package eu.stork.documentservice; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.UUID; import javax.jws.WebService; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import eu.stork.documentservice.model.DocumentModel; import eu.stork.documentservice.model.RequestModel; import eu.stork.documentservice.model.TempDocumentModel; import eu.stork.documentservice.utils.ExternalDocservice; import eu.stork.documentservice.utils.XmlHelper; @MTOM(threshold=500) @WebService(endpointInterface = "eu.stork.documentservice.DocumentService", targetNamespace = "", portName = "DocumentServicePort", serviceName = "DocumentService") public class DocumentServiceImpl implements DocumentService { //final static String PATH = "C:/Temp/upload/"; static String COUNTRY; private DatabaseConnector conn; private Properties props = new Properties(); private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DocumentServiceImpl.class.getName()); @Override public String addDocument(byte[] document, String xmlRequest, String destinationCountry, String SpId, String mimeType, String receiverCert) { String returnMessage = ""; if (document != null) { try { LOG.trace("Adding document starting, document size: " + Integer.toString(document.length) + ", destination country: " + destinationCountry + ", SP Id: " + SpId + ", mime type: " + mimeType + ", receiver cert: " + receiverCert); props.load(DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("")); COUNTRY = props.getProperty(""); RequestModel request = new RequestModel(); request.setDestcountry(destinationCountry); request.setSpcountry(COUNTRY); request.setSpid(SpId); request.setRequestid(XmlHelper.getRequestId(xmlRequest)); request.setXmlrequest(xmlRequest); conn = new DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl(props.getProperty("sql.user"), props.getProperty("sql.password"), props.getProperty("sql.server"), props.getProperty("sql.database")); boolean ok = conn.addRequest(request); if (ok) { LOG.trace("Request added."); DocumentModel doc = new DocumentModel(); doc.setDocid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); doc.setDocument(document); doc.setMimetype(mimeType); doc.setReicevercert(receiverCert); ok = conn.addDocument(doc); if (ok) { LOG.trace("Document added."); RequestModel req = conn.getRequest(request.getRequestid()); if (req != null) { LOG.trace("Request found."); req.setDocid(doc.getDocid()); if (conn.updateRequest(req)) returnMessage = req.getFullDocID(); else { LOG.warn("Could not update request."); throw new WebServiceException("Could not update request."); } } } else { LOG.warn("Could not add document."); throw new WebServiceException("Could not add document."); } } else { LOG.warn("Could not add request."); throw new WebServiceException("Could not add request."); } } catch (ModelException e) { LOG.error("Invalid model in input", e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new WebServiceException("Invalid input.", e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception in addDocument.", e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new WebServiceException("Upload Failed"); } LOG.trace("Add document ending, return message: " + returnMessage); return returnMessage; } else throw new WebServiceException("No document to upload."); } @Override public byte[] getDocument(String documentTransferRequest, String dtlUrl) { try { String docId = XmlHelper.verifyRequest(documentTransferRequest); if (docId != null && !docId.isEmpty()) { props.load(DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("")); String ownDtlUrl = props.getProperty("docservice.url"); LOG.trace("Getting document starting for docId: " + docId); if (dtlUrl != null && !dtlUrl.isEmpty() && !ownDtlUrl.equalsIgnoreCase(dtlUrl)) { LOG.trace("Getting document from external DTL for docId: " + docId); byte[] documentData = ExternalDocservice.getDocument(documentTransferRequest, dtlUrl); if (documentData != null) { props.load(DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("")); conn = new DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl(props.getProperty("sql.user"), props.getProperty("sql.password"), props.getProperty("sql.server"), props.getProperty("sql.database")); DocumentModel doc = conn.getDocument(docId); if (doc != null) { doc.setDocument(documentData); conn.updateDocument(doc); } else { doc = new DocumentModel(); doc.setDocid(docId); doc.setDocument(documentData); doc.setMimetype(ExternalDocservice.getDocumentMime(docId, dtlUrl)); //TODO handle cert doc.setReicevercert(""); conn.addDocument(doc); } } LOG.trace("Getting document from external DTL ending."); return documentData; } else { LOG.trace("Getting document from database for docId: " + docId); props.load(DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("")); conn = new DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl(props.getProperty("sql.user"), props.getProperty("sql.password"), props.getProperty("sql.server"), props.getProperty("sql.database")); DocumentModel doc = conn.getDocument(docId); LOG.trace("Getting document from database ending."); return doc.getDocument(); } } else { LOG.warn("Document id is null"); throw new WebServiceException("Document Id is null"); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception in getDocument.", e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new WebServiceException("Download Failed", e); } } @Override /** * Get document mime type */ public String getDocumentMime(String docId, String dtlUrl) { try { if (docId != null && !docId.isEmpty()) { props.load(DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("")); String ownDtlUrl = props.getProperty("docservice.url"); docId = XmlHelper.StripDocId(docId); LOG.trace("Getting mime starting for docId: " + docId); if (dtlUrl != null && !dtlUrl.isEmpty() && !ownDtlUrl.equalsIgnoreCase(dtlUrl)) { LOG.trace("Getting mime from external DTL for docId: " + docId); String documentMime = ExternalDocservice.getDocumentMime(docId, dtlUrl); if (documentMime != null && !documentMime.isEmpty()) { conn = new DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl(props.getProperty("sql.user"), props.getProperty("sql.password"), props.getProperty("sql.server"), props.getProperty("sql.database")); DocumentModel doc = conn.getDocument(docId); if (doc != null) { doc.setMimetype(documentMime); conn.updateDocument(doc); } } LOG.trace("Getting mime from external DTL ending, docId: " + docId + ", mime " + documentMime); return documentMime; } else { LOG.trace("Getting mime from dabase for docId: " + docId); props.load(DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("")); conn = new DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl(props.getProperty("sql.user"), props.getProperty("sql.password"), props.getProperty("sql.server"), props.getProperty("sql.database")); DocumentModel doc = conn.getDocument(docId); LOG.trace("Getting mime from database ending, docId: " + docId + ", mime " + doc.getMimetype()); return doc.getMimetype(); } } else { LOG.warn("Document id is null"); throw new WebServiceException("Document Id is null"); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception in getDocumentMime.", e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new WebServiceException("Download Failed", e); } } @Override /** * Update document in document service */ public boolean updateDocument(String docId, String xmlResponse, byte[] document) { boolean success = false; if (docId != null && !docId.isEmpty()) { if (document != null) { try { docId = XmlHelper.StripDocId(docId); LOG.trace("Starting document update for docId: " + docId); props.load(DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("")); conn = new DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl(props.getProperty("sql.user"), props.getProperty("sql.password"), props.getProperty("sql.server"), props.getProperty("sql.database")); DocumentModel doc = conn.getDocument(docId); if(doc != null) { doc.setDocument(document); success = conn.updateDocument(doc); if (success && xmlResponse != null && !xmlResponse.isEmpty()) { RequestModel request = conn.getRequestByDocId(docId); if (request != null) { request.setXmlresponse(xmlResponse); request.setRestimestamp(new Date()); success = conn.updateRequest(request); } } LOG.trace("Document " + docId + " updated successfully: " + Boolean.toString(success)); } else { LOG.warn("No document found for docId: " + docId); throw new WebServiceException("Document is null"); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception in updateDocument.", e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new WebServiceException("Update Failed", e); } } } else { LOG.warn("Document id is null"); throw new WebServiceException("Document Id is null"); } return success; } @Override public String addSPDocument(String docId, String xmlRequest, String destinationCountry, String SpId, String receiverCert) { String returnMessage = ""; if (docId != null && !docId.isEmpty()) { try { LOG.trace("Adding document starting, document ID: " + docId + ", destination country: " + destinationCountry + ", SP Id: " + SpId + ", receiver cert: " + receiverCert); props.load(DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("")); COUNTRY = props.getProperty(""); RequestModel request = new RequestModel(); request.setDestcountry(destinationCountry); request.setSpcountry(COUNTRY); request.setSpid(SpId); request.setRequestid(XmlHelper.getRequestId(xmlRequest)); request.setXmlrequest(xmlRequest); conn = new DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl(props.getProperty("sql.user"), props.getProperty("sql.password"), props.getProperty("sql.server"), props.getProperty("sql.database")); boolean ok = conn.addRequest(request); if (ok) { LOG.trace("Request added."); LOG.trace("Getting temp document."); TempDocumentModel tempDoc = conn.getTempDocument(docId); if (tempDoc != null) { LOG.trace("Got temp document."); conn.updateTempDocument(tempDoc); LOG.trace("Temp document updated."); DocumentModel doc = new DocumentModel(); doc.setDocid(tempDoc.getDocid()); doc.setDocument(tempDoc.getDocument()); doc.setMimetype(tempDoc.getMimetype()); doc.setReicevercert(receiverCert); ok = conn.addDocument(doc); if (ok) { LOG.trace("Document added."); RequestModel req = conn.getRequest(request.getRequestid()); if (req != null) { LOG.trace("Request found."); req.setDocid(doc.getDocid()); if (conn.updateRequest(req)) returnMessage = req.getFullDocID(); else { LOG.warn("Could not update request."); throw new WebServiceException("Could not update request."); } } } else { LOG.warn("Could not add document."); throw new WebServiceException("Could not add document."); } } else { LOG.warn("No document found with id " + docId); throw new WebServiceException("No document found."); } } else { LOG.warn("Could not add request."); throw new WebServiceException("Could not add request."); } } catch (ModelException e) { LOG.error("Invalid model in input", e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new WebServiceException("Invalid input.", e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception in addSPDocument.", e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new WebServiceException("Upload Failed"); } LOG.trace("Add SP document ending, return message: " + returnMessage); } else { LOG.warn("Document id is null"); throw new WebServiceException("Document Id is null"); } return returnMessage; } @Override public boolean updateSPDocument(String documentTransferRequest, String dtlUrl, String xmlResponse) { boolean success = false; if (documentTransferRequest != null && !documentTransferRequest.isEmpty()) { if (xmlResponse != null && !xmlResponse.isEmpty()) { try { String docId = XmlHelper.verifyRequest(documentTransferRequest); LOG.trace("Document transfer requst ok. Doc ID: " + docId); if (dtlUrl == null || dtlUrl.isEmpty()) { LOG.trace("Starting SP document update from database for docId: " + docId); props.load(DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("")); conn = new DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl(props.getProperty("sql.user"), props.getProperty("sql.password"), props.getProperty("sql.server"), props.getProperty("sql.database")); DocumentModel doc = conn.getDocument(docId); if(doc != null) { TempDocumentModel tempDoc = conn.getTempDocument(docId); tempDoc.setDocument(doc.getDocument()); success = conn.updateTempDocument(tempDoc); if (success && xmlResponse != null && !xmlResponse.isEmpty()) { RequestModel request = conn.getRequestByDocId(docId); if (request != null) { request.setXmlresponse(xmlResponse); request.setRestimestamp(new Date()); if (conn.updateRequest(request)) { LOG.trace("Request updated."); success = true; } else { LOG.warn("Could not update request with id " + request.getRequestid()); throw new WebServiceException("Update SP document failed"); } } } LOG.trace("Document " + docId + " updated successfully: " + Boolean.toString(success)); } else { LOG.warn("No document found for docId: " + docId); throw new WebServiceException("Document is null"); } } else { LOG.trace("Starting SP document update from external DTL for docId: " + docId); byte[] documentData = ExternalDocservice.getDocument(documentTransferRequest, dtlUrl); if (documentData != null) { props.load(DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("")); conn = new DatabaseConnectorMySQLImpl(props.getProperty("sql.user"), props.getProperty("sql.password"), props.getProperty("sql.server"), props.getProperty("sql.database")); DocumentModel doc = conn.getDocument(docId); if (doc != null) { LOG.trace("Document found"); doc.setDocument(documentData); if (conn.updateDocument(doc)) { LOG.trace("Document updated"); TempDocumentModel tempDoc = conn.getTempDocument(docId); if (tempDoc != null) { LOG.trace("Temp document found"); tempDoc.setDocument(documentData); if (conn.updateTempDocument(tempDoc)) { LOG.trace("Temp document updated"); RequestModel request = conn.getRequestByDocId(docId); request.setXmlresponse(xmlResponse); request.setRestimestamp(new Date()); if (conn.updateRequest(request)) { LOG.trace("Request updated"); success = true; } else { LOG.warn("Could not update request with doc id " + docId); throw new WebServiceException("SP update failed"); } } else { LOG.warn("Could not update temp document with id " + docId); throw new WebServiceException("SP update failed"); } } else { LOG.warn("Could not find temp document with id " + docId); throw new WebServiceException("SP update failed"); } } else { LOG.warn("Could not update document with id " + docId); throw new WebServiceException("SP update failed"); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception in updateSPDocument.", e); e.printStackTrace(); throw new WebServiceException("Update Failed", e); } } else { LOG.warn("XML signing response is null or empty"); throw new WebServiceException("XML signing response is null"); } } else { LOG.warn("Document transfer request is null or empty"); throw new WebServiceException("Document transfer request is null"); } return success; } }