package; import; import; import; import; /** * Builder for HTML form requesting the security layer implementation * to get the identity link from smartcard by a <InfoboxReadRequest>. * * @author Paul Ivancsics * @version $Id$ */ public class GetIdentityLinkFormBuilder extends Builder { /** private static String NL contains the NewLine representation in Java*/ private static final String nl = "\n"; /** special tag in the HTML template to be substituted for the BKU URL */ private static final String BKU_TAG = ""; /** special tag in the HTML template to be substituted for the XML request */ private static final String XMLREQUEST_TAG = ""; /** special tag in the HTML template to be substituted for the data URL */ private static final String DATAURL_TAG = ""; /** special tag in the HTML template to be substituted for certificate info XML request */ private static final String CERTINFO_XMLREQUEST_TAG = ""; /** special tag in the HTML template to be substituted for the certificate info data URL */ private static final String CERTINFO_DATAURL_TAG = ""; /** private static int all contains the representation to replace all tags*/ private static final int ALL = -1; /** default HTML template */ private static final String DEFAULT_HTML_TEMPLATE = "" + nl + "" + nl + "" + nl + "Anmeldung mit Bürgerkarte" + nl + "" + nl + "" + nl + "
" + nl + " " + nl + " " + nl + " " + nl + "
" + nl + "
" + nl + " " + nl + " " + nl + // " " + nl + " " + nl + "
" + nl + "" + nl + ""; /** * Constructor for GetIdentityLinkFormBuilder. */ public GetIdentityLinkFormBuilder() { super(); } /** * Builds the HTML form, including XML Request and data URL as parameters. * * @param htmlTemplate template to be used for the HTML form; * may be null, in this case a default layout will be produced * @param xmlRequest XML Request to be sent as a parameter in the form * @param bkuURL URL of the "Bürgerkartenumgebung" the form will be submitted to; * may be null, in this case the default URL will be used * @param dataURL DataURL to be sent as a parameter in the form */ public String build( String htmlTemplate, String bkuURL, String xmlRequest, String dataURL, String certInfoXMLRequest, String certInfoDataURL) throws BuildException { String htmlForm = htmlTemplate == null ? DEFAULT_HTML_TEMPLATE : htmlTemplate; // String bku = bkuURL == null ? DEFAULT_BKU : bkuURL; htmlForm = replaceTag(htmlForm, BKU_TAG, bkuURL, ALL); htmlForm = replaceTag(htmlForm, XMLREQUEST_TAG, encodeParameter(xmlRequest), ALL); htmlForm = replaceTag(htmlForm, DATAURL_TAG, dataURL, ALL); //new:wird oben mitreplaced htmlForm = replaceTag(htmlForm, BKU_TAG, bkuURL); htmlForm = replaceTag(htmlForm, CERTINFO_XMLREQUEST_TAG, encodeParameter(certInfoXMLRequest), ALL); htmlForm = replaceTag(htmlForm, CERTINFO_DATAURL_TAG, certInfoDataURL, ALL); return htmlForm; } /** * Encodes a string for inclusion as a parameter in the form. * Double quotes are substituted by "&quot;". * @param s the string to be encoded * @return the string encoded * @throws BuildException on any exception encountered */ public static String encodeParameter(String s) throws BuildException { StringReader in = new StringReader(s); StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); try { for (int ch =; ch >= 0; ch = { if (ch == '"') out.write("""); else if (ch == '<') out.write("<"); else if (ch == '>') out.write(">"); else if (ch == 'ä') out.write("ä"); else if (ch == 'ö') out.write("ö"); else if (ch == 'ü') out.write("ü"); else if (ch == 'Ä') out.write("Ä"); else if (ch == 'Ö') out.write("Ö"); else if (ch == 'Ü') out.write("Ü"); else if (ch == 'ß') out.write("ß"); else out.write(ch); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new BuildException("builder.00", new Object[] {"GetIdentityLinkForm", ex.toString()}); } return out.toString(); } }