This version of person deploys only global elements. All types derived from abstract types have been replaced by substitution groups
dummy abstract Peson Data element needed for bi-lingual schema (substitution groups)
element of signed person datastructure type
element of signed person datastructure type
element of person type, essential abstract, subsitute PhysicalPerson or CorporateBody instead or use with xsi:type="..."
element of physical person type, dreived from Person (abstract)
element of physical person type, dreived from Person (abstract)
element of corporate body type, derived from Person
element of corporate body type, derived from Person
data related to the person's name
data related to the person's name
Former name, Artist name, changes of Given name ..., compare AlternativName
relatives (parents, ...), compare Verwandter
type of the relationship, compare Verwandschftsgrad
element of address type, essentially abstract. Use InternetAddress, TelephoneAddress, PostalAddress, TypedPostalAddress instead, or use Address with xsi:type Attribute
Postal or ZMR Address, compare PostAdresse
Postal or ZMR Address, compare PostAdresse
Typed Postal or ZMR Address, compare TypisiertePostAdresse
InternetAdress such as e-mail or website, compare InternetAdresse
Typed TelephoneAddress, compare TelefonAdresse
National or international bank connection, compare Bankverbindung
possibility to include common austrian primary keys in human readable way, english translation not available
Ergänzungsregister für nicht-natürliche Personen (CorporateBody)
teletyper or telephone for the hearing impaired
status of a person in the cycle of life, compare Familienstand
gender, comapre Geschlecht
date of birth, compare Geburtsdatum
date of death, compare Sterbedatum
place of birth, compare Geburtsort
country of birth, compare Geburtsland
state of birth, comapre Geburtsbundesland
nationality of Person, compare Staatsangehoerigkeit. attention! New Fomrat is complex, string value accepted for compatibility only
confession (religion) of Person - xs:token? gibt es wirklich keine Staaten mit Leerzeichen im Namen?
occupation, compare Beruf
compare InternationalerLaendercode
compare NationalNummer
compare Vorwahl
compare Anschlussnummer
Complete number, ready formated - e.g. +43 1 5131345 4664 compare FormatierteNummer
compare Klappe
signed person datastructure. The first Identification elements (from the base type) denote the record as such (e.g. database key for this record) - not to be mistaken for identifiers of the person or of an address (they have their own Identification elements).
one or more electronic signatures applied on fields above
container for your Information needs. Contained Elements must reside in a different Namespace
any additional properties
signed person datastructure. The first Identification elements (from the base type) denote the record as such (e.g. database key for this record) - not to be mistaken for identifiers of the person or of an address (they have their own Identification elements).
one or more electronic signatures applied on fields above
container for your Information needs. Contained Elements must reside in a different Namespace
any additional properties
unique identifier
actual value of the identifier.
type of value (eg 'ZMR', 'SV-Nummer', 'Martrikelnummer', database identification, ...)
authority, which is reponsible for generation of the identifier (eg university in case of 'MatrikelNummer')
any additional properties
main structure of person data
unique identification entities
physical person, compare NatuerlichePersonTyp
any additional properties
physical person, compare NatuerlichePersonTyp
any additional properties
juridical person, organisation, compare NichtNatuerlichePersonTyp
URI pointing to a predefined Class of CorporateBodies, compare Typ
name of corporate body (whole name), compare VollerName
alternative names of corporate body (abbreviations, short name, synonyms, ...), comapre AlternativName
type of company (eg AG, OHG, ...), URI pointing to predefined LegalForm, compare Rechtsform
part of an organisation, see also X.500 ou (eg departement, section, branch, ...) , compare Organisation
any additional properties
juridical person, organisation, compare NichtNatuerlichePersonTyp
URI pointing to a predefined Class of CorporateBodies, compare Typ
name of corporate body (whole name), compare VollerName
type of company (eg AG, OHG, ...), URI pointing to predefined LegalForm, compare Rechtsform
part of an organisation, see also X.500 ou (eg departement, section, branch, ...) , compare Organisation
any additional properties
container for parts of a name, comapre PersonenNameTyp
Complete Name (including Affixes) of the Person, especially useful for names from different cultural environments
Every given name should be contained inside a GivenName Tag. If that is not possible due to dabase contraints, ... putting several given names inside one GivenName Element is acceptable
A Person in possesion of more than one GivenName frequently preferrs the use of a Name other than the first GivenName
MiddleNames are not commonly found in central Europe. The field is mainly for compatibility reasons
Every family name should be contained inside a FamilyName Tag. If that is not possible due to dabase contraints, ... putting several family names inside one FamilyName Element is acceptable
Inlcudes all Information that is not exactly a name: academic or aristocratic titles, ... the new position attribute can contain a suffx or prefix value
container for parts of a name, comapre PersonenNameTyp
Every given name should be contained inside a GivenName Tag. If that is not possible due to dabase contraints, ... putting several given names inside one GivenName Element is acceptable
Every family name should be contained inside a FamilyName Tag. If that is not possible due to dabase contraints, ... putting several family names inside one FamilyName Element is acceptable
Inlcudes all Information that is not exactly a name: academic or aristocratic titles, ... the new position attribute can contain a suffx or prefix value
comapre, StaatsangehoerigkeitTyp
compare BankverbindungTyp
Account holder, compare Inhaber
compare BankName
compare NationaleBankverbindung
compare Kontonummer
compare BLZ
compare InternationaleBankverbindung
compare IBAN
comapre BIC
main structure of address data
unique identification entities
postal address with type information, compare TypisiertePostAdresseTyp
type of address - category (eg 'Wohnsitz', 'Zentrale', ...)
any additional properties
compare PostAdresseTyp
Code for the country, use ISO or internatinal Postalstandard, compare Staatscode
Name of the country, use ISO Name, or international Postal Standard, compare Staatsname
ZIP, compare Postleitzahl
compare Region
compare Bundesland
compare Gemeinde
compare Gemeindekennzahl
ZMR use, compare Ortschaft
ZMR use, comapre OrtschaftZweisprachig
zmr use only
zmr use only
Addressregister database keys used to identify Addresses
If Addressis used outside of PersonData a recipient can be specified
rather OrganizationUnit e.G Sales Departement
e.g. Smith Ltd
compare PostAdresseTyp
Code for the country, use ISO or internatinal Postalstandard, compare Staatscode
Name of the country, use ISO Name, or international Postal Standard, compare Staatsname
ZIP, compare Postleitzahl
compare Gemeinde
if streetname not available use name of Ortschaft
e.g. e-mail, webiste, compare InternetAdresseTyp
certificate for secure communication
URI: email-Address, Web, FTP, LDAP, ..., comapre Adress
any additional properties
phone numbers, conmpare TelephoneAdresseTyp
type of phononumber - category (eg 'Festnetz', 'Mobile', 'fax', ...)
any additional properties
like TelephoneAddresseType but with additional smsEnabled attribute
formated number or set of telephone number parts
set of telephone number parts
known + any other bank account types
known/commin type of bank accounts
simple type for sex (gender) of person
simple type for dates (union), which may omit day and/or month
simple type for dates (union), which may omit day and/or month
simple type for marital status of a person
pattern type for enlargement of type definitions. Contents as follows
x:sometext or 12345 or _ or other symbols
known relations (family + functional)
known + any other relation
known types of alternative names
known + any other alternative name types
zmr use only