Package at.gv.egovernment.moa.util

Interface Summary
Constants Contains various constants used throughout the system.

Class Summary
Base64Utils Utitility functions for encoding/decoding Base64 strings.
BoolUtils Utility class for parsing XML schema boolean values.
CollectionUtils Various utility methods for dealing with java.util.Collection classes.
DateTimeUtils Utility for parsing and building XML type dateTime, according to ISO 8601.
DOMUtils Various utility functions for handling XML DOM trees.
EntityResolverChain Implementation of the org.xml.sax.EntityResolver, for use by a org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.
FileUtils Utility for accessing files on the file system, and for reading from input streams.
KeyStoreUtils Utility for creating and loading key stores.
MessageProvider A singleton wrapper around a Message object.
Messages Provides access to the system messages resource used for exception handling and logging messages.
MOADefaultHandler A DefaultHandler that uses a MOAEntityResolver and a MOAErrorHandler.
MOAEntityResolver An EntityResolver that looks up entities stored as local resources.
MOAErrorHandler An ErrorHandler that logs a message and throws a SAXException upon error and fatal parsing errors.
MOATimer A timer utility for named timers.
NodeIteratorAdapter A NodeIterator implementation based on a ListIterator.
NodeListAdapter A NodeList implementation based on a List.
ResourceBundleChain A class to chain ResourceBundles.
SSLUtils Utility for connecting to server applications via SSL.
StreamEntityResolver An EntityResolver that maps system IDs to InputStreams.
StreamUtils Utility methods for streams.
URLDecoder Decodes an URL encoded String using a specified character encoding.
URLEncoder Translates a string into mime format "x-www-form-urlencoded".
XPathUtils Utility methods to evaluate XPath expressions on DOM nodes.

Exception Summary
XPathException An exception occurred evaluating an XPath.