# MOA-Signature (MOA-SPSS) ## Description MOA-Signature, which is also called MOA-SPSS provides a Web-Service interface and a library for signature creation and signature verification. This application consists of two parts - **Signature generation:** MOA-SS implements signature generation on sever-side for XAdES (XML) and CAdES (CMS) signatures. - **Signature verification:** MOA-SP implements signature verification and certificate validation on server-side for XAdES, CAdES, , PAdES, and ASiC signatures. ### Building The application is build into a Web-application and into a set of jars that can be directly used in another application. The Web application has to be deployed into an application service, like Apache Tomcat The project can be build with : ``` ./gradlew clean assemble ``` The resulting `war` file can be deployed into an application server Set Java System-Property _**-Dmoa.spss.server.configuration**=/path/to/configuration..._ to set the configuration for this application ### Configuration A default configuration is located at _/release-infos/handbook/conf/_ ## Generate a Release Package The full release packages for will be automatically assembled by gradle build-process. Before release build, all release related information have to added into infos folder. To add release informations follow the steps outlined below. Add a file with release informations to: ``` ./release-infos/readme_{version}.txt ``` Add, remove, or update the application description in the handbook ``` modify: ./release-infos/handbook/ ``` Generate a release package with: ``` ./gradlew release ``` The full release package will be located add ``` ./moaSig/releases/* ``` where - _moa-spss-lib-..._ is the package with the library and dependencies - _moa-spss----_ is the Web application with configuration and additional informations ## Changelog **v3.2.0** - Wechsel zu JAXB API v3.0 - Anpassungen an der TSL Implementierung - Updates von Bibliotheken zur Stabilitätsverbesserung - Aktualisierung von Drittherstellerbibliotheken **v3.1.4** - Mindestanforderung für JAVA 8 - Anpassungen an der TSL Implementierung - Updates von Bibliotheken zur Stabilitätsverbesserung - TrustStore Update in der Beispielkonfiguration **v3.1.3** - Anpassungen an der TSL Implementierung - Updates von Bibliotheken zur Stabilitätsverbesserung - TrustStore Update in der Beispielkonfiguration