Academic year constraint YYYY-YY. (e.g. 2005-06, 2006-07, ...) ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 Andorra United Arab Emirates Afghanistan Antigua and Barbuda Albania Armenia Angola Argentina Austria Australia Azerbaijan Bosnia and Herzegovina Barbados Bangladesh Belgium Burkina Faso Bulgaria Bahrain Burundi Benin Brunei Darussalam Bolivia Brazil Bahamas Bhutan Botswana Belarus Belize Canada Congo, Democratic Republic of the Central African Republic Congo, Republic of the Switzerland Cote d/Ivoire Chile Cameroon China Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Cape Verde Cyprus Czech Republic Germany Djibouti Denmark Dominica Dominican Republic Algeria Ecuador Estonia Egypt Eritrea Spain Ethiopia Finland Fiji Federated States of Micronesia France Gabon United Kingdom Grenada Georgia Ghana Greenland Gambia Guinea Equatorial Guinea Greece Guatemala Guinea-Bissau Guyana Honduras Croatia Haiti Hungary Indonesia Ireland Israel India Iraq Iran Iceland Italy Jamaica Jordan Japan Kenya Kyrgyzstan Cambodia Kiribati Comoros Saint Kitts and Nevis Korea, Democratic People/s Republic Korea, Republic of Kuwait Kazakstan Lao People/s Democratic Republic Lebanon Saint Lucia Liechtenstein Sri Lanka Liberia Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Latvia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Morocco Monaco Moldova, Republic of Montenegro Madagascar Marshall Islands Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Mali Myanmar Mongolia Mauritania Malta Mauritius Maldives Malawi Mexico Malaysia Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Nicaragua Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru Niue New Zealand Oman Panama Peru Papua New Guinea Philippines Pakistan Poland Puerto Rico Palestinian Territory, Occupied Portugal Palau Paraguay Qatar Romania Serbia Russian Federation Rwanda Saudi Arabia Solomon Islands Seychelles Sudan Sweden Singapore Slovenia Slovakia Sierra Leone San Marino Senegal Somalia Suriname Sao Tome and Principe El Salvador Syrian Arab Republic Swaziland Chad Togo Thailand Tajikistan Timor-Leste Turkmenistan Tunisia Tonga Turkey Trindidad and Tobago Tuvalu Tanzania, United republic of Ukraina Uganda United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Holy See (Vatican City State) Saint Vincent and the Granadines Venezuela Viet Nam Vanuatu Samoa Yemen South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Type of course unit Compulsory Optional Date format yyyy-mm-dd. Ex.: 2013-05-04, ... ECTS grading scale Top 10% Next 25% Next 30% Next 25% Lowest 10% Fail Fail E-Mail address constraint EHEA Framework (Bologna: Framework of Qualifications/European Qualifications Framework) First Cycle Second Cycle Third Cycle Empty text constraint Empty text constraint Gender Female Male MIME: Type image GIF image JPEG JFIF image JPEG JFIF image Portable Network Graphics Tag Image File Format International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 1997 Level 0: Pre-primary education Level 1: Primary education or first stage of basic education Level 2: Lower secondary education or second stage of basic education Level 3: Upper secondary education Level 4: Post-secondary non-tertiary education Level 5A: First stage of tertiary education: largely theoretically based programmes intended to provide qualifications for gaining entry into more advanced research programmes and professions with higher skills requirements Level 5B: First stage of tertiary education: shorter, more practical/technical/occupationally specific prgrammes leading to professional qualifications Level 6: Second stage of tertiary education (leading to an advanced research qualification) International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011 Level 0: Early childhood Education Level 1: Primary education Level 2: Lower secondary education Level 3: Upper secondary education Level 4: Post-secondary non-tertiary education Level 5: Short-cycle teriary education Level 6: Bachelor or equivalent Level 7: Master or equivalent Level 8: Doctoral or equivalent ISO 639-1 languages Abkhazian Afrikaans Aragonese Arabic Assamese Azerbaijani Belarusian Bulgarian Bengali Tibetan Breton Bosnian Catalan / Valencian Chechen Corsican Czech Welsh Danish German Greek English Spanish / Castilian Estonian Basque Persian Finnish Fijian Faroese French Western Frisian Irish Gaelic / Scottish Gaelic Galician Manx Ancient Greek Alemanic; Swiss German Hebrew Hindi Croatian Haitian; Haitian Creole Hungarian Armenian Indonesian Icelandic Italian Japanese Javanese Georgian Kongo Korean Kurdish Cornish Kirghiz Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch Limburgan; Limburger; Limburgish Lingala Lithuanian Latvian Malagasy Macedonian Mongolian Moldavian Malay Maltese Burmese Norwegian (Bokmål) Nepali Dutch Norwegian (Nynorsk) Norwegian Polish Portuguese Raeto-Romance Romanian Russian Sardinian Northern Sami Slovak Slovenian Somali Albanian Serbian Swedish Swahili Turkmen Turkish Tahitian Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Yiddish Chinese Church Slavic Esperanto Latin Occitan (post 1500); Provençal VVolapük MIME types GIF image JPEG JFIF image JPEG JFIF image Portable Network Graphics Tag Image File Format HTML Portable Document Format Mode of study Full time Par time Distance eLearning Another Model of delivery Face-to-face Distance learning National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) Level Plain text constraint Non empty text Percent constraint Restriction between 0 and 100 Positive decimal number Positive decimal numbers restriction Positive integer number Positive integer numbers restriction Source of the course unit performance Recognized Course unit attended in mobility programme Another Uniform Resource Locator (URL) http and https restriction Additional information Specific information Other sources Address Name, street, PO box, ... City State or region Postal code Country Country code ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 Data file Description MIME type code Base64 binary data URL reference to the file Description MIME type code URL Image data file Description MIME type image code Base64 binary data URL reference to the image file Description MIME type image code URL Attachment resource Data file URL reference to the file Image data file URL reference to the image file Attached identifier Attachments resources Attachment resource Certification of the Supplement Date was issued Officials certifying Official stamp or seal of the institution Contact information Address Phone number E-Mail address Web site Mobility programme Course structure diagram Courses groups Course units Unique: Course unit code Course units Course unit Language of instruction Language of instruction Student performance Local grade ECTS grade Course unit Course unit code Course unit title Theme (example: Academic project) Type of course unit Type of course unit code Year of study Year of study Level of course unit EHEA Framework code Number of ECTS credits Number of local credits Number of hours Languages of instruction Unique: Language Mode of delivery Mode of delivery oode Work placements Student performance Name of lecturer(s) Learning outcomes of the course unit Prerequisites and co-requisites Recomended optional programme components Course contents Recomended or required reading Planed learning activities and teaching method Assesment methods and criteria Observations Group identifier Institution administering studies identifier Is required by the programme? Course unit work placements Work placement Course unit work placement Name of collaborating institution Date from Date to Training Hours Language of instruction Language code ISO 639-1 of the Supplement Diploma Supplement Information identifying the holder of the qualification Information identifying the qualification Information on the level of the qualification Information on the contents and results gained Information on the function of the qualification Additional informationType Certification of the Supplement Information on the national higher education system Attachments resources Extension content Digital signature Language code ISO 639-1 of the Supplement Indicate if language is the original language Extension content Family name(s) Surname Given name(s) Name Grading scheme and grade distribution guidance Grading scheme Grade distribution guidance Courses groups Groups set name Header information Courses group Footer information Courses group Name of the group Header information Courses group Footer information Group identifier Information identifying the holder of the qualification Family name(s) Given name(s) Date of birth Student identification number or code Country of birth Country code ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 Place of birth Gender Gender code Information identifying the qualification Qualification Title conferred Main fields of study Name and status of awarding institution Name and status of institution administering studies Language of instruction and examination Unique: Language of instruction and examinatio Information on the contents and results gained Mode of study Mode of study Programme requirements Programme details Grading scheme and grade distribution guidance Overall classification of the qualification Information on the function of the qualification type Access to further study Professional status Is regulated profession Information on the level of the qualification Level ff the qualification ISCED 1997 code ISCED 2011 code EHEA Framework code NFQ code Official length of programme Number of ECTS credits Number of years Number of semesters Access requirements Name and status of the institution Name of the institution Status of the institution Country of the institution Country code ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 Additional Information about the institution Contact information Logo of the institution reference Attached identifier reference National identification code or number of the institution ERASMUS code of the institution Language of instruction and examination Language of instruction and examination Language code ISO 639-1 Percent Local grade Academic year Date issued Grade Source grade Source grade code Mobility programme courses units Course unit Mobility programme course unit Course unit code Course unit title Language code ISO 639-1 Number of ECTS credits Additional information Is in the learning agreement? Mobility programme Mobility programme type (e.g. ERASMUS, ISEP, ...) Field of study Country Country code ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 Receiving institution Academic year Study period (Date from) Study period (Date to) Course units Multilingual Diploma Supplement (DS) Diploma Supplement Digital signature Name and status of awarding institution Awarding institution Awarding institution identifier Name and status of institution administering studies Institution administering studies Institution administering studies identifier Official certifying the DS Family name(s) Given name(s) Official capacity Identifier of awarding institution Officials certifying Official certifying Official stamp or seal of the institution Stamp description Identifier of awarding institution Programme details Course structure diagram Courses attended in other institution in mobility programs Programme requirements Programme requirements Key learning outcomes of the programme Qualification Name of the qualification Additional information about the qualification Local identification code or number of the qualification National identification code or number of the qualification Rich text tag Specifies bold text Specifies break line Specifies italic text Specifies underline text Specifies reference to the attached resource Attached identifier reference Title conferred Name of the title conferred Diploma Supplement Primary Key: Group identifier Primary Key: Awarding institution identifier Primary Key: Intitution administering studies identifier Foreign Key: Group identifier Foreign Key: Awarding institution (Official Stamp) identifier Foreign Key: Awarding institution (Official Stamp) identifier Foreign Key: Institution administering studies identifier Multilingual Diploma Supplement Unique: Diploma Supplement language