path: root/src/test/resources/at/gv/egiz/moazs/Mzs2MsgConverterTest/mzsDeliveryRequestWithoutSenderID.xml
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-05-08Implement Pipeline Flow and mzs2msg ConversionChristof Rabensteiner1-0/+42
- Implement and test conversion from mzs:DeliveryRequest to msg:DeliveryRequest with the "convert-pojos-by-hand"-strategy. Reason: The chosen strategy benefits from JAXB's strong typing, which is useful in this scenario: Differences between msg and mzs are nuanced and easy to overlook. The chosen strategy is, unfortunately, verbose and could become expensive to maintain. - Update SameThreadDeliveryPipeline: Integrate tnvz query, conversion, and msg query. - Add MsgClient stub. tnvz: - Change TnvzClient stub interface. - Implement mimetype mismatch check from tnvz Response. - Put p:Identification from tnvz response into msg:DeliveryRequest. MZS Schema changes: - Replace DeliveryRequest/Sender/Person with CorporateBody (because thats the only sender that is allowed by zusemsg) and add a SenderProfile choice. - Add ID Attribute to DeliveryRequest/Sender because msg/DeliveryRequest/Sender/AbstractSenderPersonType also has an id attribute. - Remove PersonDataType because it's dead code.