Interface ConnectionBuilder

public interface ConnectionBuilder

Builder for URLConnection objects used to forward requests to the remote online application.

Method Summary
 HttpURLConnection buildConnection(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String publicURLPrefix, String realURLPrefix, sslSocketFactory, Map parameters)
          Builds an HttpURLConnection to a URL which is derived from an HttpServletRequest URL, by substitution of a public URL prefix for the real URL prefix.

Method Detail


public HttpURLConnection buildConnection(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                         String publicURLPrefix,
                                         String realURLPrefix,
                                         Map parameters)
                                  throws IOException
Builds an HttpURLConnection to a URL which is derived from an HttpServletRequest URL, by substitution of a public URL prefix for the real URL prefix.
The HttpURLConnection has been created by URL.openConnection(), but it has not yet been connected to by URLConnection.connect().
The field settings of the HttpURLConnection are:

request - the incoming request which shall be forwarded
publicURLPrefix - the public URL prefix to be substituted by the real URL prefix
realURLPrefix - the URL prefix to substitute the public URL prefix
sslSocketFactory - factory to be used for creating an SSL socket in case of a URL for scheme "https:";
if null, the default SSL socket factory would be used
parameters - parameters to be forwarded
a URLConnection created by URL.openConnection(), connecting to the requested URL with publicURLPrefix substituted by realURLPrefix
IOException - if an I/O exception occurs during opening the connection
See Also: