# Optional
  #port: 8080

# Optional
    root: WARN
    # Spring Framework related messages
    org.springframework: WARN
    # Packages from EGIZ
    at.gv: INFO
    # MOA SPSS
    at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss: WARN
    at.gv.egovernment.moaspss: WARN
    at.gv.egiz.eid: WARN
    # MOA ZS
    at.gv.egiz.moazs: INFO
    at.gv.egiz.moazs.backend.SignatureVerifier: INFO
    at.gv.egiz.moazs.backend.LogResponseSink: INFO
    # IAIK Crypto Libs
    iaik: WARN

    # Log incoming / outgoing messages on services and clients.
    # (Incoming and outgoing messages are logged to INFO).
    #org.apache.cxf.services : INFO

    # Fine tune logging of messages per service / client:
    # Format: ..
    # Examples:
    #org.apache.cxf.services.app2mzsPortType.REQ_IN : INFO
    #org.apache.cxf.services.app2mzsPortType.RESP_OUT : INFO
    #org.apache.cxf.services.App2ZusePort.REQ_OUT : INFO
    #org.apache.cxf.services.App2ZusePort.RESP_IN: INFO
    # More information: https://codenotfound.com/apache-cxf-logging-soap-request-response-fault-messages-example.html

# Mandatory
# Default type for java's ssl key/trust store. When in doubt, set to
# jks.
  keyStoreType: jks
  trustStoreType: jks

# Mandatory
# Defines configuration profiles. Each profile contains all parameters
# that are interpreted by MOA ZS to determine how a delivery request
# should be processed. Configure parameters here and/or in
# DeliveryRequest/Config. You can select a profile per delivery
# request by referring to the profile id in
# DeliveryRequest/Config/ProfileId. If a parameter is missing, MOA ZS
# falls back to "default" You can override parameters in profiles.
# Parameter have the following (descending) priority:
#   DeliveryRequest/Config > [profile referred by DeliveryRequest/Config/ProfileID] > default profile

  # ProfileID. Mandatory
  # The "default" profile. Will be chosen if
  # DeliveryRequest/Config/ProfileId is missing.

    # Optional
    # Specifies in seconds, how long the mzs service maximally waits
    # for a delivery request to complete. If the timeout is reached,
    # the service will reply with "PartialSuccess" and handle
    # responses asynchronously. A missing service-timeout means that the
    # service waits indefinitely. See also: msg-response-sinks, which
    # allows you to configure, how MOA ZS handles asynchronous
    # responses.
    service-timeout: 60

    # Mandatory
    # If true, MOA ZS asks the tnvz service if the receiver is
    # addressable. Requires setting up the tnvz-client.
    perform-query-person-request: false

    # Mandatory (if perform-query-person-request is true)
    # Parameters for the connection to tnvz. Specify url,
    # connection-timeout, receive-timeout and ssl here. See msg-client
    # for an exhaustive description of all parameters.

      # Mandatory
      url: http://localhost:8082/tnvz/
      connection-timeout: 0
      receive-timeout: 0

      # Optional
      #ssl: ...
      #  X-PVP-NAME-1: VALUE-X
      #  X-PVP-NAME-2: VALUE-Y
      #  ...

    # Mandatory
    # Parameters for the connection to msg.

      # Mandatory
      url: http://localhost:8081/services/DeliveryRequest

      # Mandatory
      # Time in ms after which a connection will be closed. 0 means
      # indefinitely.
      connection-timeout: 0

      # Mandatory
      # Time in ms that the client waits after having sent the
      # request. 0 means indefinitely.
      receive-timeout: 0

    # Mandatory
    # Specifies how MOA ZS should process asynchronous responses from msg.

      # Mandatory
      # Save response on the file system under the folder "path".
        # Mandatory
        active: false
        # Mandatory if activated
        path: /msg-responses/

      # Mandatory
      # Log response to the at.gv.egiz.moazs.backend.LogResponseSink Logger, level INFO
      log-response: true

      # Mandatory
      # Forward the response to mzs service.
        # Mandatory
        active: false
        # Mandatory if activated
          url: http://localhost:2526/
          connection-timeout: 30000
          receive-timeout: 30000
          # ssl...

  # Optional
  # Add your own profiles (at wish) here. Follow the same structure as the "default" profile.
  # Override parameters at wish.

  # Example
  # "ssl-profile" is an example for a profile that overrides msg client parameters
  # to protect the msg connection with ssl client authentication.
      url: https://localhost/zusemsg/services/DeliveryRequest
        ## Boolean; if true, app will trust all server certificates;
        ## if false, server certificate needs to be in the truststore.
        trust-all: false
        ## Boolean; if true, app ignores mismatches between server's host name and
        ## Certificate's common name / alternative subject name.
        lax-hostname-verification: false
        ## Parameters for ssl client auth
          ## Path to file
          filename: config/ssl/client.cert.key.p12
          ## Password to unlock key store.
          password: 123456
          ## JKS or PKCS12
          filetype: PKCS12

# Optional
# If set to false, MOA ZS ignores an incomplete default DeliveryRequest-configuration
# profile and continues startup. See 'delivery-request-configuration-profiles'.
# Default value: true
verify-completeness-of-default-delivery-request-configuration: true

# Mandatory
# Moa SP-SS Configuration

  # Mandatory
  # If active, Moa ZS verifies signed incoming messages with MOA SP-SS.
  is-active: false

  # Mandatory
  # If active, MOA SP-SS validates manifests in XML signatures.
  is-manifest-check-active: false

  # Mandatory

    # Mandatory
    # Path that points to MoaSPSSConfiguration file; can be:
    # - absolute path (unix: starts with /), or
    # - relative path (relative to application's class path
    #    OR the applications working directory, but not relative to
    #    application.yaml!)
    configuration: config/moa-spss/MOASPSSConfiguration.xml

    # Mandatory
    # Select, which trust-profile MOA SP-SS uses to verify a signature.
    default-trustprofile: test-trustprofile

# Needed For Overriding Beans In Testing
spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding: true

# Mandatory
  # Mandatory
  # Duration in minutes before repository records are evicted.
  expiresAfterWrite: 30

# Redis Setup (Cluster Mode)
# Note: Cluster Mode is not operational in the current release.
    port: 6379

# Optional
# activate cluster mode
#  profiles.active: cluster