diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.gitlab-ci.yml')
-rw-r--r-- | .gitlab-ci.yml | 32 |
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml index a0d68b89a..1eb2aee6e 100644 --- a/.gitlab-ci.yml +++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ -image: maven:latest +image: maven:3.6.3-jdk-11 variables: LC_ALL: "en_US.UTF-8" LANG: "en_US.UTF-8" LANGUAGE: "en_US" - LIB_NAME: "MOA-ID" + LIB_NAME: "moa-id" MAVEN_CLI_OPTS: "--batch-mode --errors --fail-at-end --show-version -DinstallAtEnd=true -DdeployAtEnd=true --settings ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/.cisettings.xml" MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Dmaven.repo.local=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/.m2/repository -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.org.apache.maven.cli.transfer.Slf4jMavenTransferListener=WARN -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.showDateTime=true -Djava.awt.headless=true" GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive GIT_DEPTH: "2" SECURE_LOG_LEVEL: "debug" + JACOCO_CSV_LOCATION: '${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/assembly/target/site/jacoco-aggregate-ut/jacoco.csv' + JACOCO_XML_LOCATION: '${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/assembly/target/site/jacoco-aggregate-ut/jacoco.xml' include: - template: Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml - - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml - template: Secret-Detection.gitlab-ci.yml - - template: Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml stages: - assemble @@ -31,23 +31,35 @@ assemble: stage: assemble except: - tags + tags: + - docker script: | mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS compile test + coverage: '/([0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]*).%.covered/' + after_script: + - awk -F"," '{ instructions += $4 + $5; covered += $5 } END { print covered, "/", instructions, " instructions covered"; print 100*covered/instructions, "% covered" }' $JACOCO_CSV_LOCATION artifacts: when: always reports: junit: "**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml" - + paths: + - $JACOCO_CSV_LOCATION + - $JACOCO_XML_LOCATION + + publishToGitlab: stage: package + tags: + - docker except: - tags + - /^feature/.*$/i before_script: - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - ssh-keyscan apps.egiz.gv.at >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts - chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts script: | - export VERSION=$(mvn -B help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -B | grep -v "\[INFO\]" | grep -Po "\d+\.\d+\.\d+((-\w*)+)?") + export VERSION=$(mvn -B help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -B | grep -v "\[WARNING\]" | grep -v "\[INFO\]" | grep -Po "\d+\.\d+\.\d+((-\w*)+)?") echo "Publishing version $VERSION for $LIB_NAME to public EGIZ maven" mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS deploy -s .cisettings.xml -P jenkinsDeploy -DskipTests echo "VERSION=$VERSION" >> variables.env @@ -59,20 +71,18 @@ publishToGitlab: release: stage: release image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release-cli:latest + tags: + - docker needs: - job: publishToGitlab artifacts: true when: manual only: - master - before_script: - - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - - ssh-keyscan apps.egiz.gv.at >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts - - chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts script: | echo "Releasing version $VERSION of $LIB_NAME" echo "Publishing version $VERSION to public EGIZ maven" - mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS deploy -s .cisettings.xml -P jenkinsDeploy + mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS deploy -s .cisettings.xml release: name: "$VERSION" tag_name: "v$VERSION" |