Class Summary |
Base64Utils |
Utitility functions for encoding/decoding Base64 strings. |
BoolUtils |
Utility class for parsing XML schema boolean values. |
CollectionUtils |
Various utility methods for dealing with java.util.Collection
classes. |
DateTimeUtils |
Utility for parsing and building XML type dateTime ,
according to ISO 8601. |
DOMUtils |
Various utility functions for handling XML DOM trees.
EntityResolverChain |
Implementation of the org.xml.sax.EntityResolver ,
for use by a org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser . |
FileUtils |
Utility for accessing files on the file system, and for reading from input streams. |
KeyStoreUtils |
Utility for creating and loading key stores. |
MessageProvider |
A singleton wrapper around a Message object.
Messages |
Provides access to the system messages resource used for exception handling
and logging messages.
MOADefaultHandler |
A DefaultHandler that uses a MOAEntityResolver and
a MOAErrorHandler . |
MOAEntityResolver |
An EntityResolver that looks up entities stored as
local resources.
MOAErrorHandler |
An ErrorHandler that logs a message and throws a
SAXException upon error and fatal
parsing errors. |
MOATimer |
A timer utility for named timers. |
NodeIteratorAdapter |
A NodeIterator implementation based on a
ListIterator . |
NodeListAdapter |
A NodeList implementation based on a List . |
ResourceBundleChain |
A class to chain ResourceBundle s. |
SSLUtils |
Utility for connecting to server applications via SSL. |
StreamEntityResolver |
An EntityResolver that maps system IDs to
InputStream s. |
StreamUtils |
Utility methods for streams. |
URLDecoder |
Decodes an URL encoded String using a specified character encoding.
URLEncoder |
Translates a string into mime format "x-www-form-urlencoded".
XPathUtils |
Utility methods to evaluate XPath expressions on DOM nodes. |