# IXSIL algorithm properties
# This file contains the properties which IXSIL uses in context of key management.

# The following properties are associations between the fully qualified XMLname of a "KeyInfo" subelement,
# as used in an XML signature to specify hints how the verifier can obtain the verification key, and that
# implementation class of the interface iaik.ixsil.keyinfo.KeyProviderInterface, which will manage
# subelements of that type.
# These properties are only of interest, if you are using the standard key manager shipped with IXISL
# (which is class iaik.ixsil.keyInfo.KeyManagerImpl).
# For instance, if you would like to specify the key provider implementation for "KeyValue" subelements,
# the property name is the fully qualified XML name for the "KeyValue" element, namely
# "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#:KeyValue". The value of the property is the fully qualified class
# name of the key provider implementation class, for instance the standard implementation which ships with
# IXSIL: "iaik.ixsil.keyinfo.KeyProviderImplKeyValue".
# PLEASE NOTE (I): A fully qualified name for an XML element consists of an URI indicating the namespace the
#                  element belongs to (e.g. "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#") and the local name of the
#                  element (e.g. "KeyValue"). Both components are seperated by a colon.
# PLEASE NOTE (II): The colon character (":") must be escaped by a leading backslash, if it appears in the
#                   property name.

http\://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#\:KeyValue = iaik.ixsil.keyinfo.KeyProviderImplKeyValue
http\://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#\:X509Data = iaik.ixsil.keyinfo.x509.KeyProviderImplX509Data
http\://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#\:RetrievalMethod = iaik.ixsil.keyinfo.retrieval.KeyProviderImplRetrievalMethod

# The following properties specify the order in which the different types of "KeyInfo" subelements are used
# by the key manager to deduce the verification key.
# These properties are only of interest, if you are using the standard key manager shipped with IXISL
# (which is class iaik.ixsil.keyInfo.KeyManagerImpl).
# The properties are associations between a two digit number and the fully qualified XML name of a "KeyInfo"
# subelement. The lower the number, the more important is the associated "KeyInfo" sublement. Consider an
# example configuration:
# Subelement.01 = http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#:KeyValue
# Subelement.02 = http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#:X509Data
# In this configuration, the key manager first tries to use "KeyValue" subelements to deduce the
# verification key. Only if this does not succeed, the key manager uses "X509Data" subelements as a second
# chance. Of course you can specify more than only two different subelement types.
# PLEASE NOTE: A fully qualified name for an XML element consists of an URI indicating the namespace the
#              element belongs to (e.g. "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#") and the local name of the
#              element (e.g. "KeyValue"). Both components are seperated by a colon.

Subelement.01 = http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#:KeyValue
Subelement.02 = http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#:X509Data
Subelement.03 = http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#:RetrievalMethod

# The following property is used by standard implementation of the "X509Data" key provider, which ships
# with IXSIL, namely "KeyProviderImplX509Data". It specifies the implementation class for the interface
# iaik.ixsil.keyinfo.x509.X509TrustManagerInterface, which is to be instantiated as the backbone trust
# manager for this key provider.
# Please specifiy the fully qualified java class name for the class to be instantiated.

KeyProviderImplX509Data.X509TrustManagerDefaultImplementingClass = iaik.ixsil.keyinfo.x509.X509TrustManagerDummyImpl