import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import at.gv.egovernment.moa.logging.Logger;
import at.gv.egovernment.moa.util.Base64Utils;
import at.gv.egovernment.moa.util.Constants;
import at.gv.egovernment.moa.util.DOMUtils;
import at.gv.egovernment.moa.util.FileUtils;
import at.gv.egovernment.moa.util.URLEncoder;
* XMLLoginParameterResolver an implementation of implementation of interface
* LoginParameterResolver
* This implementation used to map identities stored in an XML file to parameters
* which are given to OAs.
* @author Rudolf Schamberger
* @version $Id$
public class XMLLoginParameterResolverEncryptedData implements LoginParameterResolver {
//file which is parsed and interpreted for paremeter resolving.
private String identityFile;
private Cipher blowfishCipher;
private Key key;
* inner class used to store mapped parameters
class LPRParams {
* getter method for parameter Enabled.
* Parameter Enabled decides if mapped parameters should be used by XMLLoginParameterResolver
public boolean getEnabled() {
return enabled.booleanValue();
* getter method for parameter UN (username)
* @return Parameter UN or null
not set.
public String getUN() {
return UN;
* getter method for parameter UN (username)
* @return Parameter UN or null
not set.
//TODO XMLLPR decrypt
public String getPlainUN() {
return UN;
* getter method for parameter PW (password)
* @return Parameter PW or null
not set.
public String getPW() {
return PW;
* getter method for generic parameter Param1
* @return Parameter Param1 or null
not set.
public String getParam1() {
return Param1;
* getter method for generic parameter Param2
* @return Parameter Param2 or null
not set.
public String getParam2() {
return Param2;
* getter method for generic parameter Param3
* @return Parameter Param3 or null
not set.
public String getParam3() {
return Param3;
* Returns a string representation of LPRParams
* @return a String
representation of this object.
* @see XMLLoginParameterResolver.LPRParams
public String toString() {
return "Enabled: "
+ enabled.toString()
+ "UN: '"
+ UN
+ "' PW: '"
+ PW
+ "' Param1: '"
+ Param1
+ "' Param2: '"
+ Param2
+ "' Param3: '"
+ Param3
+ "'\n";
//private member variables used to store the parameters
private Boolean enabled = null;
private String UN = null;
private String PW = null;
private String Param1 = null;
private String Param2 = null;
private String Param3 = null;
* Constructs a newly allocated XMLLoginParameterResolver.LPRParams
* @param enabled enable user mapping to parameter set for the parameter set.
* @param UN username used in HTTP 401 - BasicAuthentication
* @param PW password used in HTTP 401 - BasicAuthentication
* @param Param1 generic parameter1 used in HeaderAuthentication and ParameterAuthentication
* @param Param2 generic parameter2 used in HeaderAuthentication and ParameterAuthentication
* @param Param3 generic parameter3 used in HeaderAuthentication and ParameterAuthentication
LPRParams(boolean enabled, String UN, String PW, String Param1, String Param2, String Param3) {
this.enabled = new Boolean(enabled);
this.UN = UN;
this.PW = PW;
this.Param1 = Param1;
this.Param1 = Param2;
this.Param1 = Param3;
* Constructs a newly allocated XMLLoginParameterResolver.LPRParams
* @param enabled enable user mapping to parameter set for the parameter set.
* @param UN username used in HTTP 401 - BasicAuthentication
* @param PW password used in HTTP 401 - BasicAuthentication
LPRParams(boolean enabled, String UN, String PW) {
this(enabled, UN, PW, null, null, null);
* Constructs a newly allocated XMLLoginParameterResolver
public XMLLoginParameterResolverEncryptedData() {
bPKMap = new HashMap();
namedMap = new HashMap();
* configuration method
* @param configuration enabled enable user mapping to parameter set for the parameter set.
public void configure(String configuration, Boolean businessService) throws LoginParameterResolverException {
File idFile;
Element rootElement;
Security.addProvider(new IAIK());
try {
blowfishCipher = Cipher.getInstance("Blowfish/CBC/PKCS5Padding", "IAIK");
} catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.11",
new Object[] { "XMLLoginParameterResolver: NoSuchPaddingException \n" + e.toString()});
} catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.11",
new Object[] { "XMLLoginParameterResolver: NoSuchProviderException \n" + e.toString()});
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.11",
new Object[] { "XMLLoginParameterResolver: NoSuchAlgorithmException \n" + e.toString()});
String plaintext = "start";
String encrypted = encryptData(plaintext, "1234567890123456", "123hochgeheim");
String decrypted = decryptData(encrypted, "1234567890123456", "123hochgeheim");
Logger.debug("plaintext: " + plaintext);
Logger.debug("encrypted: " + encrypted);
Logger.debug("decrypted: " + decrypted);
//make file name absolut (if it is relative to main config file)
String moaIDConfigFileName = System.getProperty(ConfigurationProvider.CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME);
String rootConfigFileDir = new File(moaIDConfigFileName).getParent();
this.identityFile = FileUtils.makeAbsoluteURL(configuration, rootConfigFileDir);
if (null == identityFile || false == (idFile = new File(identityFile)).canRead()) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.11",
new Object[] { "XMLLoginParameterResolver: could not read '" + identityFile + "' " });
try {
rootElement = readXMLFile(identityFile);
} catch (IOException lex) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.11",
new Object[] { "XMLLoginParameterResolver: could not read '" + identityFile + "' " });
} catch (SAXException sex) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.11",
new Object[] { "XMLLoginParameterResolver: parsing problem in file:'" + identityFile + "' ", sex.toString() });
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
// TODO XMLPR Auto-generated catch block
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.11",
new Object[] { "XMLLoginParameterResolver: parsing problem in file:'" + identityFile + "' ", e.toString() });
buildInfo(rootElement, businessService.booleanValue());
isConfigured = true;
* encryptData method uses parameters masterSecret and bPK as key information to encrypt plaintext
* @param plaintext
* @param bPK
* @param masterSecret
* @returns encrypted data (blowfish encrypted, base64 encoded)
* @throws LoginParameterResolverException
public String encryptData(String plaintext, String bPK, String masterSecret) throws LoginParameterResolverException
try {
String keyString = bPK + masterSecret;
key = new"UTF-8"), "Blowfish");
IvParameterSpec param = new IvParameterSpec(new byte [] {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0});
blowfishCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, param);
byte [] cipherText = blowfishCipher.doFinal(plaintext.getBytes("UTF-8"));
return Base64Utils.encode(cipherText);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
} catch (BadPaddingException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
} catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
* encryptData method uses parameters masterSecret and bPK as key information to decrypt ciphertext
* @param ciphertext (blowfish encrypted, base64encoded)
* @param bPK
* @param masterSecret
* @returns decrypted Data (plaintext)
* @throws LoginParameterResolverException
public String decryptData(String ciphertext, String bPK, String masterSecret) throws LoginParameterResolverException
try {
String keyString = bPK + masterSecret;
key = new"UTF-8"), "Blowfish");
IvParameterSpec param = new IvParameterSpec(new byte [] {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0});
blowfishCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, param);
byte [] plaintext = blowfishCipher.doFinal(Base64Utils.decode(ciphertext, true));
return new String(plaintext);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
} catch (BadPaddingException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
} catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object [] {"Blowfish: " + e.toString()});
* @see,, java.lang.String)
public Map getAuthenticationHeaders(
OAConfiguration oaConf,
AuthenticationData authData,
String clientIPAddress,
boolean businessService,
String publicURLPrefix) throws LoginParameterResolverException, NotAllowedException {
Map result = new HashMap();
if (!isConfigured) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("XMLLoginParameterResolver with configuration '" +
identityFile + "' is not configured!", null);
//get the Identity of the user
String famName = resolveValue("MOAFamilyName", authData, clientIPAddress);
String givenName = resolveValue("MOAGivenName", authData, clientIPAddress);
String dateOfBirth = resolveValue("MOADateOfBirth", authData, clientIPAddress);
String bPK ="";
String wType= "";
if (businessService) {
bPK = resolveValue(MOAWBPK, authData, clientIPAddress);
wType = "w";
} else {
bPK = resolveValue(MOABPK, authData, clientIPAddress);
String userid = "";
String password = "";
LPRParams params = null;
boolean userFound = false;
//try (w)bPK and named search
params = bPKIdentitySearch(bPK, wType);
if (null == params)
params = namedIdentitySearch(famName, givenName, dateOfBirth);
//if both searches failed, report error.
if(null == params)
throw new NotAllowedException("User:_" + wType + "bPK:'" +bPK+ ", " + famName + ", " + givenName + "' not authorized.", null);
//HTTP 401 - Basic Authentication
if (oaConf.getAuthType().equals("basic")) {
userid = (null != params.getUN()) ? params.getUN() : "";
password = (null != params.getPW()) ? params.getPW() : "";
try {
String userIDPassword = userid + ":" + password;
String credentials = Base64Utils.encode(userIDPassword.getBytes("UTF-8"));
Logger.debug("XMLLoginParameterResolver: calculated credentials: " + credentials);
result.put("Authorization", "Basic " + credentials);
} catch (IOException ignore) {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object[] {"internal error while encoding in Base64"});
} else if (oaConf.getAuthType().equals("header")) { //HTTP Authentication
String key;
String resolvedValue;
//TODO MOAID XMLLPR select value through OA-ConfigFile;
if(null != params.getUN()) result.put("UN", params.getUN());
if(null != params.getPW()) result.put("UN", params.getPW());
if(null != params.getParam1()) result.put("UN", params.getParam1());
if(null != params.getParam2()) result.put("UN", params.getParam2());
if(null != params.getParam3()) result.put("UN", params.getParam3());
} else {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("config.14", new Object[] {"AuthType not supported"});
return result;
* @see,, java.lang.String)
public Map getAuthenticationParameters(
OAConfiguration oaConf,
AuthenticationData authData,
String clientIPAddress,
boolean businessService) throws LoginParameterResolverException, NotAllowedException {
Map result = new HashMap();
if (!isConfigured) {
Logger.warn("XMLLoginParameterResolver with configuration '" + identityFile + " is not configured");
return result;
String famName = resolveValue("MOAFamilyName", authData, clientIPAddress);
String givenName = resolveValue("MOAGivenName", authData, clientIPAddress);
String dateOfBirth = resolveValue("MOADateOfBirth", authData, clientIPAddress);
String bPK ="";
String wType= "";
if (businessService) {
bPK = resolveValue(MOAWBPK, authData, clientIPAddress);
wType = "w";
} else {
bPK = resolveValue(MOABPK, authData, clientIPAddress);
String userid = "";
String password = "";
LPRParams params = null;
//try (w)bPK and named search
params = bPKIdentitySearch(bPK, wType);
if (null == params)
params = namedIdentitySearch(famName, givenName, dateOfBirth);
//if both searches failed, report error.
if(null == params)
throw new NotAllowedException("User:_" + wType + "bPK:'" +bPK+ ", " + famName + ", " + givenName + "' not authorized.", null);
if (oaConf.getAuthType().equals("param")) {
try {
if(null != params.getUN()) result.put(XSD_UNATTR, URLEncoder.encode(params.getUN(),"ISO-8859-1"));
if(null != params.getPW()) result.put(XSD_PWATTR, URLEncoder.encode(params.getPW(),"ISO-8859-1"));
if(null != params.getParam1()) result.put(XSD_PARAM1ATTR, URLEncoder.encode(params.getParam1(),"ISO-8859-1"));
if(null != params.getParam2()) result.put(XSD_PARAM2ATTR, URLEncoder.encode(params.getParam2(),"ISO-8859-1"));
if(null != params.getParam3()) result.put(XSD_PARAM3ATTR, URLEncoder.encode(params.getParam3(),"ISO-8859-1"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// ISO-8859-1 is supported
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("URLEncoder error", null);
} else {
throw new LoginParameterResolverException("AuthType not supported", null);
return result;
* Resolves a login header or parameter value.
* @param predicate header or parameter predicate name from online application configuration
* @param authData authentication data for current login
* @param clientIPAddress client IP address
* @return header or parameter value resolved; null
if unknown name is given
private static String resolveValue(
String predicate,
AuthenticationData authData,
String clientIPAddress) {
if (predicate.equals("MOAGivenName"))
return authData.getGivenName();
if (predicate.equals("MOAFamilyName"))
return authData.getFamilyName();
if (predicate.equals("MOADateOfBirth"))
return authData.getDateOfBirth();
if (predicate.equals("MOABPK"))
return authData.getBPK();
if (predicate.equals("MOAWBPK"))
return authData.getWBPK();
if (predicate.equals("MOAPublicAuthority"))
if (authData.isPublicAuthority())
return "true";
return "false";
if (predicate.equals("MOABKZ"))
return authData.getPublicAuthorityCode();
if (predicate.equals("MOAQualifiedCertificate"))
if (authData.isQualifiedCertificate())
return "true";
return "false";
if (predicate.equals("MOAStammzahl"))
return authData.getIdentificationValue();
if (predicate.equals(MOAIdentificationValueType))
return authData.getIdentificationType();
if (predicate.equals("MOAIPAddress"))
return clientIPAddress;
return null;
* reads, parses the configuration file of XMLLoginParameterResolver and returns the document element.
* @param fileName of the configuration file.
private Element readXMLFile(String fileName) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {"XMLLoginParameterResolver: Loading and parsing XMLPLoginParameterConfiguration configuration: " + fileName);
InputStream stream = null;
Element configElem;
stream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileName));
configElem = DOMUtils.parseDocument(stream, true, Constants.ALL_SCHEMA_LOCATIONS, null).getDocumentElement();
return configElem;
* buildInfo builds up the internal data mapping between the "Identities" and the "Parameters" from the parsed XML file.
* @param root document root element.
private void buildInfo(Element root, boolean businessService) {
NodeList idList = root.getElementsByTagName(XSD_IDELEM);
NodeList paramList = root.getElementsByTagName(XSD_PARAMELEM);
String wType ="";
if (businessService) wType = "w";
for (int i = 0; i < idList.getLength(); i++)
Logger.debug("XMLLoginParameterResolver: LocalName idList: " + idList.item(i).getLocalName());
for (int i = 0; i < paramList.getLength(); i++)
Logger.debug("XMLLoginParameterResolver: LocalName paramList: " + paramList.item(i).getLocalName());
for (int i = 0; i < idList.getLength(); i++) {
Element tmpElem = (Element) idList.item(i);
NodeList tmpList = tmpElem.getElementsByTagName(XSD_NAMEDIDELEM);
for (int j = 0; j < tmpList.getLength(); j++)
Logger.debug("XMLLoginParameterResolver: LocalName tmp: " + tmpList.item(j).getLocalName());
//Search for NamedIdentity Elements
if (1 == tmpList.getLength()) {
tmpElem = (Element) tmpList.item(0);
String tmpStr = tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_SURNAMEATTR) + "," +
tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_GIVENNAMEATTR) + "," +
boolean tmpBool = false;
if (tmpElem.getFirstChild() != null
&& "1".compareTo(tmpElem.getFirstChild().getNodeValue()) == 0)
tmpBool = true;
//TODO XMLLPR remove
Logger.debug("XMLLoginParameterResolver: tmpStr: " + tmpStr + " value: " + (new Boolean(tmpBool)).toString());
tmpElem = (Element) paramList.item(i);
Logger.debug("XMLLoginParameterResolver: attribute UN: " + tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_UNATTR) +
" attribute PW: " + tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PWATTR) +
" attribute Param1: " + tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PARAM1ATTR) +
" attribute Param2: " + tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PARAM2ATTR) +
" attribute Param3: " + tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PARAM3ATTR) );
namedMap.put(tmpStr, new LPRParams(tmpBool, tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_UNATTR), tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PWATTR),
tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PARAM1ATTR), tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PARAM2ATTR),
tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PARAM3ATTR)) );
} else {
//(w)bPKIdentity Elements
if (businessService) {
tmpList = tmpElem.getElementsByTagName(XSD_WBPKIDELEM);
} else {
tmpList = tmpElem.getElementsByTagName(XSD_BPKIDELEM);
if (1 == tmpList.getLength()) {
tmpElem = (Element) tmpList.item(0);
String tmpStr = "";
if (businessService) {
tmpStr = tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_WBPKATTR);
} else {
tmpStr = tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_BPKATTR);
boolean tmpBool = false;
if (tmpElem.getFirstChild() != null
&& "1".compareTo(tmpElem.getFirstChild().getNodeValue()) == 0)
tmpBool = true;
Logger.debug("XMLLoginParameterResolver: tmpStr: " + tmpStr + " value: " + (new Boolean(tmpBool)).toString());
tmpElem = (Element) paramList.item(i);
Logger.debug("XMLLoginParameterResolver: attribute UN: " + tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_UNATTR) +
" attribute PW: " + tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PWATTR) +
" attribute Param1: " + tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PARAM1ATTR) +
" attribute Param2: " + tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PARAM2ATTR) +
" attribute Param3: " + tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PARAM3ATTR) );
namedMap.put(tmpStr, new LPRParams(tmpBool, tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_UNATTR), tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PWATTR),
tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PARAM1ATTR), tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PARAM2ATTR),
tmpElem.getAttribute(XSD_PARAM3ATTR)) );
} else {
if (businessService) {
Logger.warn("XMLLoginParameterResolver: wrong format no Elements " + XSD_NAMEDIDELEM + " or " + XSD_WBPKIDELEM + " found");
} else {
Logger.warn("XMLLoginParameterResolver: wrong format no Elements " + XSD_NAMEDIDELEM + " or " + XSD_BPKIDELEM + " found");
Logger.debug("namedMap:" + namedMap.toString());
Logger.debug(wType + "bPKMap:" + bPKMap.toString());
* searches for a given bPK and returns the appropriate LPRParams structure
* @param bPK search argument
* @returns LPRParams if bPK could be found in internal mappings or null otherwise.
LPRParams bPKIdentitySearch(String bPK, String wType) {
//search for mapping with (w)bPK of the user"XMLLoginParameterResolver: search for login data mapped to " + wType + "bPK:" + bPK);
LPRParams params = (LPRParams) bPKMap.get(bPK);
if (null == params) {"XMLLoginParameterResolver: params for " + wType + "bPK: " + bPK + " not found!");
return null;
} else if (params.getEnabled()) {"XMLLoginParameterResolver: " + wType + "bPK: " + bPK + "found in list; user is enabled");
Logger.debug("XMLLoginParameterResolver: using: " + params.toString());
return params;
}"XMLLoginParameterResolver: " + wType + "bPK: " + bPK + "found in list but user is NOT enabled");
return null;
* searches for a given namedIdentity and returns the appropriate LPRParams structure
* @param surName surname search argument
* @param givenName givenname search argument
* @param dateOfBirth dateofbirth search argument
* @returns LPRParams if (w)bPK could be found in internal mappings or null otherwise.
LPRParams namedIdentitySearch(String surName, String givenName, String dateOfBirth) {"XMLLoginParameterResolver: search for login data for SurName:" + surName + " GivenName: " + givenName + " DateOfBirth" + dateOfBirth);
//try first a search with surname, givenname and birthdate
LPRParams params = (LPRParams) namedMap.get(surName + "," + givenName + "," + dateOfBirth);
if (null == params) {
Logger.debug("XMLLoginParameterResolver: params for Surname: " + surName + " GivenName: " + givenName + "BirthDate: " + dateOfBirth + " not found!");
//try a search with surname, givenname only
params = (LPRParams) namedMap.get(surName + "," + givenName + "," + XSD_BIRTHDATEBLANKATTR);
if(null == params) {
Logger.debug("XMLLoginParameterResolver: params for Surname: " + surName + " GivenName: " + givenName + " not found!");
return null;
if (params.getEnabled()) {"XMLLoginParameterResolver: Surname:" + surName + " GivenName: " + givenName + " found in list; user is enabled");
Logger.debug("XMLLoginParameterResolver: using: " + params.toString());
return params;
}"XMLLoginParameterResolver: SurName:" + surName + " GivenName: " + givenName + "found in list; user is NOT enabled");
return null;
//public static final String XSD_MAPPING = "Mapping";
//public static final String XSD_DOCELEM = "MOAIdentities";
public static final String XSD_IDELEM = "Identity";
public static final String XSD_NAMEDIDELEM = "NamedIdentity";
public static final String XSD_BPKIDELEM = "bPKIdentity";
public static final String XSD_WBPKIDELEM = "wbPKIdentity";
public static final String XSD_PARAMELEM = "Parameters";
public static final String XSD_SURNAMEATTR = "SurName";
public static final String XSD_GIVENNAMEATTR = "GivenName";
public static final String XSD_BIRTHDATEATTR = "BirthDate";
public static final String XSD_BIRTHDATEBLANKATTR = "any";
public static final String XSD_BPKATTR = "bPK";
public static final String XSD_WBPKATTR = "wbPK";
public static final String XSD_UNATTR = "UN";
public static final String XSD_PWATTR = "PW";
public static final String XSD_PARAM1ATTR = "Param1";
public static final String XSD_PARAM2ATTR = "Param2";
public static final String XSD_PARAM3ATTR = "Param3";
private Map bPKMap;
private Map namedMap;
private boolean isConfigured = false;