package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.logging.Logger; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.util.MiscUtil; import iaik.pki.revocation.RevocationSourceTypes; /** * A class providing access to the Auth Part of the MOA-ID configuration data. */ public class PropertyBasedAuthConfigurationProvider extends ConfigurationProviderImpl implements AuthConfiguration { private static final boolean TRUST_MANAGER_REVOCATION_CHECKING_DEFAULT = true; private MOAIDConfiguration configuration; private final Properties properties = new Properties(); private boolean requireJDBCBackupImplementation = false; public PropertyBasedAuthConfigurationProvider(String configFileName) throws ConfigurationException { if (configFileName == null) { configFileName = System.getProperty(ConfigurationProvider.CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME); if (MiscUtil.isEmpty(configFileName)) throw new ConfigurationException("config.01", null); }"Loading MOA-ID-AUTH configuration " + configFileName); try { URI fileURI = new URI(configFileName); //instance = new PropertyBasedAuthConfigurationProvider(fileURI); initialize(fileURI); } catch (URISyntaxException e){ Logger.error("MOA-ID-Auth configuration file does not starts with file:/ as prefix.", e); throw new ConfigurationException("config24", new Object[]{MOAIDAuthConstants.FILE_URI_PREFIX, configFileName}); } } // /** // * The constructor with path to a properties file as argument. // * // * @param fileName the path to the properties file // * @throws ConfigurationException if an error occurs during loading the properties file. // */ // public PropertyBasedAuthConfigurationProvider(URI fileName) throws ConfigurationException { // initialize(fileName); // // } private void initialize(URI fileName) throws ConfigurationException { File propertiesFile = new File(fileName); rootConfigFileDir = propertiesFile.getParent(); try { rootConfigFileDir = new File(rootConfigFileDir).toURI().toURL().toString(); } catch (MalformedURLException t) { throw new ConfigurationException("config.03", null, t); } FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(propertiesFile); properties.load(in); super.initial(properties); // JPAPropertiesWithJavaConfig.setLocalProperties(configProp); // System.getProperties().setProperty("location", "file:" + fileName); // context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( // new String[] { "moaid.configuration.beans.xml", // "configuration.beans.xml" // }); // AutowireCapableBeanFactory acbFactory = context.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory(); // acbFactory.autowireBean(this); //Some databases do not allow the selection of a lob in SQL where expression String dbDriver = properties.getProperty("configuration.hibernate.connection.driver_class"); if (MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(dbDriver)) { for (String el:MOAIDConstants.JDBC_DRIVER_NEEDS_WORKAROUND) { if (dbDriver.startsWith(el)) { requireJDBCBackupImplementation = true;"JDBC driver '" + dbDriver + "' is blacklisted --> Switch to alternative DB access methode implementation."); } } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("config.03", null, e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConfigurationException("config.03", null, e); } catch (org.opensaml.xml.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.error("OpenSAML initilalization FAILED. ", e); throw new ConfigurationException("config.23", null, e); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("General error during start-up process.", e); throw new ConfigurationException("init.02", null, e); } finally { if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.warn("Close MOA-ID-Auth configuration file FAILED.", e); } } } /** * Set the {@link Configuration} for this class. * @param configuration the configuration */ @Autowired public void setConfiguration(MOAIDConfiguration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; } /** * Get the properties. * @return the properties */ private Properties getProperties() { return properties; } /** * Method that avoids iterating over a {@link Collection} of type {@code T} which is actual {@code null}. * @param item the collection * @return the given {@link Collection} {@code item} if it is not {@code null}, or an empty {@link List} otherwise. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static > T nullGuard(T item) { if (item == null) { return (T) Collections.emptyList(); } else { return item; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override @Transactional public Map getConfigurationWithPrefix(String Prefix) { try { return configuration.getPropertySubset(Prefix); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("Loading property with Prefix " + Prefix + " FAILED.", e); return new HashMap(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override @Transactional public Map getConfigurationWithWildCard(String key) { try { return configuration.searchPropertiesWithWildcard(key); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("Loading property with searchKey " + key + " FAILED.", e); return new HashMap(); } } public String getBasicMOAIDConfiguration(final String key) { return properties.getProperty(key); } public String getBasicMOAIDConfiguration(final String key, final String defaultValue) { return properties.getProperty(key, defaultValue); } public Map getBasicMOAIDConfigurationWithPrefix(final String prefix) { return KeyValueUtils.getSubSetWithPrefix(KeyValueUtils.concertPropertiesToMap(properties), prefix); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override @Transactional public String getConfigurationWithKey(String key) { try { String value = configuration.getStringValue(key); if (value != null) return value.trim(); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) {} return null; } /** * Returns the general pvp2 properties config. NOTE: may be empty but never {@code null}. * @return the general pvp2 properties config. */ @Transactional public Properties getGeneralPVP2ProperiesConfig() { return this.getGeneralProperiesConfig("protocols.pvp2."); } /** * Returns the general oauth20 properties config. NOTE: may be empty but never {@code null}. * @return the general oauth20 properties config. */ @Transactional public Properties getGeneralOAuth20ProperiesConfig() { return this.getGeneralProperiesConfig("protocols.oauth20."); } /** * Returns the allowed protocols. NOTE: may return {@code null}. * * @return the allowed protocols or {@code null}. */ @Transactional public ProtocolAllowed getAllowedProtocols() { try { ProtocolAllowed allowedProtcols = new ProtocolAllowed(); allowedProtcols.setOAUTHActive( configuration.getBooleanValue(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_PROTOCOLS_OPENID_ENABLED, true)); allowedProtcols.setSAML1Active( configuration.getBooleanValue(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_PROTOCOLS_SAML1_ENABLED, false)); allowedProtcols.setPVP21Active( configuration.getBooleanValue(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_PROTOCOLS_PVP2X_ENABLED, true)); return allowedProtcols; } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.error("Can not load protocol enabled information from configuration.", e); return null; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override @Transactional public int getTransactionTimeOut() { try { return configuration.getIntegerValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_TIMEOUTS_TRANSACTION, 300); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("No transaction timeout defined. Use default values", e); return 300; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override @Transactional public int getSSOCreatedTimeOut() { try { return configuration.getIntegerValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_TIMEOUS_SSO_CREATE, 2700); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("No SSO created timeout defined. Use default values", e); return 2700; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override @Transactional public int getSSOUpdatedTimeOut() { try { return configuration.getIntegerValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_TIMEOUS_SSO_UPDATE, 1200); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("No SSO updated timeout defined. Use default values", e); return 1200; } } /** * Returns an alternative source ID. NOTE: may return {@code null}. * * @return an alternative source ID or {@code null}. * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral} */ @Transactional public String getAlternativeSourceID() throws ConfigurationException { try { return configuration.getStringValue(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_PROTOCOLS_SAML1_SOURCEID); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("SAML1 SourceID can not be read from configuration.", e); return null; } } /** * Returns a list of legacy allowed protocols. NOTE: may return an empty list but never {@code null}. * * @return the list of protocols. */ @Transactional public List getLegacyAllowedProtocols() { List legacy = new ArrayList(); try { if (configuration.getBooleanValue(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_PROTOCOLS_SAML1_LEGACY, false)) { try { Class saml1Protocol = Class.forName(""); legacy.add(saml1Protocol.getName()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { Logger.warn("SAML1 Protocol implementation is not found, but SAML1 legacy-mode is active.. "); } } if (configuration.getBooleanValue(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_PROTOCOLS_PVP2X_LEGACY, false)) legacy.add(PVP2XProtocol.NAME); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("Load legacy protocol configuration property FAILED.", e); } return legacy; } /** * Provides configuration information regarding the online application behind the given URL, relevant to the MOA-ID Auth component. * * @param oaURL URL requested for an online application * @return an OAAuthParameter, or null if none is applicable */ @Transactional public OAAuthParameter getOnlineApplicationParameter(String oaURL) { Map oa = getActiveOnlineApplication(oaURL); if (oa == null) { return null; } return new OAAuthParameter(oa, this); } /** * Returns a string with a url-reference to the VerifyAuthBlock trust profile id within the moa-sp part of the authentication component. * * @return a string with a url-reference to the VerifyAuthBlock trust profile ID. * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral} or in case of missing {@link MOASP}. */ @Transactional public String getMoaSpAuthBlockTrustProfileID(boolean useTestTrustStore) throws ConfigurationException { if (useTestTrustStore) return getMoaSpAuthBlockTestTrustProfileID(); else return getMoaSpAuthBlockTrustProfileID(); } private String getMoaSpAuthBlockTrustProfileID() throws ConfigurationException { try { return configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_MOASP_TRUSTPROFILE_AUTHBLOCK_PROD); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("AuthBlock validation trustprofile can not be read from configuration.", e); return null; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ private String getMoaSpAuthBlockTestTrustProfileID() throws ConfigurationException { try { return configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_MOASP_TRUSTPROFILE_AUTHBLOCK_TEST); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("Test-AuthBlock validation trustprofile can not be read from configuration.", e); return null; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ private String getMoaSpIdentityLinkTestTrustProfileID() throws ConfigurationException { try { return configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_MOASP_TRUSTPROFILE_IDL_TEST); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("Test-IdentityLink validation trustprofile can not be read from configuration.", e); return null; } } /** * Returns a list of strings with references to all verify transform info IDs within the moa-sp part of the authentication component. * * @return a list of strings containing all urls to the verify transform info IDs. * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral} or in case of missing {@link MOASP}. */ @Transactional public List getMoaSpAuthBlockVerifyTransformsInfoIDs() throws ConfigurationException { try { return Arrays.asList(configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_MOASP_AUTHBLOCK_TRANSFORM)); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("AuthBlock transformation can not be read from configuration.", e); return null; } } /** * Returns a ConnectionParameter bean containing all information of the authentication component moa-sp element. * * @return ConnectionParameter of the authentication component moa-sp element. * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral}. */ @Transactional public ConnectionParameter getMoaSpConnectionParameter() throws ConfigurationException { ConnectionParameter result = null; String moaspURL; try { moaspURL = configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_MOASP_URL); if (moaspURL != null) { result = new ConnectionParameterMOASP(moaspURL, this.getProperties(), this.getRootConfigFileDir()); } } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("Loading MOA-SP Service URL from configuration FAILED.", e); } return result; } /** * Returns the {@link ConnectionParameter} for the ForeignID. NOTE: may return {@code null}. * * @return the connection parameter. * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral}. */ @Transactional public ConnectionParameter getForeignIDConnectionParameter(IOAAuthParameters oaParameters) throws ConfigurationException { String serviceURL = null; try { //load OA specific MIS service URL if OA configuration exists if (oaParameters != null) serviceURL = oaParameters.getConfigurationValue(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.SERVICE_EXTERNAL_SZRGW_SERVICE_URL); //get first entry from general configuration if no OA specific URL exists if (MiscUtil.isEmpty(serviceURL)) { List serviceURLs = KeyValueUtils.getListOfCSVValues( configuration.getStringValue(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_SERVICES_SZRGW_URL)); if (serviceURLs.size() > 0) serviceURL = serviceURLs.get(0); } if (MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(serviceURL)) return new ConnectionParameterMandate(serviceURL, this.getProperties(), this.getRootConfigFileDir()); else throw new ConfigurationException("service.09", new Object[]{"NO SZR-GW Service URL"}); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("Initialize SZR-GW service connection parameters FAILED.", e); throw new ConfigurationException("service.09", new Object[]{e.getMessage()}, e); } } /** * Returns the {@link ConnectionParameter} for the OnlineMandates. NOTE: may return {@code null}. * * @return the connection parameter. * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral} */ @Transactional public ConnectionParameter getOnlineMandatesConnectionParameter(IOAAuthParameters oaParameters) throws ConfigurationException { String serviceURL = null; try { //load OA specific MIS service URL if OA configuration exists if (oaParameters != null) serviceURL = oaParameters.getConfigurationValue(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.SERVICE_EXTERNAL_MIS_SERVICE_URL); //get first entry from general configuration if no OA specific URL exists if (MiscUtil.isEmpty(serviceURL)) { List serviceURLs = KeyValueUtils.getListOfCSVValues( configuration.getStringValue(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_SERVICES_OVS_URL)); if (serviceURLs.size() > 0) serviceURL = serviceURLs.get(0); } if (MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(serviceURL)) return new ConnectionParameterMandate(serviceURL, this.getProperties(), this.getRootConfigFileDir()); else throw new ConfigurationException("service.06", new Object[]{"NO MIS Service URL"}); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("Initialize MIS service connection parameters FAILED.", e); throw new ConfigurationException("service.06", new Object[]{e.getMessage()}, e); } } /** * Returns a string with a url-reference to the VerifyIdentityLink trust profile id within the moa-sp part of the authentication component * * @return String with a url-reference to the VerifyIdentityLink trust profile ID * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral} or in case of missing {@link VerifyIdentityLink}. */ private String getMoaSpIdentityLinkTrustProfileID() throws ConfigurationException { try { return configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_MOASP_TRUSTPROFILE_IDL_PROD); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("IdentityLink validation trustprofile can not be read from configuration.", e); return null; } } /** * Returns a non-empty list of transform infos. NOTE: list is never {@code empty} or {@code null}. * * @return a list of transform infos. * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral} or in case of missing {@link SecurityLayer}. */ @Transactional public List getTransformsInfos() throws ConfigurationException { try { String securityLayer = configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_AUTHBLOCK_TRANSFORMATION_BASE64); if (securityLayer != null) { List result = ConfigurationUtils.getTransformInfos(securityLayer); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { Logger.error("No Security-Layer Transformation found."); throw new ConfigurationException("config.05", new Object[] { "Security-Layer Transformation" }); } return result; } else { Logger.warn("Error in MOA-ID Configuration. No generalAuthConfiguration->SecurityLayer found"); throw new ConfigurationException("config.02", null); } } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.error("No Security-Layer Transformation found."); throw new ConfigurationException("config.05", new Object[] { "Security-Layer Transformation" }); } } /** * Returns a list of IdentityLinkX509SubjectNames. NOTE: may return an empty list but never {@code null}. * * @return the list of IdentityLinkX509SubjectNames. * * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral} */ @Transactional public List getIdentityLinkX509SubjectNames() throws ConfigurationException { ArrayList identityLinkX509SubjectNames = new ArrayList(); String[] identityLinkSignersWithoutOID = MOAIDAuthConstants.IDENTITY_LINK_SIGNERS_WITHOUT_OID; for (int i = 0; i < identityLinkSignersWithoutOID.length; i++) { String identityLinkSigner = identityLinkSignersWithoutOID[i]; if (!identityLinkX509SubjectNames.contains(identityLinkSigner)) { identityLinkX509SubjectNames.add(identityLinkSigner); } } return identityLinkX509SubjectNames; } /** * Returns a list of default SLRequestTemplates. NOTE: may return an empty list but never {@code null}. * * @return list of default SLRequestTemplates. * @throws ConfigurationException is never thrown */ @Transactional public List getSLRequestTemplates() throws ConfigurationException { List templatesList = new ArrayList(); try { templatesList.add(configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_DEFAULTS_TEMPLATES_LOCAL)); templatesList.add(configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_DEFAULTS_TEMPLATES_THIRD)); templatesList.add(configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_DEFAULTS_TEMPLATES_HANDY)); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("SecurtiyLayer request templates are not loadable from configuration.", e); } return templatesList; } /** * Returns the type's default SLRequestTemplate. NOTE: may return {@code null}. * * @param type the type of BKU. * @return the default SLRequestTemplate for the given type. * * @throws ConfigurationException is never thrown */ @Transactional public String getSLRequestTemplates(String type) throws ConfigurationException { String slRequestTemplate = null; try { switch (type) { case IOAAuthParameters.THIRDBKU: slRequestTemplate = configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_DEFAULTS_TEMPLATES_THIRD); break; case IOAAuthParameters.LOCALBKU: slRequestTemplate = configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_DEFAULTS_TEMPLATES_LOCAL); break; case IOAAuthParameters.HANDYBKU: slRequestTemplate = configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_DEFAULTS_TEMPLATES_HANDY); break; default: Logger.warn("getSLRequestTemplates: BKU Type does not match: " + IOAAuthParameters.THIRDBKU + " or " + IOAAuthParameters.HANDYBKU + " or " + IOAAuthParameters.LOCALBKU); } } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("SecurtiyLayer request templates are not loadable from configuration.", e); } return slRequestTemplate; } /** * Returns a list of default BKUURLs. NOTE: may return an empty list but never {@code null}. * * @return list of default BKUURLs. * @throws ConfigurationException is never thrown */ @Transactional public List getDefaultBKUURLs() throws ConfigurationException { List bkuurlsList = new ArrayList(); try { bkuurlsList.add(configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_DEFAULTS_BKU_THIRD)); bkuurlsList.add(configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_DEFAULTS_BKU_LOCAL)); bkuurlsList.add(configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_DEFAULTS_BKU_HANDY)); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("BKU URLs are not loadable from configuration.", e); } return bkuurlsList; } /** * Returns the type's default BKUURL. NOTE: may return {@code null}. * * @param type the type of BKU. * @return the default BKUURL for the given type. * * @throws ConfigurationException is never thrown */ @Transactional public String getDefaultBKUURL(String type) throws ConfigurationException { String defaultBKUUrl = null; try { switch (type) { case IOAAuthParameters.THIRDBKU: defaultBKUUrl = configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_DEFAULTS_BKU_THIRD); break; case IOAAuthParameters.LOCALBKU: defaultBKUUrl = configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_DEFAULTS_BKU_LOCAL); break; case IOAAuthParameters.HANDYBKU: defaultBKUUrl = configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_DEFAULTS_BKU_HANDY); break; default: Logger.warn("getDefaultBKUURL: BKU Type does not match: " + IOAAuthParameters.THIRDBKU + " or " + IOAAuthParameters.HANDYBKU + " or " + IOAAuthParameters.LOCALBKU); } } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("BKU URLs are not loadable from configuration.", e); } return defaultBKUUrl; } /** * Returns the SSOTagetIdentifier. NOTE: returns {@code null} if no SSOTargetIdentifier is set. * * @return the SSOTagetIdentifier or {@code null} * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral} */ @Transactional public String getSSOTagetIdentifier() throws ConfigurationException { try { String value = configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_SSO_TARGET); if (MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(value)) return value.trim(); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("Single Sign-On Target can not be read from configuration.", e); } return null; } /** * Returns the SSOFriendlyName. NOTE: never returns {@code null}, if no SSOFriendlyName is set, a default String is returned. * * @return the SSOFriendlyName or a default String */ @Transactional public String getSSOFriendlyName() { try { return configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_SSO_SERVICENAME, "Default MOA-ID friendly name for SSO"); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("Single Sign-On FriendlyName can not be read from configuration.", e); return "Default MOA-ID friendly name for SSO"; } } /** * Returns the SSOSpecialText. NOTE: never returns {@code null}, if no SSOSpecialText is set, an empty String is returned. * * @return the SSOSpecialText or an empty String */ @Transactional public String getSSOSpecialText() { try { String text = configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_SSO_AUTHBLOCK_TEXT); return MiscUtil.isEmpty(text) ? new String() : text; } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("Single Sign-On AuthBlockText can not be read from configuration.", e); return new String(); } } /** * Returns the MOASessionEncryptionKey NOTE: returns {@code null} if no MOASessionEncryptionKey is set. * * @return the MOASessionEncryptionKey or {@code null} */ public String getMOASessionEncryptionKey() { String prop = properties.getProperty("configuration.moasession.key"); return MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(prop) ? prop : null; } /** * Returns the MOAConfigurationEncryptionKey NOTE: returns {@code null} if no MOAConfigurationEncryptionKey is set. * * @return the MOAConfigurationEncryptionKey or {@code null} */ public String getMOAConfigurationEncryptionKey() { String prop = properties.getProperty("configuration.moaconfig.key"); return MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(prop) ? prop : null; } /** * @return {@code true} if IdentityLinkResigning is set, {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isIdentityLinkResigning() { String prop = properties.getProperty("", "false"); return Boolean.valueOf(prop); } /** * Returns the IdentityLinkResigningKey. NOTE: returns {@code null} if no IdentityLinkResigningKey is set. * * @return the IdentityLinkResigningKey or {@code null} */ public String getIdentityLinkResigningKey() { String prop = properties.getProperty("configuration.resignidentitylink.keygroup"); return MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(prop) ? prop : null; } /** * @return {@code true} if MonitoringActive is set, {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isMonitoringActive() { String prop = properties.getProperty("", "false"); return Boolean.valueOf(prop); } /** * Returns the MonitoringTestIdentityLinkURL. NOTE: returns {@code null} if no MonitoringTestIdentityLinkURL is set. * * @return the MonitoringTestIdentityLinkURL or {@code null} */ public String getMonitoringTestIdentityLinkURL() { String prop = properties.getProperty("configuration.monitoring.test.identitylink.url"); return MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(prop) ? prop : null; } /** * Returns the MonitoringMessageSuccess. NOTE: returns {@code null} if no MonitoringMessageSuccess is set. * * @return the MonitoringMessageSuccess or {@code null} */ public String getMonitoringMessageSuccess() { String prop = properties.getProperty("configuration.monitoring.message.success"); return MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(prop) ? prop : null; } /** * @return {@code true} if AdvancedLoggingActive is set, {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isAdvancedLoggingActive() { String prop = properties.getProperty("", "false"); return Boolean.valueOf(prop); } @Transactional public List getPublicURLPrefix() throws ConfigurationException{ try { String publicURLPrefixList = configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_PUBLICURLPREFIX); List returnValues = new ArrayList(); if (publicURLPrefixList != null) { publicURLPrefixList = KeyValueUtils.normalizeCSVValueString(publicURLPrefixList); List publicURLPrefixArray = Arrays.asList(publicURLPrefixList.split(",")); Logger.trace("Found " + publicURLPrefixArray.size() + " PublicURLPrefix in configuration."); for (String el : publicURLPrefixArray) { try { new URL(el); if (el.endsWith("/")) returnValues.add(el.substring(0, el.length()-1)); else returnValues.add(el); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Logger.warn("IDP PublicURLPrefix URL " + el + " is not a valid URL", e); } } } if (returnValues.size() > 0) return returnValues; else { Logger.warn("MOA-ID PublicURLPrefix is not found in configuration."); throw new ConfigurationException("config.08", new Object[]{"IDP PublicURLPrefix"}); } } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("MOA-ID PublicURLPrefix can not be read from configuration.", e); throw new ConfigurationException("config.08", new Object[]{"IDP PublicURLPrefix"}, e); } } /** * @return {@code true} if PVP2AssertionEncryptionActive is set, {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isPVP2AssertionEncryptionActive() { String prop = this.getProperties().getProperty("", "true"); return Boolean.valueOf(prop); } /** * @return {@code true} if CertifiacteQCActive is set, {@code false} otherwise. */ public boolean isCertifiacteQCActive() { String prop = this.getProperties().getProperty("configuration.validation.certificate.QC.ignore", "false"); return !Boolean.valueOf(prop); } /** * Returns a STORK Configuration, NOTE: may return {@code null}. * * @return a new STORK Configuration or {@code null} * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral} */ @Transactional public IStorkConfig getStorkConfig() throws ConfigurationException { IStorkConfig result = null; try { Map storkProps = configuration.getPropertySubset( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_STORK + "."); if (storkProps == null) { Logger.warn("Error in MOA-ID Configuration. No STORK configuration found."); } else { result = new STORKConfig(this.getProperties(), this.getRootConfigFileDir()); } } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("MOA-ID PublicURLPrefix can not be read from configuration.", e); } return result; } // /** // * Small helper method. // * // * @return the {@link AuthComponentGeneral} from the database // * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral} // */ // private AuthComponentGeneral getAuthComponentGeneral() throws ConfigurationException { // // AuthComponentGeneral authComponentGeneral = configuration.get(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.AUTH_COMPONENT_GENERAL_KEY, AuthComponentGeneral.class); // if (authComponentGeneral == null) { // Logger.warn("Error in MOA-ID Configuration. No generalAuthConfiguration found"); // throw new ConfigurationException("config.02", null); // } // return authComponentGeneral; // } // /** // * Returns the {@link VerifyAuthBlock}. // * // * @return the {@link VerifyAuthBlock}. // * @throws ConfigurationException is thrown in case of missing {@link AuthComponentGeneral} or in case of missing {@link MOASP}. // */ // private VerifyAuthBlock getVerifyAuthBlock() throws ConfigurationException { // // AuthComponentGeneral authComponentGeneral = getAuthComponentGeneral(); // MOASP moasp = authComponentGeneral.getMOASP(); // if (moasp != null) { // VerifyAuthBlock vab = moasp.getVerifyAuthBlock(); // if (vab != null) { // VerifyAuthBlock verifyIdl = new VerifyAuthBlock(); // verifyIdl.setTrustProfileID(vab.getTrustProfileID()); // verifyIdl.setVerifyTransformsInfoProfileID(new ArrayList(vab.getVerifyTransformsInfoProfileID())); // return verifyIdl; // } else { // Logger.warn("Error in MOA-ID Configuration. No Trustprofile for AuthBlock validation."); // throw new ConfigurationException("config.02", null); // } // } else { // Logger.warn("Error in MOA-ID Configuration. No MOASP configuration found"); // throw new ConfigurationException("config.02", null); // } // } /** * Small helper method. NOTE: may return empty properties, but never {@code null}. * @param propPrefix the prefix of the desired property. * @return the {@link Properties} */ private Properties getGeneralProperiesConfig(final String propPrefix) { Properties configProp = new Properties(); for (Object key : this.getProperties().keySet()) { if (key.toString().startsWith(propPrefix)) { String propertyName = key.toString().substring(propPrefix.length()); configProp.put(propertyName, this.getProperties().get(key.toString())); } } return configProp; } /** * Returns whether the trust-manager revocation checking is enabled or not. * * @return {@code true} if enable, {@code false} if disabled */ @Override @Transactional public boolean isTrustmanagerrevoationchecking() { try { return configuration.getBooleanValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_REVOCATIONCHECKING, TRUST_MANAGER_REVOCATION_CHECKING_DEFAULT); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { return TRUST_MANAGER_REVOCATION_CHECKING_DEFAULT; } } @Override @Transactional public String getTrustedCACertificates() { try { String path = rootConfigFileDir + configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_AUTH_TRUSTSTORE_URL); if (MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(path)) return path; else { Logger.warn("Error in MOA-ID Configuration. No TrustStoreDirectory defined."); return null; } } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.warn("Error in MOA-ID Configuration. No TrustStoreDirectory defined.", e); return null; } } /** * Returns the active {@link OnlineApplication} with the given ID or {@code null} if either no matching online application is found or if the {@code id} * matches more than one entry. * * @param id the id of the requested online application * @return the requested online application or {@code null} */ @Transactional public Map getActiveOnlineApplication(String id) { Logger.trace("Get active OnlineApplication with ID " + id + " from database."); Map oaConfig = null; try { //TODO: //Some databases do not allow the selection of a lob in SQL where expression String dbDriver = properties.getProperty("configuration.hibernate.connection.driver_class"); if (requireJDBCBackupImplementation) oaConfig = configuration.getOnlineApplicationBackupVersion(id); else oaConfig = configuration.getOnlineApplication(id); if (oaConfig != null) { String isActiveString = oaConfig.get(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.SERVICE_ISACTIVE); if (isActiveString != null && Boolean.valueOf(isActiveString)) return oaConfig; else"Online application with identifier " + id + " is found, but NOT active."); } else Logger.warn("Online application with identifier " + id + " is not found."); } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.error("Error during OnlineApplication load operationen (oaId=." + id + ")" , e); } return null; } //Load document service url from moa properties public String getDocumentServiceUrl() { String prop = properties.getProperty("stork.documentservice.url", "false"); return prop; } public boolean isPVPSchemaValidationActive() { String prop = properties.getProperty("protocols.pvp2.schemavalidation", "true"); return Boolean.valueOf(prop); } /** * Checks if is fakeIdL is activated. * * @return true, if fake IdLs are available for stork */ public boolean isStorkFakeIdLActive() { String prop = properties.getProperty("", "false"); return Boolean.valueOf(prop); } /** * Gets the countries which will receive a fake IdL * * @return the countries */ public List getStorkFakeIdLCountries() { String prop = properties.getProperty("stork.fakeIdL.countries", ""); return Arrays.asList(prop.replaceAll(" ", "").split(",")); } /** * Gets the resigning key (group) for the stork fake IdL. * * @return the resigning key */ public String getStorkFakeIdLResigningKey() { String prop = properties.getProperty("stork.fakeIdL.keygroup"); if (MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(prop)) return prop; else return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public List getStorkNoSignatureCountries() { String prop = properties.getProperty("stork.fakeIdL.noSignatureCountries", ""); return Arrays.asList(prop.replaceAll(" ", "").split(",")); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override @Deprecated public boolean isHTTPAuthAllowed() { String prop = properties.getProperty("", "false"); return Boolean.valueOf(prop); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public String[] getRevocationMethodOrder() { final String[] DEFAULTORDER = new String[] {RevocationSourceTypes.OCSP, RevocationSourceTypes.CRL}; List result = new ArrayList(); String prop = properties.getProperty("configuration.ssl.validation.revocation.method.order"); if (MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(prop)) { String[] configOrder = prop.split(","); for (String el : configOrder) { if (RevocationSourceTypes.ALL.contains(el.trim())) { result.add(el.trim()); } } } if (result.isEmpty()) return DEFAULTORDER; else return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override @Transactional public List getDefaultRevisionsLogEventCodes() { try { String eventcodes = configuration.getStringValue(MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_REVERSION_LOGS_EVENTCODES); if (MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(eventcodes)) { String[] codes = eventcodes.split(","); List result = new ArrayList(); for (String el : codes) { try { result.add(Integer.parseInt(el)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.warn("EventCode: " + el + " is not a valid Integer."); } } if (!result.isEmpty()) return result; } } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.error("Error during revisions-code load operationen." , e); } return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override @Transactional public String getMoaSpIdentityLinkTrustProfileID(boolean useTestTrustStore) throws ConfigurationException { if (useTestTrustStore) return getMoaSpIdentityLinkTestTrustProfileID(); else return getMoaSpIdentityLinkTrustProfileID(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override @Transactional public boolean isVirtualIDPsEnabled() { try { String value = configuration.getStringValue( MOAIDConfigurationConstants.GENERAL_ISVIRTUALIDPSENABLED); if (MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(value)) { return Boolean.valueOf(value); } } catch (at.gv.egiz.components.configuration.api.ConfigurationException e) { Logger.error("Error during 'isVirutalIDPsEnabled' load operationen." , e); } return false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, boolean) */ @Override public boolean getBasicMOAIDConfigurationBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue) { String value = properties.getProperty(key); if (MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(value)) return Boolean.valueOf(value); return defaultValue; } }