# MOA ZS ## Prepare for Compilation For compiling MOAZS, do the following: 1. Checkout MoaZS repository (directory name `moazs.git`) 2. Install `at.gv.egiz.eaaf.{eaaf_module_moa-sig, core}` to local repository. 3. Install `at.gv.util.egovutils` to local mvn repository. 4. Make `eaaf_module_moa-sig`'s transitive dependencies available by copying or symlinking `eaaf_module_moa-sig`'s repository into MOAZS repository. Certain artifacts are not in the mvn central repo. You need to install those articats to your local maven repository. ### How to Install `at.gv.egiz.eaaf` Artifacts Requirements: JDK 1.8 ``` export EAAF_COMPONENTS_VERSION=1.0.7 cd /path/to/working/dir git clone https://gitlab.iaik.tugraz.at/egiz/eaaf_components/ cd eaaf_components git checkout $EAAF_COMPONENTS_VERSION mvn clean package source:jar install ``` ### How to Install `at.gv.util.egovutils` Requirements: JDK 1.8 ``` export EGOV_UTILS_VERSION=2.0.7-snapshot cd /path/to/working/dir git clone https://gitlab.iaik.tugraz.at/egiz/egovutils cd egovutils git checkout $EGOV_UTILS_VERSION mvn clean package install ``` ### Workaround: Make eaaf_module_moa-sig's Transitive Dependencies Available `eaaf_module_moa-sig` depends on artifacts that are also not in mvn's central repo. You can make them available by copying or symlinking to the repository directory in https://gitlab.iaik.tugraz.at/egiz/eaaf_components/tree/master/eaaf_modules/eaaf_module_moa-sig/repository ``` cd moazs.git # symlink to moa sig's artifacts ln -s /eaaf_modules/eaaf_module_moa-sig/repository # copy repository cp /eaaf_modules/eaaf_module_moa-sig/repository . ``` ## Compile & Test ### Run Unit Tests Requirements: - openJDK 12 (OpenJDK 11 has an unfixed bug [1] that prevents the completion of TLS handshakes.) Command: ``` mvn test ``` ### Run Integration Tests Integration tests start with the prefix `IT`. Requirements: - OpenJDK 12 - Some integration tests have additional requirements (e.g. external services). Ensure that these requirements are met as well. Check out the source code for further details. Command: ``` mvn test -P integration-test ``` # Footnotes [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8214098