package at.gv.util.client.ur; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Resource; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import at.gv.util.xsd.ur.xmlsw.ResultCriteriaType; import at.gv.util.xsd.ur.xmlsw.ResultRecord; import at.gv.util.xsd.ur.xmlsw.SearchByExampleType; import at.gv.util.xsd.ur.xmlsw.SearchCriteriaType; import at.gv.util.xsd.ur.xmlsw.SearchResponseType; import at.gv.util.DOMUtils; import at.gv.util.LaxHostNameVerifier; import at.gv.util.LoggingHandler; import at.gv.util.MiscUtil; import at.gv.util.client.szr.SZRSOAPHandler; import at.gv.util.config.EgovUtilConfiguration; import at.gv.util.ex.EgovUtilException; import at.gv.util.wsdl.ur.URSuche; import at.gv.util.wsdl.ur.URSucheService; import at.gv.util.xsd.szr.pvp.PvpTokenType; import at.gv.util.xsd.ur.pd.IdentificationType; import at.gv.util.xsd.ur.pd.NichtNatuerlichePersonTyp; import at.gv.util.xsd.ur.pd.PersonenDatenTyp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class URClient { @Resource WebServiceContext wsContext; private EgovUtilConfiguration config = null; private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(URClient.class); private boolean logEnabled = true; private boolean evbCheck = true; private URSuche urSuche = null; private final static String version = "V2.0"; private List allowedKeys = null; private final static String EVB = "einzelvertretungsbefugt"; public URClient(EgovUtilConfiguration config, List allowedKeys, boolean evbCheck, boolean logEnabled) throws EgovUtilException { MiscUtil.assertNotNull(config, "config"); this.config = config; this.allowedKeys = allowedKeys; this.logEnabled = logEnabled; this.evbCheck = evbCheck; initialize(); } public List searchByBpk(String vzbpk) throws URClientException { SucheUnternehmenNachBpkRequest request = new SucheUnternehmenNachBpkRequest(); ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory(); request.setVersion(version); request.setBpkWTUREncoded(vzbpk); List results = searchByExample(of.createSucheUnternehmenNachBpkRequest(request), -1); return getNichtNatuerlichePersonen(results); } public List searchByRegisterNumber(String number, String type, int maxResults) throws URClientException { SucheUnternehmenRequest request = new SucheUnternehmenRequest(); ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory(); request.setVersion(version); SucheUnternehmensdaten sud = new SucheUnternehmensdaten(); sud.setId(number); sud.setIdArt(type); request.setUnternehmensdaten(sud); List results = searchByExample(of.createSucheUnternehmenRequest(request), maxResults); return getNichtNatuerlichePersonen(results); } public List searchByName(String name, String plz, int maxResults) throws URClientException { SucheUnternehmenRequest request = new SucheUnternehmenRequest(); ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory(); request.setVersion(version); SucheUnternehmensdaten sud = new SucheUnternehmensdaten(); sud.setUntName(name); if (MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(plz)) { sud.setPlz(plz); } request.setUnternehmensdaten(sud); List results = searchByExample(of.createSucheUnternehmenRequest(request), maxResults); return getNichtNatuerlichePersonen(results); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List getNichtNatuerlichePersonen(List records) throws URClientException { if (records == null || records.size() == 0) { return new ArrayList(); } List kurs = new ArrayList(); for (ResultRecord rr : records) { PersonenDatenTyp pdt = ((JAXBElement) rr.getAny().get(0)).getValue(); NichtNatuerlichePersonTyp nnpt = ((JAXBElement) pdt.getPerson()).getValue(); for (IdentificationType idt : nnpt.getIdentification()) { if ("KUR".equals(idt.getType())) { // check evb if (this.evbCheck) { if (isEVB(pdt)) { kurs.add(idt.getValue().getValue()); log.debug("EVB found for " + nnpt.getVollerName()); } else { log.debug("Not EVB for " + nnpt.getVollerName()); } } else { kurs.add(idt.getValue().getValue()); } } } } return getNichtNatuerlichePerson(kurs); } // check if person is einzelvertretungsbefugt public static boolean isEVB(PersonenDatenTyp pdt) { boolean isEVB = false; for (Object content : pdt.getZusatzdaten().getContent()) { if (content instanceof JAXBElement) { JAXBElement jxb = (JAXBElement) content; if (jxb.getDeclaredType().equals(PersonenDatenTyp.class)) { PersonenDatenTyp pd = (PersonenDatenTyp) jxb.getValue(); if (pd.getZusatzdaten() != null) { for (Object c2 : pd.getZusatzdaten().getContent()) { if (c2 instanceof Element) { Element fktElement = (Element) c2; if ("Funktion".equals(fktElement.getLocalName())) { NodeList nl = fktElement.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "Vertretungsbefugnis"); if (nl.getLength() > 0) { String vbt = DOMUtils.getText(nl.item(0)); if (EVB.equals(vbt)) { return true; } } } } else if (c2 instanceof JAXBElement) { JAXBElement jxb2= (JAXBElement) c2; if (jxb2.getDeclaredType().equals(Funktion.class)) { Funktion fkt = (Funktion) jxb2.getValue(); if (EVB.equals(fkt.getVertretungsbefugnis())) { return true; } } } } } } } } return false; } // get list of legal persons @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List getNichtNatuerlichePerson(List ids) throws URClientException { SucheUnternehmenNachIdsRequest request = new SucheUnternehmenNachIdsRequest(); ObjectFactory of = new ObjectFactory(); request.getKur().addAll(ids); List results = searchByExample(of.createSucheUnternehmenNachIdsRequest(request), -1); if (results.size() == 0) { return new ArrayList(); } List result = new ArrayList(); for (ResultRecord rr : results) { PersonenDatenTyp pdt = ((JAXBElement)rr.getAny().get(0)).getValue(); NichtNatuerlichePersonTyp nnpt = ((JAXBElement) pdt.getPerson()).getValue(); // check if we have to filter out if (this.allowedKeys == null || this.allowedKeys.size() == 0) { result.add(nnpt); } else { boolean hasKey = false; for (IdentificationType idt : nnpt.getIdentification()) { if (this.allowedKeys.contains(idt.getType())) { hasKey = true; } } if (hasKey) { result.add(nnpt); } } } return result; } // search by example public List searchByExample(Object request, int maxResults) throws URClientException { SearchByExampleType body = new SearchByExampleType(); body.setSearchRequestId(createURSearchId()); ResultCriteriaType rc = new ResultCriteriaType(); // set only value of max results if > 0 if (maxResults > 0) { rc.setMaxRecords(BigInteger.valueOf(maxResults)); } body.setResultCriteria(rc); SearchCriteriaType sct = new SearchCriteriaType(); sct.getAny().add(request); body.setSearchCriteria(sct); SearchResponseType srt = this.urSuche.searchByExample(body); // check number of records found // int numFound = 0; // if (srt.getResultInfo() != null) { // numFound = srt.getResultInfo().getReturnedRecords().intValue(); // } // check whether we have an error message if (srt.getMessage() != null) { if (srt.getMessage().getCode().intValue() != 2040) { // 2040 = no records found throw new URClientException(srt.getMessage().getReason().get(0), srt.getMessage().getCode().intValue()); } } if (srt.getResultRecords() == null || srt.getResultRecords().getResultRecord() == null) { return new ArrayList(); } return srt.getResultRecords().getResultRecord(); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private void initialize() throws EgovUtilException { URL url = URClient.class.getResource("/wsdl/ur/URSucheService.wsdl"); URSucheService urService = null; String urURL = null; urService = new URSucheService(url, new QName("urn:at:statistik:udb:ws", "URSucheService")); urSuche = urService.getURSucheService(); if (config.isURTestEnvironment()) { log.trace("Initializing UR test configuration."); urURL = config.getURTestEnvironmentURL(); } else { log.trace("Initializing UR productive configuration."); urURL = config.getURProductionEnvironmentURL(); } log.trace("UR connection URL: " + urURL); BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider) urSuche; Map requestContext = bindingProvider.getRequestContext(); requestContext.put( BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, urURL); log.trace("Adding JAX-WS request/response trace handler."); List handlerList = bindingProvider.getBinding().getHandlerChain(); if (handlerList == null) { handlerList = new ArrayList(); } LoggingHandler loggingHandler = new LoggingHandler(); if (this.logEnabled) { handlerList.add(loggingHandler); } log.trace("Adding WS-Security Header handler."); PvpTokenType pvpToken = config.getURPVPToken(); SZRSOAPHandler szrSOAPHandler = new SZRSOAPHandler(); szrSOAPHandler.configure(pvpToken); handlerList.add(szrSOAPHandler); bindingProvider.getBinding().setHandlerChain(handlerList); // check for ssl if (urURL.toLowerCase().startsWith("https")) { log.trace("Using ssl for SZR client request."); SSLContext sslContext = this.config.getURsslConfiguration().getSSLContext(false); if (sslContext == null) { throw new EgovUtilException("SSL context from configuration is empty. Please configure an SSL context in the configuration first."); } requestContext.put(JAXWSProperties.SSL_SOCKET_FACTORY, sslContext.getSocketFactory()); // check for lax hostname if (this.config.getURsslConfiguration().useLaxHostNameVerifier()) { log.trace("LaxHostnameVerifier enabled. This setting is not recommended to use."); requestContext.put(JAXWSProperties.HOSTNAME_VERIFIER, new LaxHostNameVerifier()); } } } private String createURSearchId() { return RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(8) + "-" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(4) + "-" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(4) + "-" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(12); } }