package testgenerator;

 * @author Stevie (Admin)
 * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":
 * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates.
 * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to
 * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation.
public class Supplement {
	private String supplement;
	 * Constructor for Supplement.
	public Supplement() {
	supplement  = "		<SupplementProfile>\n";

	public void addMetaInfo(String mimeType, String description)
	supplement += 	 "			<MetaInfo>\n" +
					 "				<MimeType>" + mimeType + "</MimeType>";
		if (!(description==null))
			supplement+= "				<Description>" + description + "</Description>";
		supplement+= "			</MetaInfo>";
	public void addBase64Content(String fileName, String data)
		supplement+= "			<Content Reference=\"" + fileName + "\">\n"+
					 "				<Base64Content>"+data+"</Base64Content>\n" +
					 "			</Content>\n"; 	
	public void addXMLContent(String fileName, String data)
		supplement+= "			<Content Reference=\"" + fileName + "\">\n"+
					 "				<XMLContent xml:space=\"preserve\">"+data+"</XMLContent>\n" +
					 "			</Content>\n"; 	
    public void closeSupplement()
    supplement+= "		</SupplementProfile>\n";
	public String getSupplement()
	return supplement;	