Uses of Class

Uses of AuthenticationException in

Methods in that throw AuthenticationException
 String AuthenticationServer.selectBKU(String authURL, String target, String oaURL, String bkuSelectionTemplateURL, String templateURL)
          Processes request to select a BKU.
 String AuthenticationServer.startAuthentication(String authURL, String target, String oaURL, String templateURL, String bkuURL, String sessionID)
          Processes the beginning of an authentication session.
 String AuthenticationServer.verifyIdentityLink(String sessionID, String xmlInfoboxReadResponse)
          Processes an <InfoboxReadResponse> sent by the security layer implementation.
Validates given <InfoboxReadResponse> Parses identity link enclosed in <InfoboxReadResponse> Verifies identity link by calling the MOA SP component Checks certificate authority of identity link Stores identity link in the session Creates an authentication block to be signed by the user Creates and returns a <CreateXMLSignatureRequest> containg the authentication block, meant to be returned to the security layer implementation
 String AuthenticationServer.verifyAuthenticationBlock(String sessionID, String xmlCreateXMLSignatureReadResponse)
          Processes a <CreateXMLSignatureResponse> sent by the security layer implementation.
Validates given <CreateXMLSignatureResponse> Parses <CreateXMLSignatureResponse> for error codes Parses authentication block enclosed in <CreateXMLSignatureResponse> Verifies authentication block by calling the MOA SP component Creates authentication data Creates a corresponding SAML artifact Stores authentication data in the authentication data store indexed by the SAML artifact Deletes authentication session Returns the SAML artifact, encoded BASE64
 AuthenticationData AuthenticationServer.getAuthenticationData(String samlArtifact)
          Retrieves AuthenticationData indexed by the SAML artifact.
static AuthenticationServer.getSession(String id)
          Retrieves a session from the session store.