package test.abnahme; import; import; import; import test.MOAIDTestCase; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Base class for MOA ID test cases. * * Provides some utility functions. * * @author Stefan Knirsch * @version $Id$ */ public class AbnahmeTestCase extends MOAIDTestCase { protected static final String TESTDATA_ROOT = "data/abnahme-test/"; protected static final String TESTDATA_XMLDATA = "data/abnahme-test/xmldata/"; protected static final String AUTH_ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:8080/moa-id-auth/"; protected AuthenticationServer server; /** * Constructor for MOATestCase. * @param arg0 */ public AbnahmeTestCase(String name) { super(name); } /** * Set up a transaction context with a test configuration. */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { System.out.print("--------S-T-A-R-T----V-O-N----"); System.out.print(getName().toUpperCase().substring(4,getName().length())); System.out.print("-----------------------------\n"); // Set moa.spss.server.configuration property System.setProperty("moa.spss.server.configuration",TESTDATA_ROOT + "conf/moa/ConfigurationTest.xml"); // Set property String pathname = findXmldata("Configuration.xml"); System.setProperty(ConfigurationProvider.CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME, pathname); System.out.println("Konfiguration " + pathname); AuthConfigurationProvider.reload(); server = AuthenticationServer.getInstance(); } /** Test case z.B. "A153" */ protected String getID() { return getName().toUpperCase().substring(4,getName().length()); } /** Test group z.B. "A100" */ protected String getTestGroup() { return getID().substring(0, 2) + "00"; } /** Test case data directory */ protected String getTestCaseDirectory() { return getTestGroupDirectory() + getID() + "/"; } /** Test group data directory */ protected String getTestGroupDirectory() { return TESTDATA_XMLDATA + getTestGroup() + "/"; } /** Finds a file in the xmldata directory */ protected String findXmldata(String filename) { String pathname = getTestCaseDirectory() + filename; if (! new File(pathname).exists()) { pathname = getTestGroupDirectory() + filename; if (! new File(pathname).exists()) { pathname = TESTDATA_XMLDATA + filename; } } return pathname; } /** Finds and reads a file in the xmldata directory */ protected String readXmldata(String filename) throws IOException { String pathname = findXmldata(filename); System.out.println("Read file " + pathname); return readFile(pathname); } protected void writeXmldata(String filename, byte[] content) throws Exception { String pathname = getTestCaseDirectory() + filename; System.out.println("Write file " + pathname); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(pathname, "rw"); byte[] data = content; raf.write(data); raf.setLength(data.length); raf.close(); } /** * Creates a session using standard parameters, * and returns the session ID. */ protected String startAuthentication() throws MOAIDException { return startAuthentication("https://localhost:9443/"); } /** * Creates a session using standard parameters, * and returns the session ID. */ protected String startAuthentication(String oaURL) throws MOAIDException { String htmlForm = AuthenticationServer.getInstance().startAuthentication( "https://localhost:8443/auth", "gb", oaURL, null, null, null); String sessionID = parseSessionIDFromForm(htmlForm); return sessionID; } private String parseSessionIDFromForm(String htmlForm) { String parName = "MOASessionID="; assertTrue( "HTML Form enth�lt keine SessionID", htmlForm.indexOf(parName) >= 0); int i1 = htmlForm.indexOf(parName) + parName.length(); int i2 = i1; while(i2 < htmlForm.length() && (htmlForm.charAt(i2) == '-' || (htmlForm.charAt(i2) >= '0' && htmlForm.charAt(i2) <= '9'))) i2++; assertTrue("HTML Form enth�lt keine g�ltige SessionID", i2 > i1); return htmlForm.substring(i1, i2); } protected String clearSessionID(String htmlForm) { String sessionID = parseSessionIDFromForm(htmlForm); int i1 = htmlForm.indexOf(sessionID); int i2 = i1 + sessionID.length(); return htmlForm.substring(0, i1) + htmlForm.substring(i2); } protected void assertEqualsIgnoreSessionID(String s1, String s2) { String ss1 = clearSessionID(s1); String ss2 = clearSessionID(s2); assertEquals(ss1, ss2); } protected void authDataWriter(AuthenticationData authData, String filename) throws Exception { writeXmldata("AuthenticationDataNEW.xml", clearSamlAssertion(authData.getSamlAssertion()).getBytes("UTF-8")); } /** * clearSamlAssertion l�scht aus einer beliebiegen String-Repr�sentation einer XML-Struktur * AUSSLIESSLICH die Attribute 'IssueInstant' und 'AssertionID' heraus. * @param samlAssertion * @return String */ protected String clearSamlAssertion(String samlAssertion) { String result = killInclusive(samlAssertion,"IssueInstant='", "'",""); result = killInclusive(result,"AssertionID='", "'",""); return result; } }