/* * Copyright 2003 Federal Chancellery Austria * MOA-ID has been developed in a cooperation between BRZ, the Federal * Chancellery Austria - ICT staff unit, and Graz University of Technology. * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * http://www.osor.eu/eupl/ * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * * This product combines work with different licenses. See the "NOTICE" text * file for details on the various modules and licenses. * The "NOTICE" text file is part of the distribution. Any derivative works * that you distribute must include a readable copy of the "NOTICE" text file. */ package at.gv.egovernment.moa.id.auth.data; import iaik.x509.X509Certificate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.id.auth.validator.InfoboxValidator; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.id.auth.validator.parep.ParepUtils; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.logging.Logger; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.util.Constants; /** * Session data to be stored between AuthenticationServer API calls. * * @author Paul Ivancsics * @version $Id$ */ public class AuthenticationSession { private static String TARGET_PREFIX_ = Constants.URN_PREFIX_CDID + "+"; private static String REGISTERANDORDNR_PREFIX_ = Constants.URN_PREFIX_WBPK + "+"; /** * session ID */ private String sessionID; /** * "Geschäftsbereich" the online application belongs to; maybe null * if the online application is a business application */ private String target; /** * public online application URL requested */ private String oaURLRequested; /** * public online application URL prefix */ private String oaPublicURLPrefix; /** * URL of MOA ID authentication component */ private String authURL; /** * HTML template URL */ private String templateURL; /** * URL of the BKU */ private String bkuURL; /** * Use mandate */ private boolean useMandate; /** * Selected mandate */ private Element mandateElem; /** * @return the mandateElem */ public Element getMandateElem() { return mandateElem; } /** * @param mandateElem the mandateElem to set */ public void setMandateElem(Element mandateElem) { this.mandateElem = mandateElem; } /** * SessionID for MIS */ private String misSessionID; /** * identity link read from smartcard */ private IdentityLink identityLink; /** * authentication block to be signed by the user */ private String authBlock; /** * timestamp logging when authentication session has been created */ private Date timestampStart; /** * timestamp logging when identity link has been received */ private Date timestampIdentityLink; /** * Indicates whether the corresponding online application is a business * service or not */ private boolean businessService; /** * Signer certificate of the foreign citizen */ private X509Certificate signerCertificate; /** * SAML attributes from an extended infobox validation to be appended * to the SAML assertion delivered to the final online application. */ private List extendedSAMLAttributesOA; /** * The boolean value for either a target or a wbPK is provided as * SAML Attribute in the SAML Assertion or not. */ private boolean samlAttributeGebeORwbpk; /** * SAML attributes from an extended infobox validation to be appended * to the SAML assertion of the AUTHBlock. */ private List extendedSAMLAttributesAUTH; /** * The issuing time of the AUTH-Block SAML assertion. */ private String issueInstant; /** * If infobox validators are needed after signing, they can be stored in * this list. */ private List infoboxValidators; /** * The register and number in the register parameter in case of a business * service application. */ private String domainIdentifier; /** * This string contains all identifiers of infoboxes, the online application * is configured to accept. The infobox identifiers are comma separated. */ private String pushInfobox; /** * AppSpecificConfiguration entry of then mandates infobox-validator. Tells * whether person data from the representative have to be exchanged by data * from the mandate */ private boolean mandateCompatibilityMode = false; /** * Constructor for AuthenticationSession. * * @param id Session ID */ public AuthenticationSession(String id) { sessionID = id; setTimestampStart(); infoboxValidators = new ArrayList(); } public X509Certificate getForeignSignerCertificate() { return signerCertificate; } public void setForeignSignerCertificate(X509Certificate signerCertificate) { this.signerCertificate = signerCertificate; } /** * Returns the identityLink. * @return IdentityLink */ public IdentityLink getIdentityLink() { return identityLink; } /** * Returns the sessionID. * @return String */ public String getSessionID() { return sessionID; } /** * Sets the identityLink. * @param identityLink The identityLink to set */ public void setIdentityLink(IdentityLink identityLink) { this.identityLink = identityLink; } /** * Sets the sessionID. * @param sessionId The sessionID to set */ public void setSessionID(String sessionId) { this.sessionID = sessionId; } /** * Returns the oaURLRequested. * @return String */ public String getOAURLRequested() { return oaURLRequested; } /** * Returns the oaURLRequested. * @return String */ public String getPublicOAURLPrefix() { return oaPublicURLPrefix; } /** * Returns the BKU URL. * @return String */ public String getBkuURL() { return bkuURL; } /** * Returns the target. * @return String */ public String getTarget() { return target; } /** * Sets the oaURLRequested. * @param oaURLRequested The oaURLRequested to set */ public void setOAURLRequested(String oaURLRequested) { this.oaURLRequested = oaURLRequested; } /** * Sets the oaPublicURLPrefix * @param oaPublicURLPrefix The oaPublicURLPrefix to set */ public void setPublicOAURLPrefix(String oaPublicURLPrefix) { this.oaPublicURLPrefix = oaPublicURLPrefix; } /** * Sets the bkuURL * @param bkuURL The BKU URL to set */ public void setBkuURL(String bkuURL) { this.bkuURL = bkuURL; } /** * Sets the target. If the target includes the target prefix, the prefix will be stripped off. * @param target The target to set */ public void setTarget(String target) { if (target != null && target.startsWith(TARGET_PREFIX_)) { // If target starts with prefix "urn:publicid:gv.at:cdid+"; remove prefix this.target = target.substring(TARGET_PREFIX_.length()); Logger.debug("Target prefix stripped off; resulting target: " + this.target); } else { this.target = target; } } /** * Returns the authURL. * @return String */ public String getAuthURL() { return authURL; } /** * Sets the authURL. * @param authURL The authURL to set */ public void setAuthURL(String authURL) { this.authURL = authURL; } /** * Returns the authBlock. * @return String */ public String getAuthBlock() { return authBlock; } /** * Sets the authBlock. * @param authBlock The authBlock to set */ public void setAuthBlock(String authBlock) { this.authBlock = authBlock; } /** * Returns the timestampIdentityLink. * @return Date */ public Date getTimestampIdentityLink() { return timestampIdentityLink; } /** * Returns the businessService. * @return true if the corresponding online application is * a business application, otherwise false */ public boolean getBusinessService() { return businessService; } /** * Sets the businessService variable. * @param businessService the value for setting the businessService variable. */ public void setBusinessService(boolean businessService) { this.businessService = businessService; } /** * Returns the timestampStart. * @return Date */ public Date getTimestampStart() { return timestampStart; } /** * Sets the current date as timestampIdentityLink. */ public void setTimestampIdentityLink() { timestampIdentityLink = new Date(); } /** * Sets the current date as timestampStart. */ public void setTimestampStart() { timestampStart = new Date(); } /** * @return template URL */ public String getTemplateURL() { return templateURL; } /** * @param string the template URL */ public void setTemplateURL(String string) { templateURL = string; } /** * Returns the SAML Attributes to be appended to the AUTHBlock. Maybe null. * * @return The SAML Attributes to be appended to the AUTHBlock. Maybe null. */ public List getExtendedSAMLAttributesAUTH() { return extendedSAMLAttributesAUTH; } /** * Sets the SAML Attributes to be appended to the AUTHBlock. * * @param extendedSAMLAttributesAUTH The SAML Attributes to be appended to the AUTHBlock. */ public void setExtendedSAMLAttributesAUTH( List extendedSAMLAttributesAUTH) { this.extendedSAMLAttributesAUTH = extendedSAMLAttributesAUTH; } /** * Returns the SAML Attributes to be appended to the SAML assertion * delivered to the online application. Maybe null. * * @return The SAML Attributes to be appended to the SAML assertion * delivered to the online application */ public List getExtendedSAMLAttributesOA() { return extendedSAMLAttributesOA; } /** * Sets the SAML Attributes to be appended to the SAML assertion * delivered to the online application. * * @param extendedSAMLAttributesOA The SAML Attributes to be appended to the SAML * assertion delivered to the online application. */ public void setExtendedSAMLAttributesOA( List extendedSAMLAttributesOA) { this.extendedSAMLAttributesOA = extendedSAMLAttributesOA; } /** * Returns the boolean value for either a target or a wbPK is * provided as SAML Attribute in the SAML Assertion or not. * * @return true either a target or a wbPK is provided as SAML Attribute * in the SAML Assertion or false if not. */ public boolean getSAMLAttributeGebeORwbpk() { return this.samlAttributeGebeORwbpk; } /** * Sets the boolean value for either a target or a wbPK is * provided as SAML Attribute in the SAML Assertion or not. * * @param samlAttributeGebeORwbpk The boolean for value either a target or * wbPK is provided as SAML Attribute in the SAML Assertion or not. */ public void setSAMLAttributeGebeORwbpk(boolean samlAttributeGebeORwbpk) { this.samlAttributeGebeORwbpk = samlAttributeGebeORwbpk; } /** * Returns the issuing time of the AUTH-Block SAML assertion. * * @return The issuing time of the AUTH-Block SAML assertion. */ public String getIssueInstant() { return issueInstant; } /** * Sets the issuing time of the AUTH-Block SAML assertion. * * @param issueInstant The issueInstant to set. */ public void setIssueInstant(String issueInstant) { this.issueInstant = issueInstant; } /** * Returns the iterator to the stored infobox validators. * @return Iterator */ public Iterator getInfoboxValidatorIterator() { if (infoboxValidators==null) return null; return infoboxValidators.iterator(); } /** * Adds an infobox validator class to the stored infobox validators. * @param infoboxIdentifier the identifier of the infobox the validator belongs to * @param infoboxFriendlyName the friendly name of the infobox * @param infoboxValidator the infobox validator to add */ public Iterator addInfoboxValidator(String infoboxIdentifier, String infoboxFriendlyName, InfoboxValidator infoboxValidator) { if (infoboxValidators==null) infoboxValidators = new ArrayList(); Vector v = new Vector(3); v.add(infoboxIdentifier); v.add(infoboxFriendlyName); v.add(infoboxValidator); infoboxValidators.add(v); return infoboxValidators.iterator(); } /** * Tests for pending input events of the infobox validators. * @return true if a validator has a form to show */ public boolean isValidatorInputPending() { boolean result = false; Iterator iter = getInfoboxValidatorIterator(); if (iter != null) { while (!result && iter.hasNext()) { Vector infoboxValidatorVector = (Vector) iter.next(); InfoboxValidator infoboxvalidator = (InfoboxValidator) infoboxValidatorVector.get(2); if (!ParepUtils.isEmpty(infoboxvalidator.getForm())) result=true; } } return result; } /** * Returns the first pending infobox validator. * @return the infobox validator class */ public InfoboxValidator getFirstPendingValidator() { Iterator iter = getInfoboxValidatorIterator(); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) { Vector infoboxValidatorVector = (Vector) iter.next(); InfoboxValidator infoboxvalidator = (InfoboxValidator) infoboxValidatorVector.get(2); String form = infoboxvalidator.getForm(); if (!ParepUtils.isEmpty(form)) return infoboxvalidator; } } return null; } /** * Returns the input form of the first pending infobox validator input processor. * @return the form to show */ public String getFirstValidatorInputForm() { Iterator iter = getInfoboxValidatorIterator(); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) { Vector infoboxValidatorVector = (Vector) iter.next(); InfoboxValidator infoboxvalidator = (InfoboxValidator) infoboxValidatorVector.get(2); String form = infoboxvalidator.getForm(); if (!ParepUtils.isEmpty(form)) return form; } } return null; } /** * @return the mandateCompatibilityMode */ public boolean isMandateCompatibilityMode() { return mandateCompatibilityMode; } /** * @param mandateCompatibilityMode the mandateCompatibilityMode to set */ public void setMandateCompatibilityMode(boolean mandateCompatibilityMode) { this.mandateCompatibilityMode = mandateCompatibilityMode; } /** * Returns domain identifier (the register and number in the register parameter). * null in the case of not a business service. * * @return the domainIdentifier */ public String getDomainIdentifier() { return domainIdentifier; } /** * Sets the register and number in the register parameter if the application * is a business service. * If the domain identifier includes the registerAndOrdNr prefix, the prefix * will be stripped off. * * @param domainIdentifier the domain identifier to set */ public void setDomainIdentifier(String domainIdentifier) { if (domainIdentifier != null && domainIdentifier.startsWith(REGISTERANDORDNR_PREFIX_)) { // If domainIdentifier starts with prefix "urn:publicid:gv.at:wbpk+"; remove this prefix this.domainIdentifier = domainIdentifier.substring(REGISTERANDORDNR_PREFIX_.length()); Logger.debug("Register and ordernumber prefix stripped off; resulting register string: " + this.domainIdentifier); } else { this.domainIdentifier = domainIdentifier; } } /** * Gets all identifiers of infoboxes, the online application * is configured to accept. The infobox identifiers are comma separated. * * @return the string containing infobox identifiers */ public String getPushInfobox() { if (pushInfobox==null) return ""; return pushInfobox; } /** * @param pushInfobox the infobox identifiers to set (comma separated) */ public void setPushInfobox(String pushInfobox) { this.pushInfobox = pushInfobox; } /** * * @param useMandate indicates if mandate is used or not */ public void setUseMandate(String useMandate) { if (useMandate.compareToIgnoreCase("true") == 0) this.useMandate = true; else this.useMandate = false; } /** * Returns if mandate is used or not * @return */ public boolean getUseMandate() { return this.useMandate; } /** * * @param misSessionID indicates the MIS session ID */ public void setMISSessionID(String misSessionID) { this.misSessionID = misSessionID; } /** * Returns the MIS session ID * @return */ public String getMISSessionID() { return this.misSessionID; } }