unique identifier
actual value of the identifier.
type of value (eg 'ZMR', 'SV-Nummer', 'Martrikelnummer', database identification, ...)
authority, which is reponsible for generation of the identifier (eg university in case of 'MatrikelNummer')
any additional properties
element of person type
main structure of person data
unique identification entities
element of physical person type
physical person
data related to the person's name
Former name, Artist name, changes of Given name ...
status of a person in the cycle of life
date of birth
place of birth
country of birth
nationality of Person (Staatsbürgerschaft)
confession (religion) of Person
relatives (parents, ...)
type of the relationship
any additional properties
element of corporate body type
juridical person, organisation
category (eg organisation, function, sector, ...)
name of corporate body (whole name)
alternative names of corporate body (abbreviations, short name, synonyms, ...)
type of company (eg AG, OHG, ...)
part of an organisation, see also X.500 ou (eg departement, section, branch, ...)
any additional properties
element of signed person datastructure type
signed person datastructure. The first Identification elements (from the base type) denote the record as such (e.g. database key for this record) - not to be mistaken for identifiers of the person or of an address (they have their own Identification elements).
one or more electronic signatures applied on fields above
any additional properties
simple type for sex (gender) of person
simple type for dates (union), which may omit day and/or month
simple type for marital status of a person
pattern type for enlargement of type definitions
known relations (family + functional)
known + any other relation
known types of alternative names
known + any other alternative name types
element of address type
main structure of address data
unique identification entities
element of postal address type
postal address
type of address - category (eg 'Wohnsitz', 'Zentrale', ...)
any additional properties
element of telephone address type
phone numbers
type of phononumber - category (eg 'Festnetz', 'Mobile', 'fax', ...)
any additional properties
element of internet address type
internet based communication
certificate for secure communication
email-Address, Web, FTP, LDAP, ...
any additional properties