@echo off rem rem PLEASE CHANGE THIS ENV VARIABLES ACCORDING TO YOUR ENVIRONMENT! rem rem Helper script for setting env variables for the IAIK lib update script rem rem Author: Gregor Karlinger rem Version: $Id: $ rem rem Home of JDK used by Apache Ant for executing the update script SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Programme\Java\jdk1.5.0_02 rem Home of the MOA SPSS webservice install directory (the update is performed on that directory) rem Please set empty value if webservice update should not be performed, i.e. "SET MOA_SPSS_WS_INSTALL=" SET MOA_SPSS_WS_INSTALL=E:\cio\projekte\basismodule\wartung\projekt\spss.server\tmp\dist\ws rem Home of the MOA SPSS API install directory (the update is performed on that directory) rem Please set empty value if API update should not be performed, i.e. "SET MOA_SPSS_LIB_INSTALL=" SET MOA_SPSS_LIB_INSTALL=E:\cio\projekte\basismodule\wartung\projekt\spss.server\tmp\dist\lib rem Home of the MOA SPSS development directory (the update is performed on that directory) rem Please set empty value if dev update should not be performed, i.e. "SET MOA_SPSS_DEV=" SET MOA_SPSS_DEV=E:\cio\projekte\basismodule\wartung\projekt\spss.server\tmp\dist\src