/* * Copyright 2003 Federal Chancellery Austria * MOA-SPSS has been developed in a cooperation between BRZ, the Federal * Chancellery Austria - ICT staff unit, and Graz University of Technology. * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * http://www.osor.eu/eupl/ * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * * This product combines work with different licenses. See the "NOTICE" text * file for details on the various modules and licenses. * The "NOTICE" text file is part of the distribution. Any derivative works * that you distribute must include a readable copy of the "NOTICE" text file. */ package at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.server.invoke; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.MOAApplicationException; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.api.common.ExclusiveCanonicalizationTransform; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.api.common.Transform; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.api.common.XPathFilter; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.api.common.XPathFilter2Transform; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.api.common.XPathTransform; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.api.common.XSLTTransform; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.server.iaik.xml.Base64TransformationImpl; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.server.iaik.xml.CanonicalizationImpl; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.server.iaik.xml.EnvelopedSignatureTransformationImpl; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.server.iaik.xml.ExclusiveCanonicalizationImpl; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.server.iaik.xml.XPath2FilterImpl; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.server.iaik.xml.XPath2TransformationImpl; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.server.iaik.xml.XPathTransformationImpl; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.server.iaik.xml.XSLTTransformationImpl; import iaik.server.modules.xml.Base64Transformation; import iaik.server.modules.xml.Canonicalization; import iaik.server.modules.xml.EnvelopedSignatureTransformation; import iaik.server.modules.xml.Transformation; import iaik.server.modules.xml.XPath2Transformation; import iaik.server.modules.xml.XPathTransformation; import iaik.server.modules.xml.XSLTTransformation; /** * A factory to create Transformation objects from * Transform objects. * * @author Patrick Peck * @version $Id$ */ public class TransformationFactory { /** The single instance of this class. */ private static TransformationFactory instance = null; /** * Maps XPathFilter filter types to * XPath2Transformation filter types. */ private static Map FILTER_TYPE_MAPPING; static { FILTER_TYPE_MAPPING = new HashMap(); FILTER_TYPE_MAPPING.put( XPathFilter.INTERSECT_TYPE, XPath2Transformation.XPath2Filter.INTERSECTION); FILTER_TYPE_MAPPING.put( XPathFilter.SUBTRACT_TYPE, XPath2Transformation.XPath2Filter.SUBTRACTION); FILTER_TYPE_MAPPING.put( XPathFilter.UNION_TYPE, XPath2Transformation.XPath2Filter.UNION); } /** * Get the single instance of the factory. * * @return TransformationFactory The single instance. */ public static synchronized TransformationFactory getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new TransformationFactory(); } return instance; } /** * Create a new TransformationFactory. * * Protected to disallow multiple instances. */ protected TransformationFactory() { } /** * Create a Transformation based on a Transform * object. * * @param transform The Transform object to extract transformation * data from. * @return The transformation contained in the transform object. * @throws MOAApplicationException An error occured creating the * Transformation. See exception * message for details. */ public Transformation createTransformation(Transform transform) throws MOAApplicationException { final String algorithmUri = transform.getAlgorithmURI(); if (Canonicalization.CANONICAL_XML.equals(algorithmUri) || Canonicalization.CANONICAL_XML_WITH_COMMENTS.equals(algorithmUri)) { return createC14nTransformation(algorithmUri); } else if (Canonicalization.EXCLUSIVE_CANONICAL_XML.equals(algorithmUri) || Canonicalization.EXCLUSIVE_CANONICAL_XML_WITH_COMMENTS.equals( algorithmUri)) { return createExclusiveC14nTransformation( (ExclusiveCanonicalizationTransform) transform); } else if (Base64Transformation.ALL.contains(algorithmUri)) { return createBase64Transformation(); } else if (EnvelopedSignatureTransformation.ALL.contains(algorithmUri)) { return createEnvelopedSignatureTransformation(); } else if (XPathTransformation.ALL.contains(algorithmUri)) { return createXPathTransformation((XPathTransform) transform); } else if (XPath2Transformation.ALL.contains(algorithmUri)) { return createXPath2Transformation((XPathFilter2Transform) transform); } else if (XSLTTransformation.ALL.contains(algorithmUri)) { return createXSLTTransformation((XSLTTransform) transform); } else { throw new MOAApplicationException("1108", new Object[] { algorithmUri }); } } /** * Create a List of Transformations from a * List of Transforms. * * @param transforms The List containing the * Transforms. * @return The List of Transformations corresponding * to the transforms. * @throws MOAApplicationException An error occurred building one of the * transformations. See exception message for * details. */ public List createTransformationList(List transforms) throws MOAApplicationException { final List transformationList = new ArrayList(); Iterator trIter; for (trIter = transforms.iterator(); trIter.hasNext();) { final Transform transform = (Transform) trIter.next(); transformationList.add(createTransformation(transform)); } return transformationList; } /** * Create a Canonicalization. * * @param algorithmUri The algorithm URI of the canonicalization. * @return The Canonicalization. */ private Transformation createC14nTransformation(String algorithmUri) { return new CanonicalizationImpl(algorithmUri); } /** * Create a ExclusiveCanonicalization. * * @param transform The ExclusiveCanonicalizationTransform * containing the transformation data. * @return The ExclusiveCanonicalization. */ private Transformation createExclusiveC14nTransformation(ExclusiveCanonicalizationTransform transform) { return new ExclusiveCanonicalizationImpl( transform.getAlgorithmURI(), transform.getInclusiveNamespacePrefixes()); } /** * Create a Base64Transformation. * * @return The */ private Transformation createBase64Transformation() { return new Base64TransformationImpl(); } /** * Create an EnvelopedSignatureTransformation. * * @return An EnvelopedSignatureTransformation. */ private Transformation createEnvelopedSignatureTransformation() { return new EnvelopedSignatureTransformationImpl(); } /** * Create an XPathTransformation. * * @param transform The Transform object containing the XPath * transformation. * @return An XPathTransformation corresponding the transformation * given in transform. * @throws MOAApplicationException An error occurred creating the * Transformation. */ private Transformation createXPathTransformation(XPathTransform transform) throws MOAApplicationException { return new XPathTransformationImpl( transform.getXPathExpression(), transform.getNamespaceDeclarations()); } /** * Create an XPath2Transformation. * * @param transform The Transform object containing the XPath * filter transformation. * @return An XPath2Transformation corresponding the transformation * given in transform. * @throws MOAApplicationException An error occurred creating the * Transformation. */ private Transformation createXPath2Transformation(XPathFilter2Transform transform) throws MOAApplicationException { final XPath2TransformationImpl xpath2 = new XPath2TransformationImpl(); Iterator iter; for (iter = transform.getFilters().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { final XPathFilter filter = (XPathFilter) iter.next(); final String mappedFilterType = (String) FILTER_TYPE_MAPPING.get(filter.getFilterType()); final XPath2FilterImpl mappedFilter = new XPath2FilterImpl( mappedFilterType, filter.getXPathExpression(), filter.getNamespaceDeclarations()); xpath2.addXPathFilter(mappedFilter); } if (xpath2.getXPathFilters().size() == 0) { throw new MOAApplicationException("2216", null); } return xpath2; } /** * Create an XSLTTransformation. * * @param transform The Transform containing the XSLT stylesheet. * @return An XSLTTransformation corresponding the transformation * given in transform. * @throws MOAApplicationException An error occurred creating the * Transformation. */ private Transformation createXSLTTransformation(XSLTTransform transform) throws MOAApplicationException { return new XSLTTransformationImpl(transform.getStylesheet()); } }