package; import java.util.Date; /** * Encapsulates authentication data contained in a <saml:Assertion>. * * @author Paul Ivancsics * @version $Id$ */ public class AuthenticationData { /** * major version number of the SAML assertion */ private int majorVersion; /** * minor version number of the SAML assertion */ private int minorVersion; /** * identifier for this assertion */ private String assertionID; /** * URL of the MOA-ID Auth component issueing this assertion */ private String issuer; /** * time instant of issue of this assertion */ private String issueInstant; /** * user identification (ZMR-Zahl); null, * if the authentication module is configured not to return this data */ private String identificationValue; /** * application specific user identifier (VPK) */ private String vpk; /** * given name of the user */ private String givenName; /** * family name of the user */ private String familyName; /** * date of birth of the user */ private String dateOfBirth; /** * says whether the certificate is a qualified certificate or not */ private boolean qualifiedCertificate; /** * says whether the certificate is a public authority or not */ private boolean publicAuthority; /** * public authority code (Behördenkennzeichen - BKZ) */ private String publicAuthorityCode; /** * the corresponding lt;saml:Assertion> */ private String samlAssertion; /** * creation timestamp */ Date timestamp; /** * Constructor for AuthenticationData. */ public AuthenticationData() { timestamp = new Date(); } /** * Returns the minorVersion. * @return int */ public int getMinorVersion() { return minorVersion; } /** * Returns the publicAuthority. * @return boolean */ public boolean isPublicAuthority() { return publicAuthority; } /** * Returns the publicAuthorityCode. * @return String */ public String getPublicAuthorityCode() { return publicAuthorityCode; } /** * Returns the qualifiedCertificate. * @return boolean */ public boolean isQualifiedCertificate() { return qualifiedCertificate; } /** * Returns the vpk. * @return String */ public String getVPK() { return vpk; } /** * Sets the minorVersion. * @param minorVersion The minorVersion to set */ public void setMinorVersion(int minorVersion) { this.minorVersion = minorVersion; } /** * Sets the publicAuthority. * @param publicAuthority The publicAuthority to set */ public void setPublicAuthority(boolean publicAuthority) { this.publicAuthority = publicAuthority; } /** * Sets the publicAuthorityCode. * @param publicAuthorityCode The publicAuthorityCode to set */ public void setPublicAuthorityCode(String publicAuthorityIdentification) { this.publicAuthorityCode = publicAuthorityIdentification; } /** * Sets the qualifiedCertificate. * @param qualifiedCertificate The qualifiedCertificate to set */ public void setQualifiedCertificate(boolean qualifiedCertificate) { this.qualifiedCertificate = qualifiedCertificate; } /** * Sets the vpk. * @param vpk The vpk to set */ public void setVPK(String vpk) { this.vpk = vpk; } /** * Returns the assertionID. * @return String */ public String getAssertionID() { return assertionID; } /** * Returns the dateOfBirth. * @return String */ public String getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; } /** * Returns the familyName. * @return String */ public String getFamilyName() { return familyName; } /** * Returns the givenName. * @return String */ public String getGivenName() { return givenName; } /** * Returns the identificationValue. * @return String */ public String getIdentificationValue() { return identificationValue; } /** * Returns the issueInstant. * @return String */ public String getIssueInstant() { return issueInstant; } /** * Returns the issuer. * @return String */ public String getIssuer() { return issuer; } /** * Returns the majorVersion. * @return int */ public int getMajorVersion() { return majorVersion; } /** * Sets the assertionID. * @param assertionID The assertionID to set */ public void setAssertionID(String assertionID) { this.assertionID = assertionID; } /** * Sets the dateOfBirth. * @param dateOfBirth The dateOfBirth to set */ public void setDateOfBirth(String dateOfBirth) { this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth; } /** * Sets the familyName. * @param familyName The familyName to set */ public void setFamilyName(String gamilyName) { this.familyName = gamilyName; } /** * Sets the givenName. * @param givenName The givenName to set */ public void setGivenName(String givenName) { this.givenName = givenName; } /** * Sets the identificationValue. * @param identificationValue The identificationValue to set */ public void setIdentificationValue(String identificationValue) { this.identificationValue = identificationValue; } /** * Sets the issueInstant. * @param issueInstant The issueInstant to set */ public void setIssueInstant(String issueInstant) { this.issueInstant = issueInstant; } /** * Sets the issuer. * @param issuer The issuer to set */ public void setIssuer(String issuer) { this.issuer = issuer; } /** * Sets the majorVersion. * @param majorVersion The majorVersion to set */ public void setMajorVersion(int majorVersion) { this.majorVersion = majorVersion; } /** * Returns the samlAssertion. * @return String */ public String getSamlAssertion() { return samlAssertion; } /** * Sets the samlAssertion. * @param samlAssertion The samlAssertion to set */ public void setSamlAssertion(String samlAssertion) { this.samlAssertion = samlAssertion; } /** * Returns the timestamp. * @return Date */ public Date getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } }