path: root/id/server/idserverlib/src/test/java/test/at/gv/egovernment/moa/id/proxy/builder/DOMTreeCompare.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'id/server/idserverlib/src/test/java/test/at/gv/egovernment/moa/id/proxy/builder/DOMTreeCompare.java')
1 files changed, 462 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/id/server/idserverlib/src/test/java/test/at/gv/egovernment/moa/id/proxy/builder/DOMTreeCompare.java b/id/server/idserverlib/src/test/java/test/at/gv/egovernment/moa/id/proxy/builder/DOMTreeCompare.java
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index 000000000..aec14ce1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/id/server/idserverlib/src/test/java/test/at/gv/egovernment/moa/id/proxy/builder/DOMTreeCompare.java
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+package test.at.gv.egovernment.moa.id.proxy.builder;
+import java.io.PrintStream;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
+import org.w3c.dom.Node;
+import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
+import org.w3c.dom.Text;
+import at.gv.egovernment.moa.util.Base64Utils;
+ * @author Administrator
+ *
+ * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":
+ * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates.
+ * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to
+ * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation.
+ */
+public class DOMTreeCompare {
+ boolean debug = true;
+ private static PrintStream Log = null;
+ static
+ {
+ Log = System.out;
+ }
+ public boolean compareElements(Element root1, Element root2)
+ {
+ //Log.println("----- Compare Elements:"+root1.getNodeName()+" "+root2.getNodeName());
+ filterTree(root1);
+ filterTree(root2);
+ return compareNodes(root1,root2,0,"root/",false);
+ }
+ private boolean compareNodes(Node n1, Node n2, int level,String path,boolean attribute)
+ {
+ /*try {
+ Log.println(DOMUtils.serializeNode(n1));
+ }
+ catch(Exception e)
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }*/
+ boolean equal = false;
+ //Log.println("----- Compare Node "+level+":"+n1+" "+n2);
+ //Log.println("----- Compare Node "+level+":"+n1.getNodeName()+" "+n2.getNodeName());
+ //Log.println("----- Checking:"+path+getPathString(n1));
+ NodeList nl1 = n1.getChildNodes();
+ NodeList nl2 = n2.getChildNodes();
+ int size1 = nl1.getLength();
+ int size2 = nl2.getLength();
+ if(debug)display_one(n1);
+ if(debug)display_one(n2);
+ if(debug)
+ if(n1.getNodeName().equals("Base64Content") && n2.getNodeName().equals("Base64Content"))
+ {
+ try {
+ Log.println("CONT:"+new String(Base64Utils.decode(strip(n1.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue()),false)));
+ Log.println("CONT:"+new String(Base64Utils.decode(strip(n2.getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue()),false)));
+ }
+ catch(Exception e)
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ if(size1 != size2)
+ {
+ Log.println("----- Anzahl der Kinder nicht gleich:"+path+getPathString(n1)+":"+getPathString(n2));
+ return false;
+ }
+ equal = compareNodeExact(n1,n2,level,path+getPathString(n1)+"/");
+ if(!equal)
+ {
+ Log.println("----- Knoten sind nicht identisch:"+path+getPathString(n1));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(n1.hasAttributes() || n2.hasAttributes())
+ {
+ equal = compareNodeAttriubtes(n1,n2,level+1,path+getPathString(n1)+"/(a)");
+ if(!equal)
+ {
+ Log.println("----- Attribute stimmen nicht überein:"+path+getPathString(n1));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(size1==0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for(int counter=0;counter<size1;counter++)
+ {
+ boolean found = false;
+ Node comp_n1 = nl1.item(counter);
+ //if(comp_n1==null) return false;
+ Node comp_n2 = null;
+ size2 = nl2.getLength();
+ for(int counter2=0;counter2<size2;counter2++)
+ {
+ comp_n2 = nl2.item(counter2);
+ /*equal = compareNodeExact(comp_n1,comp_n2,level+1);
+ if(equal) return false;*/
+ //Log.println("COMP_N1:"+comp_n1);
+ //Log.println("COMP_N2:"+comp_n2);
+ equal = compareNodes(comp_n1,comp_n2,level+1,path+getPathString(comp_n1)+"/",false);
+ if(equal)
+ {
+ n2.removeChild(comp_n2);
+ counter2=size2;
+ nl2 = n2.getChildNodes();
+ size2 = nl2.getLength();
+ }
+ }
+ if(!equal)
+ {
+ Log.println("----- Keine Übereinstimmung gefunden:"+path+getPathString(comp_n1));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private boolean compareNodeExact(Node n1,Node n2,int level,String path)
+ {
+ if(n1.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE)
+ {
+ Text textnode = (Text)n1;
+ /*Log.println("----- *****"+textnode.getNodeName());
+ Log.println("----- *****"+textnode.getParentNode().getNodeName());
+ Log.println("----- *****"+textnode.getNodeValue());*/
+ }
+ //Log.println("----- Checking:"+path);
+ String n1_name = n1.getNodeName();
+ String n2_name = n2.getNodeName();
+ /*Log.println("----- !!!!!"+n1.getNodeName());
+ Log.println("----- !!!!!"+n1.getNodeValue());
+ Log.println("----- !!!!!"+n1.getLocalName());
+ Log.println("----- !!!!!"+n1.getPrefix());
+ Log.println("----- !!!!!"+n1.getNextSibling());
+ Log.println("----- !!!!!"+n1.getPreviousSibling());*/
+ //Log.println("----- Compare Node "+level+":"+n1_name+" "+n2_name);
+ if(!((n1_name==null && n2_name==null) ||
+ (n1_name!=null && n2_name!=null && n1_name.equals(n2_name))))
+ {
+ Log.println("----- Name stimmt nicht überein:"+path);
+ return false;
+ }
+ //Log.println("----- Compare Node "+level+":"+n1.getNodeType()+" "+n2.getNodeType());
+ if(n1.getNodeType() != n2.getNodeType())
+ {
+ Log.println("----- Knotentyp stimmt nicht überein:"+path);
+ return false;
+ }
+ String n1_ns = n1.getPrefix();
+ String n2_ns = n2.getPrefix();
+ //Log.println("----- Compare Node "+level+":"+n1_ns+" "+n2_ns);
+ if(!((n1_ns==null && n2_ns==null) ||
+ (n1_ns!=null && n2_ns!=null && n1_ns.equals(n2_ns))))
+ {
+ Log.println("----- NameSpace stimmt nicht überein:"+path);
+ return false;
+ }
+ String n1_value = n1.getNodeValue();
+ String n2_value = n2.getNodeValue();
+ boolean special = false;
+ special = specialValues(n1_value,n2_value,path);
+ if(special) return true;
+ //Log.println("----- Compare Node "+level+":"+n1_value+" "+n2_value);
+ if(!((n1_value==null && n2_value==null) ||
+ (n1_value!=null && n2_value!=null && n1_value.equals(n2_value))))
+ {
+ Log.println("----- Wert stimmt nicht überein:"+path);
+ Log.println("----- Value1:\n"+n1_value);
+ Log.println("----- Value2:\n"+n2_value);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private boolean compareNodeAttriubtesWithoutSize(Node n1, Node n2, int level,String path)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ private boolean compareNodeAttriubtes(Node n1, Node n2, int level,String path)
+ {
+ //Log.println("----- Compare NodeAttributes "+level+":"+n1.getNodeName()+" "+n2.getNodeName());
+ Element n1elem = (Element)n1;
+ Element n2elem = (Element)n2;
+ NamedNodeMap nnm1 = n1.getAttributes();
+ NamedNodeMap nnm2 = n2.getAttributes();
+ int size1 = 0;
+ int size2 = 0;
+ boolean specialattrs = specialAttributesSize(path);
+ if(!specialattrs)
+ {
+ if(nnm1==null && nnm2==null) return true;
+ if(nnm1==null || nnm2==null)
+ {
+ Log.println("----- Anzahl der Attribute nicht gleich:"+path+":"+getPathString(n1));
+ return false;
+ }
+ size1 = nnm1.getLength();
+ size2 = nnm2.getLength();
+ if(size1 != size2)
+ {
+ Log.println("----- Anzahl der Attribute nicht gleich:"+path+":"+getPathString(n1));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return compareNodeAttriubtesWithoutSize(n1,n2,level,path);
+ }
+ for(int counter=0;counter<size1;counter++)
+ {
+ Node attribute_node1 = nnm1.item(counter);
+ Node attribute_node2 = nnm2.item(counter);
+ String attr1_name = attribute_node1.getNodeName();
+ String attr2_name = attribute_node2.getNodeName();
+ String value1 = n1elem.getAttribute(attr1_name);
+ String value2 = n2elem.getAttribute(attr2_name);
+ boolean special = false;
+ special = specialAttributes(path,attr1_name,value1,attr2_name,value2);
+ if(special)
+ {
+ return special;
+ }
+ if(!value1.equals(value2))
+ {
+ Log.println("----- Keine Übereinstimmung gefunden:"+path+getPathString(n1));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private boolean checkNode(Node base,String name)
+ {
+ if(base.getNodeName().equals(name))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ NodeList children = base.getChildNodes();
+ int size = children.getLength();
+ for(int counter=0;counter<size;counter++)
+ {
+ boolean found = checkNode(children.item(counter),name);
+ if(found) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void display_one(Node base)
+ {
+ int att_size=0;
+ if(base.getAttributes()!=null)
+ {
+ att_size=base.getAttributes().getLength();
+ }
+ if(base.getNodeName().equals("#text"))
+ Log.println(base.getNodeName()+base.getChildNodes().getLength()+":"+att_size+" ("+base.getNodeValue()+")");
+ else
+ Log.println(base.getNodeName()+base.getChildNodes().getLength()+":"+att_size);
+ }
+ private void display(Node base)
+ {
+ display(base,1);
+ }
+ private void display(Node base,int level)
+ {
+ String spacer = "";
+ for(int counter=0;counter<level;counter++)
+ {
+ spacer+=" ";
+ }
+ int att_size=0;
+ if(base.getAttributes()!=null)
+ {
+ att_size=base.getAttributes().getLength();
+ }
+ if(base.getNodeName().equals("#text"))
+ Log.println(spacer+base.getNodeName()+base.getChildNodes().getLength()+":"+att_size+" ("+base.getNodeValue()+")");
+ else
+ Log.println(spacer+base.getNodeName()+base.getChildNodes().getLength()+":"+att_size);
+ NodeList children = base.getChildNodes();
+ int size = children.getLength();
+ for(int counter=0;counter<size;counter++)
+ {
+ display(children.item(counter),level+1);
+ }
+ }
+ private void filterTree(Node base)
+ {
+ ArrayList removeList = new ArrayList();
+ NodeList children = base.getChildNodes();
+ int size = children.getLength();
+ for(int counter=0;counter<size;counter++)
+ {
+ Node child1 = children.item(counter);
+ if(child1.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE && child1.getNodeValue().trim().equals(""))
+ {
+ removeList.add(child1);
+ }
+ }
+ size = removeList.size();
+ for(int counter=0;counter<size;counter++)
+ {
+ base.removeChild((Node)removeList.get(counter));
+ }
+ children = base.getChildNodes();
+ size = children.getLength();
+ for(int counter=0;counter<size;counter++)
+ {
+ filterTree(children.item(counter));
+ }
+ }
+ private String getPathString(Node n)
+ {
+ if(n.getNodeType()==Node.TEXT_NODE)
+ {
+ return n.getParentNode().getNodeName()+"(text)";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return n.getNodeName();
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean specialAttributes(String path,String attr1_name,String value1,String attr2_name,String value2)
+ {
+ //if(value1.startsWith("reference-") && value2.startsWith("reference-")) return true;
+ //if(value1.startsWith("signature-") && value2.startsWith("signature-")) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean specialAttributesSize(String path)
+ {
+ //if(path.endsWith("/xsl:template/(a)")) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean specialValues(String value1,String value2,String path)
+ {
+ //Log.println(path);
+ /*if(ignoreSignatureValue)
+ {
+ if(path.endsWith("/dsig:SignatureValue(text)/"))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(path.endsWith("/dsig:SignatureValue(text)/"))
+ {
+ String stripped_1 = strip(value1);
+ String stripped_2 = strip(value2);
+ return stripped_1.equals(stripped_2);
+ }
+ }*/
+ return false;
+ }
+ private String strip(String input)
+ {
+ String output = replaceStringAll(input," ","");
+ output = replaceStringAll(output,"\n","");
+ output = replaceStringAll(output,"\r","");
+ return output;
+ }
+ private static String replaceStringAll(
+ String input,
+ String oldPart,
+ String newPart)
+ {
+ String erg = null;
+ int pos = input.indexOf(oldPart);
+ if(pos==-1) return input;
+ while(true)
+ {
+ //First Part
+ pos = input.indexOf(oldPart);
+ if(pos==-1) break;
+ erg = input.substring(0, pos);
+ //Insert new Part
+ erg += newPart;
+ //insert REST
+ erg
+ += input.substring(
+ input.indexOf(oldPart) + oldPart.length(),
+ input.length());
+ input = erg;
+ }
+ return erg;
+ }