#Fri Jul 27 14:18:37 CEST 2012 # # Format [key]=[value] # # Note that if an '=' is used in a key or value it has to be escaped: "\=" ##################### WebConfig ####################### #The path to the sva configuration file #svaconfig=/data/sigval/incoming/svaconfig #The directories where to store the collected testdata #testdir=/data/sigval/incoming/test/ #The basepath for signature validation #basepath= ###################################################### #The path prefix for all file system locations #pathprefix=/home/afitzek/server/moa-spss/apache-tomcat-8.0.0-RC3/conf/moa-spss/sva/ #The file where the xmldsig core schema is located #xmlschemaloc=example/schema/xmldsig-core-schema.xsd #The root folder where truststore and certstore are created later on #certroot=example/certs #The folder containing the trustanchors #trustanchorloc=example/keys_and_certs #The folder containing the timestampauthority trustanchors #tsttrustanchorloc=example/keys_and_certs #The folder containing alternative revocation information (comment out to use #infos contained in the certificate) #altdp= #The maximum age of a revocation information of a end user certificate in hours #endusercertgrace=4382 #The maximum age of a revocation information for a ca certificate in hours #cacertgrace=4382 #tstcoherencetolerance=10 #The maximum time difference (in hours) the signing-time property and a #time stamp #timestampdelay=24 # Defines the forbidden hashing algorithms and the inception date # Format: {<algorithm name>, <inception date>};{<algname 2>, <inc date 2>}... #hashconstraint={md5, 2000-08-08};{sha1, 2016-08-08} # Defines the forbidden hashing algorithms for CA Certificates and the inception date # Format: {<algorithm name>, <inception date>};{<algname 2>, <inc date 2>}... #cahashconstraint={md5,2000-08-08};{sha1, 2012-08-05} # Defines the minimum required key lengths # Format: {<algorithm name>, <min len>,<inception date>};{...}... #keylenconstraint={rsa, 1024, 2000-08-08} # Defines the minimum required key lengths for CA Certificates # Format: {<algorithm name>, <min len>,<inception date>};{...}.. #cakeylenconstraint={rsa,512,2000-08-08} # Defines the minimum required key lengths for timestamps # Format: {<algorithm name>, <min len>,<inception date>};{...}... #tstkeylenconstraint={rsa, 1024, 2000-08-08} # Allows any key usage if set to true, otherwise only dig. signature allowanykeyusage=false chainingmodel=SHELL