Enumeration of values that describe the Europass Documents that can be represented as XML instances that follow this specific XML Schema Definition. The locale is comprised of two lowercase and two uppercase letters, separated by underscore. E.g. de_DE or sv_SE. A period is comprised of three sub elements for the start and end dates of the period, as well as an idicator whether the specific period is current. The end date and the current indicator are optional. Boolean that indicates that the experience spans until today Describes the duration that corresponds to the start and end dates of this period Describes the duration that is equivalent to the start and end dates of this period (may not be accurate correspondence) Defines date information, which consists of day, month and year.The date must include at least the year attribute. The CEF language level is comprised of one letter (either A, B or C) and one digit (either 1 or 2). E.g. A1, B2, C1. The levels are defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)