package at.gv.util.xsd.mzs; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAnyElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementRef; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlValue; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter; import at.gv.util.xsd.mzs.persondata.AbstractAddressType; import at.gv.util.xsd.mzs.persondata.AbstractPersonType; import at.gv.util.xsd.mzs.persondata.CorporateBodyType; import at.gv.util.xsd.mzs.persondata.InternetAddressType; import at.gv.util.xsd.mzs.persondata.PersonDataType; import at.gv.util.xsd.mzs.persondata.PhysicalPersonType; import at.gv.util.xsd.mzs.persondata.PostalAddressType; import at.gv.util.xsd.mzs.persondata.TelephoneAddressType; import org.w3c.dom.Element; /** *

Java class for DeliveryRequestType complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

 * <complexType name="DeliveryRequestType">
 *   <complexContent>
 *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *       <sequence>
 *         <element name="Server" minOccurs="0">
 *           <complexType>
 *             <complexContent>
 *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                 <sequence>
 *                   <element name="ZUSEUrlID" type="{}anyURI"/>
 *                   <element name="X509" type="{}base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/>
 *                 </sequence>
 *               </restriction>
 *             </complexContent>
 *           </complexType>
 *         </element>
 *         <element name="Sender">
 *           <complexType>
 *             <complexContent>
 *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                 <sequence>
 *                   <choice>
 *                     <element name="ProfileID" type="{}string"/>
 *                     <sequence>
 *                       <element ref="{}Person"/>
 *                       <element ref="{}Address" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
 *                       <choice>
 *                         <element name="WebserviceURL" type="{}anyURI"/>
 *                         <element name="EMailAddress" type="{}string"/>
 *                       </choice>
 *                     </sequence>
 *                   </choice>
 *                   <sequence>
 *                     <element name="SignatureKeyID" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
 *                   </sequence>
 *                 </sequence>
 *               </restriction>
 *             </complexContent>
 *           </complexType>
 *         </element>
 *         <element ref="{}Receiver"/>
 *         <element name="MetaData">
 *           <complexType>
 *             <complexContent>
 *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                 <sequence>
 *                   <element ref="{}AppDeliveryID"/>
 *                   <element name="DeliveryQuality">
 *                     <simpleType>
 *                       <restriction base="{}string">
 *                         <enumeration value="RSa"/>
 *                         <enumeration value="RSa+"/>
 *                         <enumeration value="nonRSa"/>
 *                         <enumeration value="nonRSa+"/>
 *                         <enumeration value="R"/>
 *                         <enumeration value="R+"/>
 *                         <enumeration value="RS"/>
 *                         <enumeration value="RS+"/>
 *                       </restriction>
 *                     </simpleType>
 *                   </element>
 *                   <element name="RequiresEncryption" type="{}boolean"/>
 *                   <element name="PrivateDelivery" type="{}boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
 *                   <element name="DocumentClass" minOccurs="0">
 *                     <simpleType>
 *                       <restriction base="{}token">
 *                         <maxLength value="255"/>
 *                         <minLength value="1"/>
 *                       </restriction>
 *                     </simpleType>
 *                   </element>
 *                   <element name="DualDelivery" minOccurs="0">
 *                     <complexType>
 *                       <complexContent>
 *                         <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                           <sequence>
 *                             <element name="DualDeliveryServer" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
 *                             <element name="PrintParameter" minOccurs="0">
 *                               <complexType>
 *                                 <complexContent>
 *                                   <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                                     <sequence>
 *                                       <any processContents='skip' maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
 *                                     </sequence>
 *                                     <attribute name="profile" type="{}anyURI" />
 *                                   </restriction>
 *                                 </complexContent>
 *                               </complexType>
 *                             </element>
 *                           </sequence>
 *                         </restriction>
 *                       </complexContent>
 *                     </complexType>
 *                   </element>
 *                   <element name="MailBody" minOccurs="0">
 *                     <complexType>
 *                       <complexContent>
 *                         <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                           <sequence>
 *                             <element name="MimeType" type="{}token"/>
 *                             <element name="Content" type="{}base64Binary"/>
 *                           </sequence>
 *                         </restriction>
 *                       </complexContent>
 *                     </complexType>
 *                   </element>
 *                 </sequence>
 *               </restriction>
 *             </complexContent>
 *           </complexType>
 *         </element>
 *         <element name="XMLDocument" minOccurs="0">
 *           <complexType>
 *             <complexContent>
 *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                 <sequence>
 *                   <element name="XMLContent">
 *                     <complexType>
 *                       <complexContent>
 *                         <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                           <sequence>
 *                             <any processContents='lax'/>
 *                           </sequence>
 *                         </restriction>
 *                       </complexContent>
 *                     </complexType>
 *                   </element>
 *                   <choice>
 *                     <element name="XMLProfileID" type="{}anyType"/>
 *                     <sequence>
 *                       <element name="FileName" type="{}token"/>
 *                       <element name="MIMEType" type="{}token"/>
 *                       <element name="ResultingMIMEType" type="{}token"/>
 *                       <element name="SignatureXPath">
 *                         <complexType>
 *                           <simpleContent>
 *                             <extension base="<>string">
 *                               <attribute name="Index" use="required" type="{}integer" />
 *                             </extension>
 *                           </simpleContent>
 *                         </complexType>
 *                       </element>
 *                       <element name="SignatureStylesheet">
 *                         <complexType>
 *                           <complexContent>
 *                             <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                               <sequence>
 *                                 <element name="XMLContent">
 *                                   <complexType>
 *                                     <complexContent>
 *                                       <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                                         <sequence>
 *                                           <any processContents='lax'/>
 *                                         </sequence>
 *                                       </restriction>
 *                                     </complexContent>
 *                                   </complexType>
 *                                 </element>
 *                               </sequence>
 *                             </restriction>
 *                           </complexContent>
 *                         </complexType>
 *                       </element>
 *                       <element name="PreviewStylesheet" minOccurs="0">
 *                         <complexType>
 *                           <complexContent>
 *                             <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                               <sequence>
 *                                 <element name="FileName" type="{}token"/>
 *                                 <element name="XMLContent">
 *                                   <complexType>
 *                                     <complexContent>
 *                                       <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                                         <sequence>
 *                                           <any processContents='lax'/>
 *                                         </sequence>
 *                                       </restriction>
 *                                     </complexContent>
 *                                   </complexType>
 *                                 </element>
 *                               </sequence>
 *                             </restriction>
 *                           </complexContent>
 *                         </complexType>
 *                       </element>
 *                     </sequence>
 *                   </choice>
 *                 </sequence>
 *               </restriction>
 *             </complexContent>
 *           </complexType>
 *         </element>
 *         <element name="Payload" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
 *           <complexType>
 *             <complexContent>
 *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                 <choice>
 *                   <element name="BinaryDocument">
 *                     <complexType>
 *                       <complexContent>
 *                         <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                           <sequence>
 *                             <element name="Base64Content" type="{}base64Binary"/>
 *                             <element name="FileName" type="{}token"/>
 *                             <element name="MIMEType" type="{}token"/>
 *                           </sequence>
 *                         </restriction>
 *                       </complexContent>
 *                     </complexType>
 *                   </element>
 *                   <element name="DocumentReference">
 *                     <complexType>
 *                       <complexContent>
 *                         <restriction base="{}anyType">
 *                           <sequence>
 *                             <element name="URL" type="{}anyURI"/>
 *                             <element name="FileName" type="{}token"/>
 *                             <element name="MIMEType" type="{}token"/>
 *                             <element name="MD5Checksum" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
 *                           </sequence>
 *                         </restriction>
 *                       </complexContent>
 *                     </complexType>
 *                   </element>
 *                 </choice>
 *               </restriction>
 *             </complexContent>
 *           </complexType>
 *         </element>
 *       </sequence>
 *       <attribute name="sync" type="{}boolean" />
 *     </restriction>
 *   </complexContent>
 * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "DeliveryRequestType", propOrder = { "server", "sender", "receiver", "metaData", "xmlDocument", "payload" }) public class DeliveryRequestType { @XmlElement(name = "Server") protected DeliveryRequestType.Server server; @XmlElement(name = "Sender", required = true) protected DeliveryRequestType.Sender sender; @XmlElement(name = "Receiver", required = true) protected PersonDataType receiver; @XmlElement(name = "MetaData", required = true) protected DeliveryRequestType.MetaData metaData; @XmlElement(name = "XMLDocument") protected DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument xmlDocument; @XmlElement(name = "Payload") protected List payload; @XmlAttribute protected Boolean sync; /** * Gets the value of the server property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.Server } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.Server getServer() { return server; } /** * Sets the value of the server property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.Server } * */ public void setServer(DeliveryRequestType.Server value) { this.server = value; } /** * Gets the value of the sender property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.Sender } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.Sender getSender() { return sender; } /** * Sets the value of the sender property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.Sender } * */ public void setSender(DeliveryRequestType.Sender value) { this.sender = value; } /** * Gets the value of the receiver property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link PersonDataType } * */ public PersonDataType getReceiver() { return receiver; } /** * Sets the value of the receiver property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link PersonDataType } * */ public void setReceiver(PersonDataType value) { this.receiver = value; } /** * Gets the value of the metaData property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.MetaData } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.MetaData getMetaData() { return metaData; } /** * Sets the value of the metaData property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.MetaData } * */ public void setMetaData(DeliveryRequestType.MetaData value) { this.metaData = value; } /** * Gets the value of the xmlDocument property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument getXMLDocument() { return xmlDocument; } /** * Sets the value of the xmlDocument property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument } * */ public void setXMLDocument(DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument value) { this.xmlDocument = value; } /** * Gets the value of the payload property. * *

* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. * This is why there is not a set method for the payload property. * *

* For example, to add a new item, do as follows: *

     *    getPayload().add(newItem);
* * *

* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list * {@link DeliveryRequestType.Payload } * * */ public List getPayload() { if (payload == null) { payload = new ArrayList(); } return this.payload; } /** * Gets the value of the sync property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Boolean } * */ public Boolean isSync() { return sync; } /** * Sets the value of the sync property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Boolean } * */ public void setSync(Boolean value) { this.sync = value; } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

     * <complexType>
     *   <complexContent>
     *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *       <sequence>
     *         <element ref="{}AppDeliveryID"/>
     *         <element name="DeliveryQuality">
     *           <simpleType>
     *             <restriction base="{}string">
     *               <enumeration value="RSa"/>
     *               <enumeration value="RSa+"/>
     *               <enumeration value="nonRSa"/>
     *               <enumeration value="nonRSa+"/>
     *               <enumeration value="R"/>
     *               <enumeration value="R+"/>
     *               <enumeration value="RS"/>
     *               <enumeration value="RS+"/>
     *             </restriction>
     *           </simpleType>
     *         </element>
     *         <element name="RequiresEncryption" type="{}boolean"/>
     *         <element name="PrivateDelivery" type="{}boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
     *         <element name="DocumentClass" minOccurs="0">
     *           <simpleType>
     *             <restriction base="{}token">
     *               <maxLength value="255"/>
     *               <minLength value="1"/>
     *             </restriction>
     *           </simpleType>
     *         </element>
     *         <element name="DualDelivery" minOccurs="0">
     *           <complexType>
     *             <complexContent>
     *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *                 <sequence>
     *                   <element name="DualDeliveryServer" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
     *                   <element name="PrintParameter" minOccurs="0">
     *                     <complexType>
     *                       <complexContent>
     *                         <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *                           <sequence>
     *                             <any processContents='skip' maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
     *                           </sequence>
     *                           <attribute name="profile" type="{}anyURI" />
     *                         </restriction>
     *                       </complexContent>
     *                     </complexType>
     *                   </element>
     *                 </sequence>
     *               </restriction>
     *             </complexContent>
     *           </complexType>
     *         </element>
     *         <element name="MailBody" minOccurs="0">
     *           <complexType>
     *             <complexContent>
     *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *                 <sequence>
     *                   <element name="MimeType" type="{}token"/>
     *                   <element name="Content" type="{}base64Binary"/>
     *                 </sequence>
     *               </restriction>
     *             </complexContent>
     *           </complexType>
     *         </element>
     *       </sequence>
     *     </restriction>
     *   </complexContent>
     * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "appDeliveryID", "deliveryQuality", "requiresEncryption", "privateDelivery", "documentClass", "dualDelivery", "mailBody" }) public static class MetaData { @XmlElement(name = "AppDeliveryID", required = true) @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) protected String appDeliveryID; @XmlElement(name = "DeliveryQuality", required = true) protected String deliveryQuality; @XmlElement(name = "RequiresEncryption") protected boolean requiresEncryption; @XmlElement(name = "PrivateDelivery") protected Boolean privateDelivery; @XmlElement(name = "DocumentClass") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) protected String documentClass; @XmlElement(name = "DualDelivery") protected DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.DualDelivery dualDelivery; @XmlElement(name = "MailBody") protected DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.MailBody mailBody; /** * Gets the value of the appDeliveryID property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getAppDeliveryID() { return appDeliveryID; } /** * Sets the value of the appDeliveryID property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setAppDeliveryID(String value) { this.appDeliveryID = value; } /** * Gets the value of the deliveryQuality property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getDeliveryQuality() { return deliveryQuality; } /** * Sets the value of the deliveryQuality property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setDeliveryQuality(String value) { this.deliveryQuality = value; } /** * Gets the value of the requiresEncryption property. * */ public boolean isRequiresEncryption() { return requiresEncryption; } /** * Sets the value of the requiresEncryption property. * */ public void setRequiresEncryption(boolean value) { this.requiresEncryption = value; } /** * Gets the value of the privateDelivery property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Boolean } * */ public Boolean isPrivateDelivery() { return privateDelivery; } /** * Sets the value of the privateDelivery property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Boolean } * */ public void setPrivateDelivery(Boolean value) { this.privateDelivery = value; } /** * Gets the value of the documentClass property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getDocumentClass() { return documentClass; } /** * Sets the value of the documentClass property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setDocumentClass(String value) { this.documentClass = value; } /** * Gets the value of the dualDelivery property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.DualDelivery } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.DualDelivery getDualDelivery() { return dualDelivery; } /** * Sets the value of the dualDelivery property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.DualDelivery } * */ public void setDualDelivery(DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.DualDelivery value) { this.dualDelivery = value; } /** * Gets the value of the mailBody property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.MailBody } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.MailBody getMailBody() { return mailBody; } /** * Sets the value of the mailBody property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.MailBody } * */ public void setMailBody(DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.MailBody value) { this.mailBody = value; } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

         * <complexType>
         *   <complexContent>
         *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
         *       <sequence>
         *         <element name="DualDeliveryServer" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         *         <element name="PrintParameter" minOccurs="0">
         *           <complexType>
         *             <complexContent>
         *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
         *                 <sequence>
         *                   <any processContents='skip' maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
         *                 </sequence>
         *                 <attribute name="profile" type="{}anyURI" />
         *               </restriction>
         *             </complexContent>
         *           </complexType>
         *         </element>
         *       </sequence>
         *     </restriction>
         *   </complexContent>
         * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "dualDeliveryServer", "printParameter" }) public static class DualDelivery { @XmlElement(name = "DualDeliveryServer") protected String dualDeliveryServer; @XmlElement(name = "PrintParameter") protected DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.DualDelivery.PrintParameter printParameter; /** * Gets the value of the dualDeliveryServer property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getDualDeliveryServer() { return dualDeliveryServer; } /** * Sets the value of the dualDeliveryServer property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setDualDeliveryServer(String value) { this.dualDeliveryServer = value; } /** * Gets the value of the printParameter property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.DualDelivery.PrintParameter } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.DualDelivery.PrintParameter getPrintParameter() { return printParameter; } /** * Sets the value of the printParameter property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.DualDelivery.PrintParameter } * */ public void setPrintParameter(DeliveryRequestType.MetaData.DualDelivery.PrintParameter value) { this.printParameter = value; } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

             * <complexType>
             *   <complexContent>
             *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
             *       <sequence>
             *         <any processContents='skip' maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
             *       </sequence>
             *       <attribute name="profile" type="{}anyURI" />
             *     </restriction>
             *   </complexContent>
             * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "any" }) public static class PrintParameter { @XmlAnyElement protected List any; @XmlAttribute @XmlSchemaType(name = "anyURI") protected String profile; /** * Gets the value of the any property. * *

* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. * This is why there is not a set method for the any property. * *

* For example, to add a new item, do as follows: *

                 *    getAny().add(newItem);
* * *

* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list * {@link Element } * * */ public List getAny() { if (any == null) { any = new ArrayList(); } return this.any; } /** * Gets the value of the profile property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getProfile() { return profile; } /** * Sets the value of the profile property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setProfile(String value) { this.profile = value; } } } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

         * <complexType>
         *   <complexContent>
         *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
         *       <sequence>
         *         <element name="MimeType" type="{}token"/>
         *         <element name="Content" type="{}base64Binary"/>
         *       </sequence>
         *     </restriction>
         *   </complexContent>
         * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "mimeType", "content" }) public static class MailBody { @XmlElement(name = "MimeType", required = true) @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) @XmlSchemaType(name = "token") protected String mimeType; @XmlElement(name = "Content", required = true) protected byte[] content; /** * Gets the value of the mimeType property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getMimeType() { return mimeType; } /** * Sets the value of the mimeType property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setMimeType(String value) { this.mimeType = value; } /** * Gets the value of the content property. * * @return * possible object is * byte[] */ public byte[] getContent() { return content; } /** * Sets the value of the content property. * * @param value * allowed object is * byte[] */ public void setContent(byte[] value) { this.content = ((byte[]) value); } } } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

     * <complexType>
     *   <complexContent>
     *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *       <choice>
     *         <element name="BinaryDocument">
     *           <complexType>
     *             <complexContent>
     *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *                 <sequence>
     *                   <element name="Base64Content" type="{}base64Binary"/>
     *                   <element name="FileName" type="{}token"/>
     *                   <element name="MIMEType" type="{}token"/>
     *                 </sequence>
     *               </restriction>
     *             </complexContent>
     *           </complexType>
     *         </element>
     *         <element name="DocumentReference">
     *           <complexType>
     *             <complexContent>
     *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *                 <sequence>
     *                   <element name="URL" type="{}anyURI"/>
     *                   <element name="FileName" type="{}token"/>
     *                   <element name="MIMEType" type="{}token"/>
     *                   <element name="MD5Checksum" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
     *                 </sequence>
     *               </restriction>
     *             </complexContent>
     *           </complexType>
     *         </element>
     *       </choice>
     *     </restriction>
     *   </complexContent>
     * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "binaryDocument", "documentReference" }) public static class Payload { @XmlElement(name = "BinaryDocument") protected DeliveryRequestType.Payload.BinaryDocument binaryDocument; @XmlElement(name = "DocumentReference") protected DeliveryRequestType.Payload.DocumentReference documentReference; /** * Gets the value of the binaryDocument property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.Payload.BinaryDocument } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.Payload.BinaryDocument getBinaryDocument() { return binaryDocument; } /** * Sets the value of the binaryDocument property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.Payload.BinaryDocument } * */ public void setBinaryDocument(DeliveryRequestType.Payload.BinaryDocument value) { this.binaryDocument = value; } /** * Gets the value of the documentReference property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.Payload.DocumentReference } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.Payload.DocumentReference getDocumentReference() { return documentReference; } /** * Sets the value of the documentReference property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.Payload.DocumentReference } * */ public void setDocumentReference(DeliveryRequestType.Payload.DocumentReference value) { this.documentReference = value; } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

         * <complexType>
         *   <complexContent>
         *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
         *       <sequence>
         *         <element name="Base64Content" type="{}base64Binary"/>
         *         <element name="FileName" type="{}token"/>
         *         <element name="MIMEType" type="{}token"/>
         *       </sequence>
         *     </restriction>
         *   </complexContent>
         * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "base64Content", "fileName", "mimeType" }) public static class BinaryDocument { @XmlElement(name = "Base64Content", required = true) protected byte[] base64Content; @XmlElement(name = "FileName", required = true) @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) @XmlSchemaType(name = "token") protected String fileName; @XmlElement(name = "MIMEType", required = true) @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) @XmlSchemaType(name = "token") protected String mimeType; /** * Gets the value of the base64Content property. * * @return * possible object is * byte[] */ public byte[] getBase64Content() { return base64Content; } /** * Sets the value of the base64Content property. * * @param value * allowed object is * byte[] */ public void setBase64Content(byte[] value) { this.base64Content = ((byte[]) value); } /** * Gets the value of the fileName property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getFileName() { return fileName; } /** * Sets the value of the fileName property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setFileName(String value) { this.fileName = value; } /** * Gets the value of the mimeType property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getMIMEType() { return mimeType; } /** * Sets the value of the mimeType property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setMIMEType(String value) { this.mimeType = value; } } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

         * <complexType>
         *   <complexContent>
         *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
         *       <sequence>
         *         <element name="URL" type="{}anyURI"/>
         *         <element name="FileName" type="{}token"/>
         *         <element name="MIMEType" type="{}token"/>
         *         <element name="MD5Checksum" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         *       </sequence>
         *     </restriction>
         *   </complexContent>
         * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "url", "fileName", "mimeType", "md5Checksum" }) public static class DocumentReference { @XmlElement(name = "URL", required = true) @XmlSchemaType(name = "anyURI") protected String url; @XmlElement(name = "FileName", required = true) @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) @XmlSchemaType(name = "token") protected String fileName; @XmlElement(name = "MIMEType", required = true) @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) @XmlSchemaType(name = "token") protected String mimeType; @XmlElement(name = "MD5Checksum") protected String md5Checksum; /** * Gets the value of the url property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getURL() { return url; } /** * Sets the value of the url property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setURL(String value) { this.url = value; } /** * Gets the value of the fileName property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getFileName() { return fileName; } /** * Sets the value of the fileName property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setFileName(String value) { this.fileName = value; } /** * Gets the value of the mimeType property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getMIMEType() { return mimeType; } /** * Sets the value of the mimeType property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setMIMEType(String value) { this.mimeType = value; } /** * Gets the value of the md5Checksum property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getMD5Checksum() { return md5Checksum; } /** * Sets the value of the md5Checksum property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setMD5Checksum(String value) { this.md5Checksum = value; } } } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

     * <complexType>
     *   <complexContent>
     *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *       <sequence>
     *         <choice>
     *           <element name="ProfileID" type="{}string"/>
     *           <sequence>
     *             <element ref="{}Person"/>
     *             <element ref="{}Address" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
     *             <choice>
     *               <element name="WebserviceURL" type="{}anyURI"/>
     *               <element name="EMailAddress" type="{}string"/>
     *             </choice>
     *           </sequence>
     *         </choice>
     *         <sequence>
     *           <element name="SignatureKeyID" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
     *         </sequence>
     *       </sequence>
     *     </restriction>
     *   </complexContent>
     * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "profileID", "person", "address", "webserviceURL", "eMailAddress", "signatureKeyID" }) public static class Sender { @XmlElement(name = "ProfileID") protected String profileID; @XmlElementRef(name = "Person", namespace = "", type = JAXBElement.class) protected JAXBElement person; @XmlElementRef(name = "Address", namespace = "", type = JAXBElement.class) protected List> address; @XmlElement(name = "WebserviceURL") @XmlSchemaType(name = "anyURI") protected String webserviceURL; @XmlElement(name = "EMailAddress") protected String eMailAddress; @XmlElement(name = "SignatureKeyID") protected String signatureKeyID; /** * Gets the value of the profileID property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getProfileID() { return profileID; } /** * Sets the value of the profileID property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setProfileID(String value) { this.profileID = value; } /** * Gets the value of the person property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PhysicalPersonType }{@code >} * {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AbstractPersonType }{@code >} * {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CorporateBodyType }{@code >} * */ public JAXBElement getPerson() { return person; } /** * Sets the value of the person property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PhysicalPersonType }{@code >} * {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AbstractPersonType }{@code >} * {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link CorporateBodyType }{@code >} * */ public void setPerson(JAXBElement value) { this.person = ((JAXBElement ) value); } /** * Gets the value of the address property. * *

* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. * This is why there is not a set method for the address property. * *

* For example, to add a new item, do as follows: *

         *    getAddress().add(newItem);
* * *

* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list * {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link AbstractAddressType }{@code >} * {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link PostalAddressType }{@code >} * {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link TelephoneAddressType }{@code >} * {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link InternetAddressType }{@code >} * * */ public List> getAddress() { if (address == null) { address = new ArrayList>(); } return this.address; } /** * Gets the value of the webserviceURL property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getWebserviceURL() { return webserviceURL; } /** * Sets the value of the webserviceURL property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setWebserviceURL(String value) { this.webserviceURL = value; } /** * Gets the value of the eMailAddress property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getEMailAddress() { return eMailAddress; } /** * Sets the value of the eMailAddress property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setEMailAddress(String value) { this.eMailAddress = value; } /** * Gets the value of the signatureKeyID property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getSignatureKeyID() { return signatureKeyID; } /** * Sets the value of the signatureKeyID property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setSignatureKeyID(String value) { this.signatureKeyID = value; } } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

     * <complexType>
     *   <complexContent>
     *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *       <sequence>
     *         <element name="ZUSEUrlID" type="{}anyURI"/>
     *         <element name="X509" type="{}base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/>
     *       </sequence>
     *     </restriction>
     *   </complexContent>
     * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "zuseUrlID", "x509" }) public static class Server { @XmlElement(name = "ZUSEUrlID", required = true) @XmlSchemaType(name = "anyURI") protected String zuseUrlID; @XmlElement(name = "X509") protected byte[] x509; /** * Gets the value of the zuseUrlID property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getZUSEUrlID() { return zuseUrlID; } /** * Sets the value of the zuseUrlID property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setZUSEUrlID(String value) { this.zuseUrlID = value; } /** * Gets the value of the x509 property. * * @return * possible object is * byte[] */ public byte[] getX509() { return x509; } /** * Sets the value of the x509 property. * * @param value * allowed object is * byte[] */ public void setX509(byte[] value) { this.x509 = ((byte[]) value); } } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

     * <complexType>
     *   <complexContent>
     *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *       <sequence>
     *         <element name="XMLContent">
     *           <complexType>
     *             <complexContent>
     *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *                 <sequence>
     *                   <any processContents='lax'/>
     *                 </sequence>
     *               </restriction>
     *             </complexContent>
     *           </complexType>
     *         </element>
     *         <choice>
     *           <element name="XMLProfileID" type="{}anyType"/>
     *           <sequence>
     *             <element name="FileName" type="{}token"/>
     *             <element name="MIMEType" type="{}token"/>
     *             <element name="ResultingMIMEType" type="{}token"/>
     *             <element name="SignatureXPath">
     *               <complexType>
     *                 <simpleContent>
     *                   <extension base="<>string">
     *                     <attribute name="Index" use="required" type="{}integer" />
     *                   </extension>
     *                 </simpleContent>
     *               </complexType>
     *             </element>
     *             <element name="SignatureStylesheet">
     *               <complexType>
     *                 <complexContent>
     *                   <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *                     <sequence>
     *                       <element name="XMLContent">
     *                         <complexType>
     *                           <complexContent>
     *                             <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *                               <sequence>
     *                                 <any processContents='lax'/>
     *                               </sequence>
     *                             </restriction>
     *                           </complexContent>
     *                         </complexType>
     *                       </element>
     *                     </sequence>
     *                   </restriction>
     *                 </complexContent>
     *               </complexType>
     *             </element>
     *             <element name="PreviewStylesheet" minOccurs="0">
     *               <complexType>
     *                 <complexContent>
     *                   <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *                     <sequence>
     *                       <element name="FileName" type="{}token"/>
     *                       <element name="XMLContent">
     *                         <complexType>
     *                           <complexContent>
     *                             <restriction base="{}anyType">
     *                               <sequence>
     *                                 <any processContents='lax'/>
     *                               </sequence>
     *                             </restriction>
     *                           </complexContent>
     *                         </complexType>
     *                       </element>
     *                     </sequence>
     *                   </restriction>
     *                 </complexContent>
     *               </complexType>
     *             </element>
     *           </sequence>
     *         </choice>
     *       </sequence>
     *     </restriction>
     *   </complexContent>
     * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "xmlContent", "xmlProfileID", "fileName", "mimeType", "resultingMIMEType", "signatureXPath", "signatureStylesheet", "previewStylesheet" }) public static class XMLDocument { @XmlElement(name = "XMLContent", required = true) protected DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.XMLContent xmlContent; @XmlElement(name = "XMLProfileID") protected Object xmlProfileID; @XmlElement(name = "FileName") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) @XmlSchemaType(name = "token") protected String fileName; @XmlElement(name = "MIMEType") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) @XmlSchemaType(name = "token") protected String mimeType; @XmlElement(name = "ResultingMIMEType") @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) @XmlSchemaType(name = "token") protected String resultingMIMEType; @XmlElement(name = "SignatureXPath") protected DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureXPath signatureXPath; @XmlElement(name = "SignatureStylesheet") protected DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureStylesheet signatureStylesheet; @XmlElement(name = "PreviewStylesheet") protected DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.PreviewStylesheet previewStylesheet; /** * Gets the value of the xmlContent property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.XMLContent } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.XMLContent getXMLContent() { return xmlContent; } /** * Sets the value of the xmlContent property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.XMLContent } * */ public void setXMLContent(DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.XMLContent value) { this.xmlContent = value; } /** * Gets the value of the xmlProfileID property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Object } * */ public Object getXMLProfileID() { return xmlProfileID; } /** * Sets the value of the xmlProfileID property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Object } * */ public void setXMLProfileID(Object value) { this.xmlProfileID = value; } /** * Gets the value of the fileName property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getFileName() { return fileName; } /** * Sets the value of the fileName property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setFileName(String value) { this.fileName = value; } /** * Gets the value of the mimeType property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getMIMEType() { return mimeType; } /** * Sets the value of the mimeType property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setMIMEType(String value) { this.mimeType = value; } /** * Gets the value of the resultingMIMEType property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getResultingMIMEType() { return resultingMIMEType; } /** * Sets the value of the resultingMIMEType property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setResultingMIMEType(String value) { this.resultingMIMEType = value; } /** * Gets the value of the signatureXPath property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureXPath } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureXPath getSignatureXPath() { return signatureXPath; } /** * Sets the value of the signatureXPath property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureXPath } * */ public void setSignatureXPath(DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureXPath value) { this.signatureXPath = value; } /** * Gets the value of the signatureStylesheet property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureStylesheet } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureStylesheet getSignatureStylesheet() { return signatureStylesheet; } /** * Sets the value of the signatureStylesheet property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureStylesheet } * */ public void setSignatureStylesheet(DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureStylesheet value) { this.signatureStylesheet = value; } /** * Gets the value of the previewStylesheet property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.PreviewStylesheet } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.PreviewStylesheet getPreviewStylesheet() { return previewStylesheet; } /** * Sets the value of the previewStylesheet property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.PreviewStylesheet } * */ public void setPreviewStylesheet(DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.PreviewStylesheet value) { this.previewStylesheet = value; } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

         * <complexType>
         *   <complexContent>
         *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
         *       <sequence>
         *         <element name="FileName" type="{}token"/>
         *         <element name="XMLContent">
         *           <complexType>
         *             <complexContent>
         *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
         *                 <sequence>
         *                   <any processContents='lax'/>
         *                 </sequence>
         *               </restriction>
         *             </complexContent>
         *           </complexType>
         *         </element>
         *       </sequence>
         *     </restriction>
         *   </complexContent>
         * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "fileName", "xmlContent" }) public static class PreviewStylesheet { @XmlElement(name = "FileName", required = true) @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class) @XmlSchemaType(name = "token") protected String fileName; @XmlElement(name = "XMLContent", required = true) protected DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.PreviewStylesheet.XMLContent xmlContent; /** * Gets the value of the fileName property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getFileName() { return fileName; } /** * Sets the value of the fileName property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setFileName(String value) { this.fileName = value; } /** * Gets the value of the xmlContent property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.PreviewStylesheet.XMLContent } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.PreviewStylesheet.XMLContent getXMLContent() { return xmlContent; } /** * Sets the value of the xmlContent property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.PreviewStylesheet.XMLContent } * */ public void setXMLContent(DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.PreviewStylesheet.XMLContent value) { this.xmlContent = value; } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

             * <complexType>
             *   <complexContent>
             *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
             *       <sequence>
             *         <any processContents='lax'/>
             *       </sequence>
             *     </restriction>
             *   </complexContent>
             * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "any" }) public static class XMLContent { @XmlAnyElement(lax = true) protected Object any; /** * Gets the value of the any property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Element } * {@link Object } * */ public Object getAny() { return any; } /** * Sets the value of the any property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Element } * {@link Object } * */ public void setAny(Object value) { this.any = value; } } } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

         * <complexType>
         *   <complexContent>
         *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
         *       <sequence>
         *         <element name="XMLContent">
         *           <complexType>
         *             <complexContent>
         *               <restriction base="{}anyType">
         *                 <sequence>
         *                   <any processContents='lax'/>
         *                 </sequence>
         *               </restriction>
         *             </complexContent>
         *           </complexType>
         *         </element>
         *       </sequence>
         *     </restriction>
         *   </complexContent>
         * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "xmlContent" }) public static class SignatureStylesheet { @XmlElement(name = "XMLContent", required = true) protected DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureStylesheet.XMLContent xmlContent; /** * Gets the value of the xmlContent property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureStylesheet.XMLContent } * */ public DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureStylesheet.XMLContent getXMLContent() { return xmlContent; } /** * Sets the value of the xmlContent property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureStylesheet.XMLContent } * */ public void setXMLContent(DeliveryRequestType.XMLDocument.SignatureStylesheet.XMLContent value) { this.xmlContent = value; } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

             * <complexType>
             *   <complexContent>
             *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
             *       <sequence>
             *         <any processContents='lax'/>
             *       </sequence>
             *     </restriction>
             *   </complexContent>
             * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "any" }) public static class XMLContent { @XmlAnyElement(lax = true) protected Object any; /** * Gets the value of the any property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Element } * {@link Object } * */ public Object getAny() { return any; } /** * Sets the value of the any property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Element } * {@link Object } * */ public void setAny(Object value) { this.any = value; } } } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

         * <complexType>
         *   <simpleContent>
         *     <extension base="<>string">
         *       <attribute name="Index" use="required" type="{}integer" />
         *     </extension>
         *   </simpleContent>
         * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "value" }) public static class SignatureXPath { @XmlValue protected String value; @XmlAttribute(name = "Index", required = true) protected BigInteger index; /** * Gets the value of the value property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link String } * */ public String getValue() { return value; } /** * Sets the value of the value property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link String } * */ public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; } /** * Gets the value of the index property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link BigInteger } * */ public BigInteger getIndex() { return index; } /** * Sets the value of the index property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link BigInteger } * */ public void setIndex(BigInteger value) { this.index = value; } } /** *

Java class for anonymous complex type. * *

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class. * *

         * <complexType>
         *   <complexContent>
         *     <restriction base="{}anyType">
         *       <sequence>
         *         <any processContents='lax'/>
         *       </sequence>
         *     </restriction>
         *   </complexContent>
         * </complexType>
* * */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = { "any" }) public static class XMLContent { @XmlAnyElement(lax = true) protected Object any; /** * Gets the value of the any property. * * @return * possible object is * {@link Element } * {@link Object } * */ public Object getAny() { return any; } /** * Sets the value of the any property. * * @param value * allowed object is * {@link Element } * {@link Object } * */ public void setAny(Object value) { this.any = value; } } } }