path: root/src/main/java/at/gv/egiz/moazs/util
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-10-04Add Licenses, NOTICE, and License HeaderChristof Rabensteiner7-0/+147
2019-08-28Fixes and RefactoringChristof Rabensteiner1-0/+3
- JAXB Hack: Handle InterruptionException properly (as in [1], "Dont swallow Interrupts") - Mzs2MsgConverter: Rename convert(Person) to convertReceiverPerson(Person) to emphasize that this method can only be used to convert Receiver Persons (Reminder: Receiver Persons are PhysicalPersons / CorporateBodies. SenderPersons can also be Authorities) - Mzs2MsgConverter: Remove assertion because not needed anymore. - Refactor: Move mzs:DeliveryRequest validation out ouf augmenter and into service. - Refactor: Create a single entry point for validating a mzs:DeliveryRequest. - Remove unused imports. - Fix log messages. [1] https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jtp05236/index.html?ca=drs-#2.1
2019-08-23Fix: JAXB + Java >= 9 Class Loader Bug & Ensure Tomcat DeploymentChristof Rabensteiner1-0/+55
- Problem: Jaxb + JAVA >= 9 Runtime + Tomcat = ClassNotFoundException: ContextFactory. Reason: Apparently, jaxb uses the "wrong" classloader (the system classloader via the thread classloader) and this classloader does not know about jaxb api's and implementations at runtime since oracle decided to move jaxb* out of JRE. Solution: create a new thread, override the thread's "thread" classloader with the "class" classloader and do all jaxb interactions in that thread. See: https://sjhannah.com/blog/2018/11/21/jaxb-hell-on-jdk-9/ - Move "run jaxb interactions in own thread with class class loader" code into own component (JaxbClassNotFoundFix, runInTheadWithClassClassLoader) and wrap ClientFactory and Marshaller code into the "runInTheadWithClassClassLoader". - Ensure that app can be deployed in a Tomcat container (by following this guide: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-war-tomcat-deploy)
2019-08-23Moved Config Files From main/resources/ To test/resources/configChristof Rabensteiner1-2/+3
- Reason: Integration tests need configuration, but config files should not be packaged into the final artifact. - Update paths.
2019-07-22Test Flow of DeliveryRequest from "End-To-End" & Fix BugsChristof Rabensteiner2-15/+13
Schema Changes: - Remove mzs:DeliveryRequest/TnvzMetaData because all metadata fields can be collected from DeliveryRequest and redundancy is not needed. Fixes and Refactoring in preprocess: - MzsDeliveryRequestValidator: Instead of returning false, throw an exception when a condition is not met, and explain which condition is not met / why it is not met in the exception's message. - Integrate interface change in ConfigProfileGenerator and DeliveryRequestAugmenter. - Rewrite and simplify DeliveryRequestAugmenter's augmentation. - ConfigUtil Fixes: Ensure that we do not override the wrong parameters while merging. This error appeared in tnvz / msg client, connection / receive timeout, key / trust store, and lax hostname verification / trust all. Fix Bugs in Interceptor / SoapUtils: - Problem: DOM access and information extraction was implemented somewhat sloppy. - SolutioN: Change DOM access interface to access DOM more efficiently. Add boundary checks and handle edge cases while extracting information from SOAP Messages. - Test those changes properly. Testing: - Implement Delivery Request Flow in ITEndToEndTest. - Start application on random port instead of fixed port when running integration tests. - Add assertions to tests in ITMzsServiceTest suite. Others Bug Fixes: - ServicesConfig: Ensure that mzs service and msg service run on different endpoint addresses (/msg and /mzs). - DeliveryRequestBackend: Throw exception when binary message is missing. Don't wrap the exception. - SaveResponseToFileSink: Wrap Response in JAXB Element (otherwise, marshaller does not recognize it)
2019-07-09Minor Fixes And RefactoringChristof Rabensteiner2-246/+0
- Fix typo in SafeResponseToFileSink. - MoaZSException: Simplify constructor by replacing lots of arguments with the builder instance. - Fix minor codesmells (unused imports, superfluous braces).
2019-07-09Refactor: Merge BinaryRepository into DeliveryRepositoryChristof Rabensteiner1-5/+5
- Reason: Components, which rely on one of those, usually also rely on the other, so merging them reduces amount of dependencies. - Frame operations in DeliveryRepository API as "store" and "retrieve" operations. - Rename: Convert *Id in local variable names to upper case.
2019-07-09Refactor MsgResponse and its IDsChristof Rabensteiner1-5/+7
StoreSOAPBodyBinaryInRepositoryInterceptor: - Replace "generate body's id via concatenation" with "give the right generator function the app delivery id and let the generator function do the work". Reason: Prevent the logistics of deriving IDs to spill into unrelated components. MsgResponse refactor: - Make MsgResponse an abstract class. - Derive ResponseID's ONLY in MsgResponse::createResponseID. Others: - Ensure that all invocations to DeliveryRepository.getResponse and BinaryRepository.get use "responseID" instead of ambiguous "id" or incorrect "appDeliveryID". - Move SingleThreadedDeliveryPipeline into process package.
2019-07-08Implement Zuse2App ServicesChristof Rabensteiner4-14/+71
- Add zuse2app.wsdl contract. - Add MsgResponse as an type-agnostic view for DeliveryRequestStatus and DeliveryNotification messages. Reason: Both DeliveryNotification and DeliveryRequestStatus messages have similar fields and need to be treated similarly (e.g.: receive from msg service, store to repository, verify signature, store to file...). In order to prevent duplicated code, the wrapper interface provides a type-agnostic view onto these messages for depending components to operate on. - Add MsgResponseHandler interface; decides how to process MsgResponse. Also implement this handler with a multi-threaded single-node implementation. - Add MsgResponseSink interface; decides how to archive MsgResponse. - Implement and test SafeResponseToFileSink. Change Identifier for MsgResponses: - Before, DeliveryRequestStatus and DeliveryNotifications had their own repositories. Now, both types are stored in the same repository (the MsgResponse repository) to streamline the handling of MsgResponses. We need to change the identification of MsgReponses, otherwise the identifiers (AppDeliveryID) clash. - MsgResponses are not identified by: <AppDeliveryId>+<typeSpecificSuffix> - Rewrite StoreSOAPInterceptor to accommodate fact that, both DeliveryRequestStatus and DeliveryNotification messages have different IDs upon storage / retrieval. Restructure packages and components as follows: - client: All components that are involved when consuming a web service. - process: "fabric" of MoaZS; contains business logic that orchestrates back-end tasks of MoaZS's operational services, e.g.: by processing a delivery request. - service: Implementation of MoaZS's front-end services. Refactoring: - MoaZSException: Remove unused fields. Before: Store mzsrequest, tnvzresult, msgrequest and msgresult as members. Now: Only keep the fields that are needed later, e.g for generating a msg:DeliveryRequestStatus element. Add copy constructor to Builder. - Put storage of byte[] into a dedicated "BinaryRepository". Reason: This was useful in a former design. Now it's not really needed anymore. - Put "create Endpoint" code into EndpointFactory. Reason: Eliminate duplicated code when configuring a service. Testing: - Activate Stacktraces in surefire.
2019-07-03Refactor: Restructure ProjectChristof Rabensteiner2-0/+175
- Move components that depend on the service contracts into scheme package. - Move cxf related components into util package. - Rename SameThread to SingleThreaded.
2019-06-27Honor & Test TrustAll and LaxHostNameVerificationChristof Rabensteiner1-2/+53
- Print a big scary warning message for everyone who enables "trustAll" - Test TrustAll and LaxHostNameVerification - Describe test case requirements and add key material needed to run these test cases.
2019-06-27Minor FixesChristof Rabensteiner1-0/+2
2019-06-26Protect MsgClient via SSL (ink Client Authentication)Christof Rabensteiner3-0/+121
- Add Component to create SSLContexts with own Key- and trust store. - Inject SSLContext into HTTP Client. - Add EAAF-Components Core Dependency, which is needed by SSLContextCreator (KeyStoreUtils). Schema Changes in mzs:DeliveryRequest/Config: - Got Rid of mzs:DeliveryRequest/Config/Server. In mzs 1.4.1, Server replaces the result of zkopf query person request. Since this zkopf interface does not exist anymore, Server was removed. - Add ClientType, which holds all parameters needed to connect to a service (Url, SSL params, a.o.). Configuration: - Add default parameters for SSL Clients in application.yaml. - Merge default parameters into incoming mzs:DeliveryRequests. MoaZSException Fixes: - Remove "Extends throwable" from Builder. - Add convenient shorthand init method (message, throwable). Refactor: - Put "determinePath" to FileUtils. - Put string related utility functions into StringUtils.
2019-05-27Intercept Incoming DeliveryRequestStatus and Store as byte[]Christof Rabensteiner1-0/+92
- Add egovutils dependency (Reason: Need DomUtils to serialize / unserialize Soap Message via DOMParser) - Add Incerceptor to MsgClient / -Factory that stores the message content byte-by-byte in the DeliveryRepository. The format is required for successfully validating a DeliveryRequestStatus. - Add SoapUtils, which interacts with byte[] Soap message. - Add CXFMessageUtils, which interacts with CXF Messages from interceptor chains. - Refactor xsd namespaces: Move them out from the PrefixMapper and into a dedicated class.
2019-05-13Refactor: Make NullCoalesce Non-InstantiableChristof Rabensteiner1-1/+3
2019-04-18Change App2mzs Interface and Init Delivery PipelineChristof Rabensteiner1-0/+33
- Change app2mzs interface: output message from app2mzs:DeliveryRequest was app2mzs:DeliveryResponse, now its msg:DeliveryRequestStatus. Reason: ZD returns msg:DeliveryRequestStatus which is signed. Moazs does not convert msg:DeliveryRequestStatus into app2mzs:DeliveryResponse because the conversion woudl break the signature. - App2MzsService: Make beans final and inject them with constructor; Refactor DeliveryRequestHandler into App2MZSService. - DeliveryPipeline: Add Interface and a "SameThreadImplementation" that executes the pipeline in the same threat and can be used in single mode. - DeliveryRepository: Augment interface for storing and retrieving request status objects; Add in-memory-implementation for status objects. - Utils: Add helper function for coalescing multiple values