* Copyright 2003 Federal Chancellery Austria
* MOA-SPSS has been developed in a cooperation between BRZ, the Federal
* Chancellery Austria - ICT staff unit, and Graz University of Technology.
* Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by
* the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
* You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
* You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
* http://www.osor.eu/eupl/
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the Licence.
* This product combines work with different licenses. See the "NOTICE" text
* file for details on the various modules and licenses.
* The "NOTICE" text file is part of the distribution. Any derivative works
* that you distribute must include a readable copy of the "NOTICE" text file.
package at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.util;
import java.util.Locale;
import at.gv.egovernment.moaspss.util.Messages;
* Singleton wrapper around a Messages
* @author Patrick Peck
* @version $Id$
public class MessageProvider {
/** The resource names of the messages to load. */
private static final String[] DEFAULT_MESSAGE_RESOURCES =
{ "resources/properties/spss_messages" };
/** The corresponding message locales. */
private static final Locale[] DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LOCALES =
new Locale[] { new Locale("de", "AT") };
/** The single instance of this class. */
private static MessageProvider instance;
/** The messages provided by the MessageProvider
. */
private final Messages messages;
* Return the single instance of the MessageProvider
* Intialilizes the MessageProvider
with the default message
* locations: /resources/properties/spss_messages
* @return The single MessageProvider
public static synchronized MessageProvider getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance =
return instance;
* Create a MessageProvider
* @param resourceNames The names of the resources containing the messages.
* @param locales The corresponding locales.
protected MessageProvider(String[] resourceNames, Locale[] locales) {
this.messages = new Messages(resourceNames, locales);
* Get the message corresponding to a given message ID.
* @param messageId The ID of the message.
* @param parameters The parameters to fill in into the message arguments.
* @return The formatted message.
public String getMessage(String messageId, Object[] parameters) {
return messages.getMessage(messageId, parameters);