dummy abstract Peson Data element needed for bi-lingual schema (substitution groups)
data related to the person's name
date of birth, compare Geburtsdatum
Postal or ZMR Address, compare PostAdresse
element of internet address type
element of TelephoneAddressType, compare TelefonAdresse
Complete Number ready formated, spaces are meaningless, e.g. +43 1 524 123 456
signed person datastructure. The first Identification elements (from the base type) denote the record as such (e.g. database key for this record) - not to be mistaken for identifiers of the person or of an address (they have their own Identification elements).
unique identifier
actual value of the identifier.
type of valueas a urn e.g. urn:publicid:gv.at:cdid+ZS
main structure of person data
bPK, ZbPK, vZbPK goes here
physical person
Inlcudes all Information that is not exactly a name: academic or aristocratic titles, ... the new position attribute can contain a suffx or prefix value
name of corporate body (whole name), compare VollerName
Beinhaltet die Bereichskennung und das VKZ der Zielorganisation für die das vbPK-ZU umzuschlüsseln ist. Das Target ist in der Form "urn:publicid:gv.at:ecdid+«VKZ»+«Bereich»" zu liefern. (vgl. SZR 3.0 Anwendungsdokumentation)
part of an organisation, see also X.500 ou (eg departement, section, branch, ...) , compare Organisation
juridical person, organisation
name of corporate body (whole name), compare VollerName
part of an organisation, see also X.500 ou (eg departement, section, branch, ...) , compare Organisation
main structure of address data
Code for the country, use ISO or internatinal Postalstandard, compare Staatscode
ZIP, compare Postleitzahl
compare Gemeinde
compare Gemeindekennzahl
Stiege oder näheren Bezeichnung wie z.b. Werkstatt
internet based communication
URI: email-Address, Web, FTP, LDAP, ..., comapre Adress
phone numbers
SMS, WhatsApp, etc.