ZS - How To Set Up SSL inc. Client Authentication with Apache 2 Some integration tests require SSL protection of the service endpoint with SSL Client Authentication. Here's a quick guide how to set up an Apache 2 service on localhost as a SSL terminating reverse proxy to the zusemsg endpoint that runs on . 1. Install Apache 2. 1. Ensure that mod-proxy is installed and enabled. 1. In `default-ssl.conf` add the following lines to proxy requests from `https://localhost/zusemsg` to `http://localhost:8081`: ProxyRequests off ProxyPass /zusemsg/ http://localhost:8081/ ProxyPassReverse /zusemsg/ http://localhost:8081/ Order allow,deny allow from all 1. Use certificate and key provided in this repository for the TLS connection and add the following directives to `default-ssl.conf`: SSLCertificateFile /server.localhost.cert.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /server.localhost.key.pem SSLCertificateChainFile /ca-chain.cert.pem 1. Trust the client certificate with the following directive in `default-ssl-conf`: SSLCACertificateFile /trusted-cas-bundle.pem