package; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; /** * Base class of MOA specific exceptions. * * This class has the ability to wrap other exceptions which may be seen * as the root cause for this exception. * * @author Gregor Karlinger * @version $Id$ */ public class ERechtClientException extends Exception { /** The wrapped Throwable. */ private Throwable wrapped_; /** * Create a MOAException. * * @param message The message contained in the created ERechtClientException. */ public ERechtClientException(String message) { super(message); } /** * Create a MOAException. * * @param message The message contained in the created ERechtClientException. * * @param wrapped The exception wrapped by the created ERechtClientException. */ public ERechtClientException(String message, Throwable wrapped) { super(message, wrapped); this.wrapped_ = wrapped; } /** * Print a stack trace of this exception to System.err. * * @see java.lang.Throwable#printStackTrace() */ public void printStackTrace() { printStackTrace(System.err); } /** * Print a stack trace of this exception, including the wrapped exception. * * @param s The stream to write the stack trace to. * * @see java.lang.Throwable#printStackTrace( */ public void printStackTrace(PrintStream s) { super.printStackTrace(s); if (wrapped_ != null) { s.print("Caused by: "); wrapped_.printStackTrace(s); } } /** * Print a stack trace of this exception, including the wrapped exception. * * @param s The stream to write the stacktrace to. * * @see java.lang.Throwable#printStackTrace( */ public void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s) { super.printStackTrace(s); if (wrapped_ != null) { s.print("Caused by: "); wrapped_.printStackTrace(s); } } /** * Print a stack trace of this exception, including the wrapped exception. * * @param s The stream to write the stacktrace to. * * @see java.lang.Throwable#printStackTrace( */ public String getStackTracePrint() { ByteArrayOutputStream bAOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintWriter s = new PrintWriter(bAOS); super.printStackTrace(s); if (wrapped_ != null) { s.print("Caused by: "); wrapped_.printStackTrace(s); } s.flush(); return bAOS.toString(); } }