Package at.gv.egovernment.moa.spss.server.config

Class Summary
ConfigurationPartsBuilder A class that builds configuration data from a DOM based representation.
ConfigurationProvider A class providing access to the MOA configuration data.
DistributionPoint A class containing information about a CRL distribution point.
HardwareCryptoModule Contains configuration data for a hardware crypto module.
HardwareKeyModule A class that contains information about a hardware key module.
IssuerAndSerial A class containing the issuer and serial number of a certificate, which can be used to uniquely identify the certificate.
KeyGroup A collection of KeyGroupEntrys with its own ID.
KeyGroupEntry A class containing information about an entry in a key group.
KeyModule A class that contains information about a key module.
SoftwareKeyModule A class containing information about a software key, stored in PKCS12 format.
TrustProfile Information about a trust profile.

Exception Summary
ConfigurationException Exception signalling an error in the configuration.