rem ---------------- rem Java home rem ---------------- rem JDK home directory (no trailing path separator) set JAVA_HOME=<Java JDK home directory> rem Java endorsed directory rem If not set, the catalina scripts default applies (%CATALINA_HOME%/common/endorsed) rem set JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS=<Java endorsed directory> rem ---------------- rem Tomcat config rem ---------------- rem Tomcat 4.1.x home directory (no trailing path separator) set CATALINA_HOME=<Tomcat home directory> rem Tomcat 4.1.x base directory (no trailing path separator) rem If you do not work with bases, please set base directory to CATALINA_HOME set CATALINA_BASE=%CATALINA_HOME% rem ---------------- rem MOA SL config rem ---------------- rem MOA SL configuration properties file set MOA_SL_CFG_HOME=%CATALINA_BASE%\conf\moa-sl set PARAM_SLCONFIG=-Dat.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.slinterface.PropertiesLocation=%MOA_SL_CFG_HOME%\ rem MOA SL log4j configuration file set MOA_SL_LOG4J_HOME=%CATALINA_BASE%\conf\log4j set PARAM_LOGGING=-Dlog4j.configuration=file:%MOA_SL_LOG4J_HOME%\ rem SSL options, if Tomcat should be used for checking client authenticity rem set rem set rem set rem set PARAMS_SSL=%PARAM_TRUST_STORE% %PARAM_TRUST_STORE_PASS% %PARAM_TRUST_STORE_TYPE% set PARAMS_MOA=%PARAM_SLCONFIG% %PARAM_LOGGING% set CATALINA_OPTS=%PARAMS_MOA% %PARAMS_SSL% cd %CATALINA_HOME% bin\catalina.bat run