package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletRequestAware; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletResponseAware; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; import eu.stork.vidp.messages.common.STORKBootstrap; public class ImportExportAction extends ActionSupport implements ServletRequestAware, ServletResponseAware { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ImportExportAction.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private HttpServletRequest request; // private HttpServletResponse response; private AuthenticatedUser authUser; private String formID; private File fileUpload = null; private String fileUploadContentType = null; private String fileUploadFileName = null; private InputStream fileInputStream; public String init() { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); if (session == null) {"No http Session found."); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR; } Object authUserObj = session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_AUTH); authUser = (AuthenticatedUser) authUserObj; if (authUser.isAdmin()) { formID = Random.nextRandom(); session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, formID); return Constants.STRUTS_SUCCESS; } else {"No access to Import/Export for User with ID" + authUser.getUserID()); addActionError(LanguageHelper.getErrorString("errors.notallowed")); return Constants.STRUTS_NOTALLOWED; } } public String importLegacyConfig() { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); if (session == null) {"No http Session found."); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR; } Object authUserObj = session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_AUTH); authUser = (AuthenticatedUser) authUserObj; Object formidobj = session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID); if (formidobj != null && formidobj instanceof String) { String formid = (String) formidobj; if (!formid.equals(formID)) { log.warn("FormIDs does not match. Some suspect Form is received from user " + authUser.getFamilyName() + authUser.getGivenName() + authUser.getUserID()); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR; } } else { log.warn("FormIDs does not match. Some suspect Form is received from user " + authUser.getFamilyName() + authUser.getGivenName() + authUser.getUserID()); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR; } session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, null); if (authUser.isAdmin()) { //load legacy config if it is configured if (fileUpload == null) { addActionError(LanguageHelper.getErrorString("errors.importexport.nofile")); formID = Random.nextRandom(); session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, formID); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR_VALIDATION; } //Initialize OpenSAML for STORK"Starting initialization of OpenSAML..."); try { STORKBootstrap.bootstrap(); } catch (org.opensaml.xml.ConfigurationException e1) {"Legacy configuration has an Import Error", e1); addActionError(LanguageHelper.getErrorString("errors.importexport.legacyimport", new Object[] {e1.getMessage()})); formID = Random.nextRandom(); session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, formID); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR_VALIDATION; } log.debug("OpenSAML successfully initialized"); try { MOAIDConfiguration moaidconfig = ConfigurationDBRead.getMOAIDConfiguration(); MOAIDConfiguration moaconfig; try { log.warn("WARNING! The legacy import deletes the hole old config"); String rootConfigFileDir = ConfigurationProvider.getInstance().getConfigRootDir(); moaconfig =, rootConfigFileDir, moaidconfig); } catch (ConfigurationException e) {"Legacy configuration has an Import Error", e); addActionError(LanguageHelper.getErrorString("errors.importexport.legacyimport", new Object[] {e.getMessage()})); ConfigurationDBUtils.closeSession(); formID = Random.nextRandom(); session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, formID); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR_VALIDATION; } catch ( e) { ConfigurationDBUtils.closeSession(); formID = Random.nextRandom(); session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, formID); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR_VALIDATION; } //check if XML config should be use log.warn("WARNING! MOA-ID 2.0 is started with XML configuration. This setup overstrike the actual configuration in the Database!"); if (moaidconfig != null) ConfigurationDBUtils.delete(moaidconfig); List oas = ConfigurationDBRead.getAllOnlineApplications(); if (oas != null && oas.size() > 0) { for (OnlineApplication oa : oas) ConfigurationDBUtils.delete(oa); } oas = moaconfig.getOnlineApplication(); for (OnlineApplication oa : oas); moaconfig.setOnlineApplication(null);; } catch (MOADatabaseException e) { log.warn("General MOA-ID config can not be stored in Database"); addActionError(e.getMessage()); formID = Random.nextRandom(); session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, formID); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR_VALIDATION; } finally { ConfigurationDBUtils.closeSession(); }"Legacy Configuration load is completed."); addActionMessage(LanguageHelper.getGUIString("webpages.inportexport.success")); return Constants.STRUTS_SUCCESS; } else {"No access to Import/Export for User with ID" + authUser.getUserID()); addActionError(LanguageHelper.getErrorString("errors.notallowed")); return Constants.STRUTS_NOTALLOWED; } } public String downloadXMLConfig() { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); if (session == null) {"No http Session found."); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR; } Object authUserObj = session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_AUTH); authUser = (AuthenticatedUser) authUserObj; Object formidobj = session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID); if (formidobj != null && formidobj instanceof String) { String formid = (String) formidobj; if (!formid.equals(formID)) { log.warn("FormIDs does not match. Some suspect Form is received from user " + authUser.getFamilyName() + authUser.getGivenName() + authUser.getUserID()); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR; } } else { log.warn("FormIDs does not match. Some suspect Form is received from user " + authUser.getFamilyName() + authUser.getGivenName() + authUser.getUserID()); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR; } session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, null); if (authUser.isAdmin()) {"Write MOA-ID 2.x xml config"); JAXBContext jc; try { jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(""); Marshaller m = jc.createMarshaller(); m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); // File test = new File(xmlconfigout); // m.marshal(moaidconfig, test); MOAIDConfiguration moaidconfig = ConfigurationDBRead.getMOAIDConfiguration(); if (moaidconfig == null) {"No MOA-ID 2.x configruation available"); addActionError(LanguageHelper.getErrorString("errors.importexport.export.noconfig")); formID = Random.nextRandom(); session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, formID); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR_VALIDATION; } List oaconfigs = ConfigurationDBRead.getAllOnlineApplications(); moaidconfig.setOnlineApplication(oaconfigs); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); m.marshal(moaidconfig, writer); fileInputStream = IOUtils.toInputStream(writer.toString(), "UTF-8"); } catch (JAXBException e) {"MOA-ID 2.x configruation could not be exported into a XML file.", e); addActionError(LanguageHelper.getErrorString("errors.importexport.export", new Object[]{e.getMessage()})); formID = Random.nextRandom(); session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, formID); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR_VALIDATION; } catch (IOException e) {"MOA-ID 2.x configruation could not be exported into a XML file.", e); addActionError(LanguageHelper.getErrorString("errors.importexport.export", new Object[]{e.getMessage()})); formID = Random.nextRandom(); session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, formID); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR_VALIDATION; } finally { ConfigurationDBUtils.closeSession(); } return Constants.STRUTS_SUCCESS; } else {"No access to Import/Export for User with ID" + authUser.getUserID()); addActionError(LanguageHelper.getErrorString("errors.notallowed")); return Constants.STRUTS_NOTALLOWED; } } public String importXMLConfig() { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); if (session == null) {"No http Session found."); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR; } Object authUserObj = session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_AUTH); authUser = (AuthenticatedUser) authUserObj; Object formidobj = session.getAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID); if (formidobj != null && formidobj instanceof String) { String formid = (String) formidobj; if (!formid.equals(formID)) { log.warn("FormIDs does not match. Some suspect Form is received from user " + authUser.getFamilyName() + authUser.getGivenName() + authUser.getUserID()); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR; } } else { log.warn("FormIDs does not match. Some suspect Form is received from user " + authUser.getFamilyName() + authUser.getGivenName() + authUser.getUserID()); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR; } session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, null); if (authUser.isAdmin()) { if (fileUpload == null) { addActionError(LanguageHelper.getErrorString("errors.importexport.nofile")); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR_VALIDATION; }"Load configuration from MOA-ID 2.x XML configuration"); try { JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(""); Unmarshaller m = jc.createUnmarshaller(); MOAIDConfiguration moaconfig = (MOAIDConfiguration) m.unmarshal(fileUpload); log.warn("WARNING! The XML import deletes the hole old config"); List oas = ConfigurationDBRead.getAllOnlineApplications(); if (oas != null && oas.size() > 0) { for (OnlineApplication oa : oas) ConfigurationDBUtils.delete(oa); } MOAIDConfiguration moaidconfig = ConfigurationDBRead.getMOAIDConfiguration(); if (moaidconfig != null) ConfigurationDBUtils.delete(moaidconfig); List importoas = moaconfig.getOnlineApplication(); for (OnlineApplication importoa : importoas) { ConfigurationDBUtils.saveOrUpdate(importoa); } moaconfig.setOnlineApplication(null); ConfigurationDBUtils.saveOrUpdate(moaconfig); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("MOA-ID XML configuration can not be loaded from File.", e); addActionError(LanguageHelper.getErrorString("errors.importexport.import", new Object[]{e.getMessage()})); formID = Random.nextRandom(); session.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION_FORMID, formID); return Constants.STRUTS_ERROR_VALIDATION; } finally { ConfigurationDBUtils.closeSession(); }"XML Configuration load is completed."); addActionMessage(LanguageHelper.getGUIString("webpages.inportexport.success")); return Constants.STRUTS_SUCCESS; } else {"No access to Import/Export for User with ID" + authUser.getUserID()); addActionError(LanguageHelper.getErrorString("errors.notallowed")); return Constants.STRUTS_NOTALLOWED; } } /** * @return the fileUpload */ public File getFileUpload() { return fileUpload; } /** * @param fileUpload the fileUpload to set */ public void setFileUpload(File fileUpload) { this.fileUpload = fileUpload; } /** * @return the fileUploadContentType */ public String getFileUploadContentType() { return fileUploadContentType; } /** * @param fileUploadContentType the fileUploadContentType to set */ public void setFileUploadContentType(String fileUploadContentType) { this.fileUploadContentType = fileUploadContentType; } /** * @return the fileUploadFileName */ public String getFileUploadFileName() { return fileUploadFileName; } /** * @param fileUploadFileName the fileUploadFileName to set */ public void setFileUploadFileName(String fileUploadFileName) { this.fileUploadFileName = fileUploadFileName; } /** * @return the authUser */ public AuthenticatedUser getAuthUser() { return authUser; } public void setServletResponse(HttpServletResponse response) { // this.response = response; } public void setServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { this.request = request; } public InputStream getFileInputStream() { return fileInputStream; } /** * @return the formID */ public String getFormID() { return formID; } /** * @param formID the formID to set */ public void setFormID(String formID) { this.formID = formID; } }