// Copyright (C) 1997-2002 IAIK // email: jce-info@iaik.tu-graz.ac.at // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND // ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE // FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS // OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) // HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT // LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY // OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. // // $Header$ // package testgenerator; import iaik.asn1.CodingException; import iaik.asn1.ObjectID; import iaik.asn1.structures.AlgorithmID; import iaik.asn1.structures.GeneralName; import iaik.asn1.structures.GeneralNames; import iaik.asn1.structures.Name; import iaik.asn1.structures.PolicyInformation; import iaik.asn1.structures.PolicyQualifierInfo; import iaik.security.provider.IAIK; import iaik.x509.SimpleChainVerifier; import iaik.x509.X509Certificate; import iaik.x509.X509ExtensionException; import iaik.x509.extensions.AuthorityKeyIdentifier; import iaik.x509.extensions.BasicConstraints; import iaik.x509.extensions.CertificatePolicies; import iaik.x509.extensions.KeyUsage; import iaik.x509.extensions.SubjectAltName; import iaik.x509.extensions.SubjectKeyIdentifier; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.security.InvalidKeyException; import java.security.KeyPair; import java.security.KeyPairGenerator; import java.security.KeyStore; import java.security.KeyStoreException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.NoSuchProviderException; import java.security.PrivateKey; import java.security.PublicKey; import java.security.cert.CertificateException; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Random; /** * Creates a default KeyStore in the current working directory. * These keys are used by many demos included in IAIK-JCE. * The aliases and the password for accessing the keys and * certificates can be found in {@link demo.keystore.CMSKeyStoreConstants CMSKeyStoreConstants}. * * @see CMSKeyStoreConstants */ public class SetupCMSKeyStore implements CMSKeyStoreConstants { // the keylength of the CA certificate shall be 1024 private final static int CA_KEYLENGTH = 1024; // the key store to create KeyStore key_store; // the file where the key store shall be saved String keystore_file; // takes the existing keys from the KeyStore and only creates new certificates boolean create_only_certificates = true; // the private keys KeyPair ca_rsa = null; // RSA for signing KeyPair rsa512_sign = null; KeyPair rsa1024_sign = null; KeyPair rsa2048_sign = null; // RSA for encrypting KeyPair rsa512_crypt = null; KeyPair rsa1024_crypt = null; KeyPair rsa1024_crypt_ = null; KeyPair rsa2048_crypt = null; KeyPair ca_dsa = null; KeyPair dsa512 = null; KeyPair dsa1024 = null; KeyPair esdh512 = null; KeyPair esdh1024 = null; KeyPair esdh1024_ = null; KeyPair esdh2048 = null; // create RSA keys and certificates boolean create_rsa = true; // create DSA keys and certificates boolean create_dsa = true; // create ESDH keys and certificates boolean create_esdh = true; /** * Generate a KeyPair using the specified algorithm with the given size. * * @param algorithm the algorithm to use * @param bits the length of the key (modulus) in bits * @return the KeyPair */ public static KeyPair generateKeyPair(String algorithm, int bits) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { KeyPairGenerator generator = null; try { generator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(algorithm, "IAIK"); } catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) { throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Provider IAIK not found!"); } generator.initialize(bits); KeyPair kp = generator.generateKeyPair(); return kp; } /** * Creates a certificate from the given values. * * @param subject the subject of the certificate * @param publicKey the public key to include * @param issuer the issuer of the certificate * @param privateKey the private key for signing the certificate * @param algorithm the signature algorithm to use */ public static X509Certificate createCertificate(Name subject, PublicKey publicKey, Name issuer, PrivateKey privateKey, AlgorithmID algorithm, byte[] keyID, boolean forSigning) { // create a new certificate X509Certificate cert = new X509Certificate(); try { // set the values cert.setSerialNumber(new BigInteger(20, new Random())); cert.setSubjectDN(subject); cert.setPublicKey(publicKey); cert.setIssuerDN(issuer); GregorianCalendar date = new GregorianCalendar(); date.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); // not before now cert.setValidNotBefore(date.getTime()); if (issuer.equals(subject)) { date.add(Calendar.MONTH, 12); BasicConstraints basicConstraints = new BasicConstraints(true); cert.addExtension(basicConstraints); KeyUsage keyUsage = new KeyUsage(KeyUsage.keyCertSign | KeyUsage.cRLSign); cert.addExtension(keyUsage); } else { date.add(Calendar.MONTH, 11); KeyUsage keyUsage = null; if (forSigning) { keyUsage = new KeyUsage(KeyUsage.digitalSignature | KeyUsage.nonRepudiation); } else { keyUsage = new KeyUsage(KeyUsage.keyEncipherment | KeyUsage.dataEncipherment); } cert.addExtension(keyUsage); AuthorityKeyIdentifier authID = new AuthorityKeyIdentifier(); authID.setKeyIdentifier(keyID); cert.addExtension(authID); GeneralNames generalNames = new GeneralNames(); generalNames.addName(new GeneralName(GeneralName.rfc822Name, "smimetest@iaik.at")); generalNames.addName(new GeneralName(GeneralName.rfc822Name, "smimetest@iaik.tu-graz.ac.at")); SubjectAltName subjectAltName = new SubjectAltName(generalNames); cert.addExtension(subjectAltName); } String explicitText = "This certificate only may be used for test purposes"; PolicyQualifierInfo policyQualifier = new PolicyQualifierInfo(null, null, explicitText); PolicyInformation[] policyInformations = { new PolicyInformation(new ObjectID(""), new PolicyQualifierInfo[] { policyQualifier }) }; CertificatePolicies certPolicies = new CertificatePolicies(policyInformations); SubjectKeyIdentifier subjectKeyID = new SubjectKeyIdentifier(cert.getPublicKey()); cert.addExtension(subjectKeyID); cert.addExtension(certPolicies); cert.setValidNotAfter(date.getTime()); // and sign the certificate cert.sign(algorithm ,privateKey); } catch (CertificateException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating the certificate: "+ex.getMessage()); } catch (InvalidKeyException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating the certificate: "+ex.getMessage()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating the certificate: "+ex.getMessage()); } catch (X509ExtensionException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error adding extension: "+ex.getMessage()); } catch (CodingException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error adding SubjectKeyIdentifier extension: "+ex.getMessage()); } /* System.out.println(cert.toString(true)); iaik.utils.Util.waitKey(); */ return cert; } /** * Load or create a KeyStore and initialize it. */ private void initializeKeyStore() { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); String line; try { // default directory is the current user dir String keystore_dir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); File ks = new File(keystore_dir, KS_FILENAME); // KeyStore does already exist if (ks.exists()) { keystore_file = ks.getAbsolutePath(); if (create_only_certificates) { System.out.println("Create only new certificates from already existing keys!"); } else { System.out.println("Existing KeyStore will be deleted!"); } System.out.println("KeyStore: "+keystore_file); } else { // there is no KeyStore -> create also new keys create_only_certificates = false; while (true) { System.out.print("Create new KeyStore in directory: "+keystore_dir+" [y]"); line = reader.readLine(); if (line.length() == 0 || line.equals("y")) { ks = new File(keystore_dir, KS_FILENAME); keystore_file = ks.getAbsolutePath(); System.out.println("KeyStore will be saved to: "+keystore_file); break; } System.out.print("Enter directory: "); keystore_dir = reader.readLine(); } } // get a new KeyStore onject key_store = KeyStore.getInstance("IAIKKeyStore"); if (create_only_certificates) { // take private keys from existing KeyStore key_store.load(new FileInputStream(ks), KS_PASSWORD); } else { // create a new KeyStore key_store.load(null, null); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error creating new IAIK KeyStore!"); throw new RuntimeException("Error creating new KeyStore: "+ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Save the KeyStore to disk. */ private void saveKeyStore() { try { // write the KeyStore to disk FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(keystore_file); key_store.store(os, KS_PASSWORD); os.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error saving KeyStore!"); ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Add the private key and the certificate chain to the key store. */ public void addToKeyStore(KeyPair keyPair, X509Certificate[] chain, String alias) throws KeyStoreException { key_store.setKeyEntry(alias, keyPair.getPrivate(), KS_PASSWORD, chain); } /** * Returns a KeyPair form the KeyStore. */ private KeyPair getKeyPair(String type) throws Exception { PrivateKey privKey = (PrivateKey)key_store.getKey(type, KS_PASSWORD); PublicKey pubKey = key_store.getCertificateChain(type)[0].getPublicKey(); return new KeyPair(pubKey, privKey); } /** * Get all private keys from the KeyStore. */ private void getPrivateKeys() { // RSA try { ca_rsa = getKeyPair(CA_RSA); // for signing rsa512_sign = getKeyPair(RSA_512_SIGN); rsa1024_sign = getKeyPair(RSA_1024_SIGN); rsa2048_sign = getKeyPair(RSA_2048_SIGN); // for encrypting rsa512_crypt = getKeyPair(RSA_512_CRYPT); rsa1024_crypt = getKeyPair(RSA_1024_CRYPT); rsa1024_crypt_ = getKeyPair(RSA_1024_CRYPT_); rsa2048_crypt = getKeyPair(RSA_2048_CRYPT); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Unable to get RSA keys from KeyStore."); ex.printStackTrace(); create_rsa = false; } // DSA try { ca_dsa = getKeyPair(CA_DSA); dsa512 = getKeyPair(DSA_512); dsa1024 = getKeyPair(DSA_1024); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Unable to get DSA keys from KeyStore."); ex.printStackTrace(); create_dsa = false; } // ESDH try { esdh512 = getKeyPair(ESDH_512); esdh1024 = getKeyPair(ESDH_1024); esdh1024_ = getKeyPair(ESDH_1024_); esdh2048 = getKeyPair(ESDH_2048); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Unable to get ESDH keys from KeyStore."); ex.printStackTrace(); create_esdh = false; } } /** * Gernerate new prviate keys. */ private void generatePrivateKeys() { try { // first create the KeyPairs if (create_rsa) { try { System.out.println("generate RSA KeyPair for CA certificate ["+CA_KEYLENGTH+" bits]..."); ca_rsa = generateKeyPair("RSA", CA_KEYLENGTH); System.out.println("Generate RSA signing keys..."); System.out.println("generate RSA KeyPair for a test certificate [512 bits]..."); rsa512_sign = generateKeyPair("RSA", 512); System.out.println("generate RSA KeyPair for a test certificate [1024 bits]..."); rsa1024_sign = generateKeyPair("RSA", 1024); System.out.println("generate RSA KeyPair for a test certificate [2048 bits]..."); rsa2048_sign = generateKeyPair("RSA", 2048); System.out.println("Generate RSA encryption keys..."); System.out.println("generate RSA KeyPair for a test certificate [512 bits]..."); rsa512_crypt = generateKeyPair("RSA", 512); System.out.println("generate RSA KeyPair for a test certificate [1024 bits]..."); rsa1024_crypt = generateKeyPair("RSA", 1024); System.out.println("generate second RSA KeyPair for a test certificate [1024 bits]..."); rsa1024_crypt_ = generateKeyPair("RSA", 1024); System.out.println("generate RSA KeyPair for a test certificate [2048 bits]..."); rsa2048_crypt = generateKeyPair("RSA", 2048); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { create_rsa = false; System.out.println("No implementation for RSA! RSA certificates are not created!\n"); } } if (create_dsa) { try { System.out.println("generate DSA KeyPair for CA certificate ["+CA_KEYLENGTH+" bits]..."); ca_dsa = generateKeyPair("DSA", CA_KEYLENGTH); System.out.println("generate DSA KeyPair for a test certificate [512 bits]..."); dsa512 = generateKeyPair("DSA", 512); System.out.println("generate DSA KeyPair for a test certificate [1024 bits]..."); dsa1024 = generateKeyPair("DSA", 1024); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { create_dsa = false; System.out.println("No implementation for DSA! DSA certificates are not created!\n"); } } if (create_esdh) { try { System.out.println("generate ESDH KeyPair for a test certificate [512 bits]..."); esdh512 = generateKeyPair("ESDH", 512); System.out.println("generate ESDH KeyPair for a test certificate [1024 bits]..."); esdh1024 = generateKeyPair("ESDH", 1024); System.out.println("generate ESDH KeyPair for a test certificate [1024 bits]..."); esdh1024_ = generateKeyPair("ESDH", 1024); System.out.println("generate ESDH KeyPair for a test certificate [2048 bits]..."); esdh2048 = generateKeyPair("ESDH", 2048); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { create_esdh = false; System.out.println("No implementation for ESDH! ESDH certificates are not created!\n"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Exception: "+ex); } } public void generateCertificates() { try { // Now create the certificates Name issuer = new Name(); issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.country, "AT"); issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.organization ,"IAIK"); issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.organizationalUnit ,"JavaSecurity"); Name subject = new Name(); subject.addRDN(ObjectID.country, "AT"); subject.addRDN(ObjectID.organization ,"IAIK"); subject.addRDN(ObjectID.organizationalUnit ,"JavaSecurity"); // // create self signed CA certs // X509Certificate caRSA = null; X509Certificate caDSA = null; X509Certificate[] chain = new X509Certificate[1]; // for verifying the created certificates SimpleChainVerifier verifier = new SimpleChainVerifier(); if (create_rsa) { issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"IAIK RSA Test CA"); System.out.println("create self signed RSA CA certificate..."); caRSA = createCertificate(issuer, ca_rsa.getPublic(), issuer, ca_rsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.sha1WithRSAEncryption, null, true); // verify the self signed certificate caRSA.verify(); // set the CA cert as trusted root verifier.addTrustedCertificate(caRSA); chain[0] = caRSA; addToKeyStore(ca_rsa, chain, CA_RSA); issuer.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); } if (create_dsa) { issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"IAIK DSA Test CA"); System.out.println("create self signed DSA CA certificate..."); caDSA = createCertificate(issuer, ca_dsa.getPublic(), issuer, ca_dsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.dsaWithSHA, null, true); // verify the self signed certificate caDSA.verify(); // set the CA cert as trusted root verifier.addTrustedCertificate(caDSA); chain[0] = caDSA; addToKeyStore(ca_dsa, chain, CA_DSA); issuer.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); } // // create certificates // chain = new X509Certificate[2]; // create a RSA certificate if (create_rsa) { issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"IAIK RSA Test CA"); SubjectKeyIdentifier subjectKeyID = (SubjectKeyIdentifier)caRSA.getExtension(SubjectKeyIdentifier.oid); // 512 // for signing System.out.println("Create RSA demo certificates to be used for signing..."); // 512 subject.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName, "RSA 512 bit Demo Signing Certificate"); System.out.println("create 512 bit RSA demo certificate..."); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, rsa512_sign.getPublic(), issuer, ca_rsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.sha1WithRSAEncryption, subjectKeyID.get(), true); chain[1] = caRSA; // and verify the chain verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(rsa512_sign, chain, RSA_512_SIGN); subject.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); // 1024 subject.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"RSA 1024 bit Demo Signing Certificate"); System.out.println("create 1024 bit RSA demo certificate..."); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, rsa1024_sign.getPublic(), issuer, ca_rsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.sha1WithRSAEncryption, subjectKeyID.get(), true); chain[1] = caRSA; verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(rsa1024_sign, chain, RSA_1024_SIGN); subject.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); // 2048 subject.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"RSA 2048 bit Demo Signing Certificate"); System.out.println("create 2048 bit RSA demo certificate..."); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, rsa2048_sign.getPublic(), issuer, ca_rsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.sha1WithRSAEncryption, subjectKeyID.get(), true); chain[1] = caRSA; verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(rsa2048_sign, chain, RSA_2048_SIGN); subject.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); // for encrypting System.out.println("Create RSA demo certificates to be used for encryption..."); // 512 subject.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName, "RSA 512 bit Demo Encryption Certificate"); System.out.println("create 512 bit RSA demo certificate..."); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, rsa512_crypt.getPublic(), issuer, ca_rsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.sha1WithRSAEncryption, subjectKeyID.get(), false); chain[1] = caRSA; // and verify the chain verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(rsa512_crypt, chain, RSA_512_CRYPT); subject.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); // 1024 subject.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"RSA 1024 bit Demo Encryption Certificate"); System.out.println("create 1024 bit RSA demo certificate..."); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, rsa1024_crypt.getPublic(), issuer, ca_rsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.sha1WithRSAEncryption, subjectKeyID.get(), false); chain[1] = caRSA; verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(rsa1024_crypt, chain, RSA_1024_CRYPT); System.out.println("create second 1024 bit RSA demo Encryption certificate..."); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, rsa1024_crypt_.getPublic(), issuer, ca_rsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.sha1WithRSAEncryption, subjectKeyID.get(), false); chain[1] = caRSA; verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(rsa1024_crypt_, chain, RSA_1024_CRYPT_); subject.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); // 2048 subject.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"RSA 2048 bit Demo Encryption Certificate"); System.out.println("create 2048 bit RSA demo certificate..."); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, rsa2048_crypt.getPublic(), issuer, ca_rsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.sha1WithRSAEncryption, subjectKeyID.get(), false); chain[1] = caRSA; verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(rsa2048_crypt, chain, RSA_2048_CRYPT); subject.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); issuer.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); } // create a DSA test certificate if (create_dsa) { issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"IAIK DSA Test CA"); // 512 subject.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"DSA 512 bit Demo Certificate"); System.out.println("create 512 bit DSA demo certificate..."); SubjectKeyIdentifier subjectKeyID = (SubjectKeyIdentifier)caDSA.getExtension(SubjectKeyIdentifier.oid); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, dsa512.getPublic(), issuer, ca_dsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.dsaWithSHA, subjectKeyID.get(), true); subject.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); chain[1] = caDSA; verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(dsa512, chain, DSA_512); // 1024 subject.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"DSA 1024 bit Demo Certificate"); System.out.println("create 1024 bit DSA demo certificate..."); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, dsa1024.getPublic(), issuer, ca_dsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.dsaWithSHA, subjectKeyID.get(), true); subject.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); chain[1] = caDSA; verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(dsa1024, chain, DSA_1024); issuer.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); } // create a ESDH test certificate if (create_esdh) { issuer.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"IAIK DSA Test CA"); // 512 subject.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"ESDH 512 bit Demo Certificate"); System.out.println("create 512 bit ESDH demo certificate..."); SubjectKeyIdentifier subjectKeyID = (SubjectKeyIdentifier)caDSA.getExtension(SubjectKeyIdentifier.oid); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, esdh512.getPublic(), issuer, ca_dsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.dsaWithSHA, subjectKeyID.get(), false); subject.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); chain[1] = caDSA; verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(esdh512, chain, ESDH_512); // 1024 subject.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"ESDH 1024 bit Demo Certificate 1"); System.out.println("create 1024 bit ESDH demo certificate..."); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, esdh1024.getPublic(), issuer, ca_dsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.dsaWithSHA, subjectKeyID.get(), false); subject.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); chain[1] = caDSA; verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(esdh1024, chain, ESDH_1024); // 1024 subject.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"ESDH 1024 bit Demo Certificate 2"); System.out.println("create second 1024 bit ESDH demo certificate..."); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, esdh1024_.getPublic(), issuer, ca_dsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.dsaWithSHA, subjectKeyID.get(), false); subject.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); chain[1] = caDSA; verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(esdh1024_, chain, ESDH_1024_); // 2048 subject.addRDN(ObjectID.commonName ,"ESDH 2048 bit Demo Certificate"); System.out.println("create 2048 bit ESDH demo certificate..."); chain[0] = createCertificate(subject, esdh2048.getPublic(), issuer, ca_dsa.getPrivate(), AlgorithmID.dsaWithSHA, subjectKeyID.get(), false); subject.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); chain[1] = caDSA; verifier.verifyChain(chain); addToKeyStore(esdh2048, chain, ESDH_2048); issuer.removeRDN(ObjectID.commonName); } System.out.println("\nCertificates created!"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Exception: "+ex); } } public static void start() { SetupCMSKeyStore suks = new SetupCMSKeyStore(); suks.initializeKeyStore(); if (suks.create_only_certificates) { suks.getPrivateKeys(); } else { suks.generatePrivateKeys(); } suks.generateCertificates(); suks.saveKeyStore(); } /** * Creates the test certificates. */ public static void main(String arg[]) throws IOException { IAIK.addAsProvider(true); start(); System.in.read(); } }