<%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.*" %> <% /* check request's remote IP address - must be moa-id-proxy's address */ String remoteIPAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); if (! "".equals(remoteIPAddress)) { /* Substitute "" for moa-id-proxy's IP address */ response.setStatus(403); return; } /* store authentication data in cookies */ String fn = request.getParameter("FamilyName"); String gn = request.getParameter("GivenName"); /* set cookie domain and cookie path ! */ String cookieDomain = ".test.test"; /* Set this to the common domain of moa-id-proxy and of the online application */ String cookiePath = request.getContextPath(); /* Set this to the context path of the online application */ Cookie cfn = new Cookie("familyname", fn); cfn.setDomain(cookieDomain); cfn.setPath(cookiePath); response.addCookie(cfn); Cookie cgn = new Cookie("givenname", gn); cgn.setDomain(cookieDomain); cgn.setPath(cookiePath); response.addCookie(cgn); /* redirect to online application's start page */ response.sendRedirect("http://oa.test.test:8080/oa/index.jsp"); /* Substitute for URL in online application */ %>