<title>MOA ID Auth Sample Login</title>
<% /** assumes moa-id-auth and oa in the same servlet container,
       and moa-id-proxy on a different fixed location */
  String authUrlPath = 
	request.getScheme() + "://" 
	+ request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort() 
	+ "/moa-id-auth/";
  String proxyUrlPath = "";
  String oaUrlPath =
	request.getScheme() + "://" 
	+ request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort() 
	+ "/oa/";
  String params =
	"Target=gb&" + 
	"OA=" + proxyUrlPath + "index.jsp";
  String urlStartAuth =
  	authUrlPath +
	"StartAuthentication?" + 
  String templateParam =
    "&Template=" + oaUrlPath + "AuthTemplate.jsp";
  String urlStartAuthCustom =
    urlStartAuth +
  String urlSelectBKU = 
  	authUrlPath +
  	"SelectBKU?" +
  String urlSelectBKUCustom = 
  	urlSelectBKU +
  	templateParam +
  	"&BKUSelectionTemplate=" + oaUrlPath + "BKUSelectionTemplate.jsp";
<a href="<%=urlStartAuth%>">Log in to sample application</a>
<a href="<%=urlStartAuthCustom%>">Log in to sample application using custom form</a>
<a href="<%=urlSelectBKU%>">Choose BKU (HTMLComplete or HTMLSelect) and log in</a>
<a href="<%=urlSelectBKUCustom%>">Choose BKU (HTMLSelect) using custom form and log in</a>
<a href="<%=authUrlPath+"StartAuthentication"%>">Wrong parameters example</a>