package; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.util.Constants; import at.gv.egovernment.moa.util.FileUtils; /** * Builder for the <VerifyXMLSignatureRequest> structure * used for presenting certificate information in the secure viewer of the security layer implementation. * * @author Paul Ivancsics * @version $Id$ */ public class CertInfoVerifyXMLSignatureRequestBuilder extends Builder implements Constants { /** special tag in the VerifyXMLRequest template to be substituted for a <dsig:Signature> */ private static final String SIGNATURE_TAG = ""; /** private static String nl contains the NewLine representation in Java*/ private static final String nl = "\n"; /** * XML template for the CertInfoVerifyXMLSignatureRequest to be built */ static final String CERTINFO_REQUEST = "" + nl + "<{0}:VerifyXMLSignatureRequest {2} xmlns:dsig=\"" + DSIG_NS_URI + "\">" + nl + " <{0}:SignatureInfo>" + nl + " <{0}:SignatureEnvironment>" + nl + " <{1}:XMLContent xml:space=\"preserve\">" + nl + " " + nl + " <{0}:SignatureLocation>//dsig:Signature" + nl + " " + nl + ""; /** * Constructor */ public CertInfoVerifyXMLSignatureRequestBuilder() { super(); } /** * Builds the <VerifyXMLSignatureRequest> structure. * @return the XML structure * @throws BuildException */ public String build(boolean slVersion12) throws BuildException { String sl10Prefix; String sl11Prefix; String slNsDeclaration; if (slVersion12) { sl10Prefix = SL12_PREFIX; sl11Prefix = SL12_PREFIX; slNsDeclaration = "xmlns:" + SL12_PREFIX + "=\"" + SL12_NS_URI + "\""; } else { sl10Prefix = SL10_PREFIX; sl11Prefix = SL11_PREFIX; slNsDeclaration = "xmlns:" + sl11Prefix + "=\"" + SL11_NS_URI + "\" xmlns:" + sl10Prefix + "=\"" + SL10_NS_URI + "\""; } String certInfoRequest = MessageFormat.format(CERTINFO_REQUEST, new Object[] {sl11Prefix, sl10Prefix, slNsDeclaration}); String resDsigSignature = "resources/xmldata/CertInfoDsigSignature.xml"; try { String dsigSignature = FileUtils.readResource(resDsigSignature, "UTF-8"); certInfoRequest = replaceTag(certInfoRequest, SIGNATURE_TAG, dsigSignature, 1); return certInfoRequest; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new BuildException("auth.04", new Object[] {resDsigSignature, ex.toString()}); } } }