public void showSignaturePINRetryDialog(PINSpec pinSpec, int numRetries, ActionListener okListener, String okCommand, ActionListener cancelListener, String cancelCommand, ActionListener hashdataListener, String hashdataCommand); public char[] getPin(); public void showHashDataInputDialog(List signedReferences, ActionListener okListener, String actionCommand); // public void showPlainTextHashDataInputDialog(String text, ActionListener saveListener, String saveCommand, ActionListener cancelListener, String cancelCommand); public void showErrorDialog(String errorMsgKey, Object[] errorMsgParams, ActionListener okListener, String actionCommand); public void showErrorDialog(String errorMsgKey, Object[] errorMsgParams); }