package; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.util.Constants; /** * Builder for the <InfoboxReadRequest> structure * used for requesting the identity link from the security layer implementation. * * @author Paul Ivancsics * @version $Id$ */ public class InfoboxReadRequestBuilder implements Constants { /** * Constructor for InfoboxReadRequestBuilder. */ public InfoboxReadRequestBuilder() { } /** * Builds an <InfoboxReadRequest>. * * @param slVersion12 specifies whether the Security Layer version is * version 1.2 or not * @param businessService specifies whether the online application is a * business service or not * @param identityLinkDomainIdentifier the identification number of the business * company; maybe null if the OA * is a public service; must not be null * if the OA is a business service * * @return <InfoboxReadRequest> as String */ public String build(boolean slVersion12, boolean businessService, String identityLinkDomainIdentifier) { String slPrefix; String slNsDeclaration; if (slVersion12) { slPrefix = SL12_PREFIX; slNsDeclaration = SL12_NS_URI; } else { slPrefix = SL10_PREFIX; slNsDeclaration = SL10_NS_URI; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(""); sb.append("<"); sb.append(slPrefix); sb.append(":InfoboxReadRequest xmlns:"); sb.append(slPrefix); sb.append("=\""); sb.append(slNsDeclaration); sb.append("\">"); sb.append("<"); sb.append(slPrefix); sb.append(":InfoboxIdentifier>IdentityLink"); sb.append("<"); sb.append(slPrefix); sb.append(":BinaryFileParameters ContentIsXMLEntity=\"true\"/>"); if (businessService) { sb.append("<"); sb.append(slPrefix); sb.append(":BoxSpecificParameters>"); sb.append("<"); sb.append(slPrefix); sb.append(":IdentityLinkDomainIdentifier>"); sb.append(identityLinkDomainIdentifier); sb.append(""); sb.append(""); } sb.append(""); return sb.toString(); } }