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    function bkuLocalClicked() {
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/* 			if (checkMandateSSO())
				return; */
/* 			setSSOSelection(); */
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/* 			iFrameURL += "&SSO=" + document.getElementById("useSSO").value; */
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/* 			if (checkMandateSSO())
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/* 			setSSOSelection(); */
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/* 			if (checkMandateSSO())
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/* 			setSSOSelection(); */
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		function setMandateSelection() {
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/* 		function checkMandateSSO() {
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			var mandate = document.getElementById("mandateCheckBox");
			if (sso.checked && mandate.checked) {
				alert("Anmeldung in Vertretung in kombination mit Single Sign-On wird aktuell noch nicht unterstützt!")
				mandate.checked = false;
				sso.checked = false;
				return true;
			} else {
				return false;
		} */
<title>Anmeldung mittels Bürgerkarte oder Handy-Signatur</title>
<body onload="onChangeChecks();" onresize="onChangeChecks();">
	<div id="page">
		<div id="page1" class="case selected-case" role="main">
			<h2 class="OA_header" role="heading">Anmeldung an: #OAName#</h2>
			<div id="main">
				<div id="leftcontent" class="hell" role="application">
					<div id="bku_header" class="dunkel">
						<h2 id="tabheader" class="dunkel" role="heading">#HEADER_TEXT#</h2>
					<div id="bkulogin" class="hell" role="form">
						<div id="mandateLogin" style="">
								<input tabindex="1" type="checkbox" name="Mandate"
									id="mandateCheckBox" class="verticalcenter" role="checkbox"
									onClick='document.getElementById("mandateCheckBox").setAttribute("aria-checked", document.getElementById("mandateCheckBox").checked);'#MANDATECHECKED#>
								<label for="mandateCheckBox" class="verticalcenter">in
									Vertretung anmelden</label>
								<!--a      href="info_mandates.html" 
                        class="infobutton verticalcenter" 
						<div id="bkuselectionarea">
							<div id="bkukarte">
								<img class="bkuimage" src="#CONTEXTPATH#/img/online-bku.png"
									alt="OnlineBKU" /> <input name="bkuButtonOnline" type="button"
									onClick="bkuOnlineClicked();" tabindex="2" role="button"
									value="Karte" />
							<div id="bkuhandy">
								<img class="bkuimage" src="#CONTEXTPATH#/img/mobile-bku.png"
									alt="HandyBKU" /> <input name="bkuButtonHandy" type="button"
									onClick="bkuHandyClicked();" tabindex="3" role="button"
									value="HANDY" />
						<div id="localBKU">
							<form method="get" id="moaidform" action="#AUTH_URL#"
								class="verticalcenter" target="_parent">
								<input type="hidden" name="bkuURI" value="#LOCAL#"> <input
									type="hidden" name="useMandate" id="useMandate"> <input
									type="hidden" name="SSO" id="useSSO"> <input
									type="hidden" name="CCC" id="ccc"> <input type="hidden"
									name="MODUL" value="#MODUL#"> <input type="hidden"
									name="ACTION" value="#ACTION#"> <input type="hidden"
									name="MOASessionID" value="#SESSIONID#"> 
                  <input type="submit" value=">lokale Bürgerkartenumgebung" tabindex="4"
									role="button" class="hell"
                    <small>Alternativ können Sie eine lokal installierte BKU verwenden.</small>								                                  
              <div id="stork" align="center" style="#STORKVISIBLE#">
                <h2 id="tabheader" class="dunkel">Home Country Selection</h2>
                  <select name="cccSelection" id="cccSelection" size="1" style="width: 120px; margin-right: 5px;" >
                  <button name="bkuButton" type="button" onClick="storkClicked();">Proceed</button>
                  <a href="info_stork.html" target="_blank" class="infobutton" style="color:#FFF">i</a>

						<div id="metroDetected" style="display: none">
							<p>Anscheinend verwenden Sie Internet Explorer im
								Metro-Modus. Wählen Sie bitte "Auf dem Desktop anzeigen" aus den
								Optionen um die Karten-Anmeldung starten zu können.</p>
		<div id="validation">
			<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri="> <img
				style="border: 0; width: 88px; height: 31px"
				src="#CONTEXTPATH#/img/valid-html5-blue.png" alt="HTML5 ist valide!" />
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				style="border: 0; width: 88px; height: 31px"
				alt="CSS ist valide!" />