# IXSIL init properties
# This file contains the basic initialization properties for IXSIL.

# Properties for localizing exeption messages

# This property specifies the ISO language code, which is used to select the appropriate exception message
# file. Please see the documentation for Java class "java.util.RessourceBundle" for further information.

IXSILException.ISOLanguageCode = "en"

# This property specifies the ISO country code, which is used to select the appropriate exception message
# file. Please see the documentation for Java class "java.util.RessourceBundle" for further information.

IXSILException.ISOCountryCode = "US"

# Other property files

# This property contains a URI specifying the (virtual) location of the IXSIL init properties file (i. e.
# this file). The URI MUST be absolute.
# The use of this property is optional. It is only needed by IXSIL, if the library will be initialized using
# the method IXSILInit.init(Properties, Properties, Properties). In this case it is used by IXSIL as the
# base URI for absolutizing other property URIs, such as "DOMUtils.SignatureSchema" (see below).
# PLEASE NOTE: Contrary to URIs under e.g. http or ftp scheme, URIs under file and jar scheme do not have an
#              authority component. This means that the part following the scheme identifier starts with "/"
#              (single slash character), and not with "//" (two slash characters).
# Example 1 (absolute URI under file scheme): "file:/c:/path1/path2/init.properties"
# Example 2 (absolute URI under jar scheme): "jar:/file:/c:/path1/path2/archive.jar!/init.properties"
# Example 3 (absolute URI under http scheme): "http://somewhere.org/path1/path2/init.properties"

location.initProperties = file:data/test/ixsil/init/properties/init.properties

# This property contains a URI specifying the location of the IXSIL algorithm properties file. The URI can
# be absolute or relative. If a relative URI is used, it will be absolutized using this init property file's
# URI as the base.
# PLEASE NOTE: Contrary to URIs under e.g. http or ftp scheme, URIs under file and jar scheme do not have an
#              authority component. This means that the part following the scheme identifier starts with "/"
#              (single slash character), and not with "//" (two slash characters).
# Example 1 (absolute URI under file scheme): "file:/c:/path1/path2/algorithms.properties"
# Example 2 (absolute URI under jar scheme): "jar:/file:/c:/path1/path2/archive.jar!/algorithms.properties"
# Example 3 (absolute URI under http scheme): "http://somewhere.org/path1/path2/algorithms.properties"
# Example 4 (relative URI): "../otherpath/algorithms.properties"
# Example 5 (relative URI): "algorithms.properties"

location.algorithmsProperties = file:data/test/ixsil/init/properties/algorithms.properties

# This property contains a URI specifying the location of the IXSIL keyManager properties file. The URI can
# be absolute or relative. If a relative URI is used, it will be absolutized using this init property file's
# URI as the base.
# PLEASE NOTE: Contrary to URIs under e.g. http or ftp scheme, URIs under file and jar scheme do not have an
#              authority component. This means that the part following the scheme identifier starts with "/"
#              (single slash character), and not with "//" (two slash characters).
# Example 1 (absolute URI under file scheme): "file:/c:/path1/path2/keyManager.properties"
# Example 2 (absolute URI under jar scheme): "jar:/file:/c:/path1/path2/archive.jar!/keyManager.properties"
# Example 3 (absolute URI under http scheme): "http://somewhere.org/path1/path2/keyManager.properties"
# Example 4 (relative URI): "../otherpath/keyManager.properties"
# Example 5 (relative URI): "keyManager.properties"

location.keyManagerProperties = file:data/test/ixsil/init/properties/keyManager.properties

# AlgorithmFactory properties

This property specifies the extension class for the abstract class
iaik.ixsil.algorithms.AlgorithmFactory, which is instantiated at invokation of method
Please specifiy the fully qualified java class name for the class to be instantiated.

AlgorithmFactory.ImplementingClass = iaik.ixsil.algorithms.AlgorithmFactoryDefaultImpl

# VerifierKeyManager properties

# This property specifies the implementation class for the interface
# iaik.ixsil.keyinfo.VerifierKeyManager, which is instantiated by IXSIL in the verification use case, if the
# signature algorithm does not know about the verification key, and if the XML signature bears a KeyInfo
# element which contains hints that can be used to deduce the verification key.
# Please specifiy the fully qualified java class name for the class to be instantiated.

VerifierKeyManager.ImplementingClass = iaik.ixsil.keyinfo.KeyManagerImpl

# XML namespace prefix properties

# This property specifies the namespace prefix used for XML elements from the XML-Signature namespace.
# PLEASE NOTE: The prefix must not be empty.

namespacePrefix.XMLSignature = dsig:

# This property specifies the namespace prefix used for XML elements from the XML Schema instance namespace.
# PLEASE NOTE: The prefix must not be empty.

namespacePrefix.XMLSchemaInstance = xsi:

# DOMUtils properties

# This property specifies the implementation class IXSIL should use for the interface
# iaik.ixsil.util.DOMUtilsInterface, which contains a couple of DOM utility methods, which IXSIL relies
# on. If you would like to employ a parser different from Apache Xerces, you must implement the
# DOMUtilsInterface and specify your implementation class using this property.
# Please specifiy the fully qualified java class name for the class to be instantiated.

DOMUtils.ImplementingClass = iaik.ixsil.util.DOMUtilsImpl

# This property is used by the standard implementation class for the interface
# iaik.ixsil.util.DOMUtilsInterface, namely iaik.ixsil.util.DOMUtilsImpl, which ships with IXSIL.
# It specifies, wheter WARNINGS generated by the Apache Xerces parser should lead to a parser exception
# or not.

DOMUtils.ErrorHandler.reportWarnings = true

# This property is used by the standard implementation class for the interface
# iaik.ixsil.util.DOMUtilsInterface, namely iaik.ixsil.util.DOMUtilsImpl, which ships with IXSIL.
# It specifies, wheter ERRORS generated by the Apache Xerces parser should lead to a parser exception
# or not.

DOMUtils.ErrorHandler.reportErrors = true

# This property is used by the standard implementation class for the interface
# iaik.ixsil.util.DOMUtilsInterface, namely iaik.ixsil.util.DOMUtilsImpl, which ships with IXSIL.
# It specifies, wheter FATAL ERRORS generated by the Apache Xerces parser should lead to a parser
# exception or not.

DOMUtils.ErrorHandler.reportFatalErrors = true

# This property is used by the standard implementation class for the interface
# iaik.ixsil.util.DOMUtilsInterface, namely iaik.ixsil.util.DOMUtilsImpl, which ships with IXSIL.
# It specifies an URI for the location of the XML schema for an XML signature, which is used as the
# reference grammar in method iaik.ixsil.util.DOMUtilsImpl.schemaValidateSignatureElement.
# The URI can be absolute or relative. If the URI is relative, it will be absolutized using the URI for
# this init property file as the base.

DOMUtils.SignatureSchema = ../schemas/Signature.xsd

# XPathUtils properties

# This property specifies the implementation class IXSIL should use for the interface
# iaik.ixsil.util.XPathUtilsInterface, which contains a couple of XPath utility methods, which IXSIL relies
# on. If you would like to employ a XPath engine different from Apache Xalan, you must implement the
# XPathUtilsInterface and specify your implementation class using this property.
# Please specifiy the fully qualified java class name for the class to be instantiated.

XPathUtils.ImplementingClass = iaik.ixsil.util.XPathUtilsImpl

# CanonicalXMLSerializer properties

# This property specifies the implementation class IXSIL should use for the interface
# iaik.ixsil.util.CanonicalXMLSerialierInterface. IXSIL relies on this interface to serialize XML according
# to "Canonical XML" (see http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315). If you would like to employ an
# implemenation different from the standard implementation shipped with IXSIL, you must implement the
# CanonicalXMLSerialierInterface and specify your implementation class using this property.
# Please specifiy the fully qualified java class name for the class to be instantiated.

CanonicalXMLSerializer.CanonicalXMLImplementingClass = iaik.ixsil.util.CanonicalXMLSerializerImpl

# This property specifies the implementation class IXSIL should use for the interface
# iaik.ixsil.util.ExclusiveCanonicalXMLSerialierInterface. IXSIL relies on this interface to serialize XML
# according to "Exclusive XML Canonicalization" (see http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-xml-exc-c14n-20011120).
# If you would like to employ an implemenation different from the standard implementation shipped with
# IXSIL, you must implement the ExclusiveCanonicalXMLSerialierInterface and specify your implementation
# class using this property.
# Please specifiy the fully qualified java class name for the class to be instantiated.

CanonicalXMLSerializer.ExclusiveCanonicalXMLImplementingClass = iaik.ixsil.util.CanonicalXMLSerializerImpl