Willkommen zur Installation von MOA SP/SS! F�r eine Anleitung zur Installation verwenden Sie bitte das Installationshandbuch "handbook.html" im Verzeichnis "doc" dieser Distribution. BEVOR SIE STARTEN BEACHTEN SIE BITTE FOLGENDE HINWEISE ZUR LIZENSIERUNG VON MOA SP/SS SOWIE DER VON IHM VERWENDETEN BIBLIOTHEKEN: This product includes software originally developed at the Austrian Federal Computing Centre (BRZ - Bundesrechenzentrum, www.brz.gv.at) and the Federal Chancellery Austria (Stabsstelle IKT-Strategie des Bundes, Bundeskanzleramt, www.digitales.oesterreich.gv.at). This product includes software developed by third parties and provided under an open source license (www.opensource.org). This product -- up to and including version 1.5.0 -- includes software "IAIK MOA" provided by Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies SIC (www.sic.st). This software has been licensed under the terms and conditions given in "IAIK-LICENSE". This product includes software ("IAIK MOA") provided by Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies SIC (www.sic.st). This software has been licensed under the terms and conditions given in "SIC-LICENSE.txt". License change: Up to and including version 1.5.0 of this product were published under an Apache 2.0 license (see "LICENSE-2.0.txt"). From version 1.5.0 onwards the product is licensed under the terms and conditions of the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) Version 1.1 ("EUPL v.1.1 - Licence.pdf"). For this present version 1.5.0 a transitional dual license is granted: The licensee can choose to either use "LICENSE-2.0.txt" together with "IAIK_LICENSE", or "EUPL v.1.1 - Licence.pdf" together with "SIC-LICENSE.txt" (for software provided by Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies SIC).